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Converting True Dragons



Telekinetic Control (Su): Once every 1d4+1 rounds, an air dragon can use one of the following telekinetic abilities: telekinetic force, telekinetic maneuver, or telekinetic thrust. Save DCs equal its breath weapon save DC.

Telekinetic Force: As the power, except that the dragon can move an object weighing up to 1,000 pounds times its Hit Dice. Each time it gains this template, this amount improves by 2,000 pounds.

Telekinetic Maneuver: As the power, except that the dragon can also hurl a Large or smaller creature against another object. The impact deals 20d6 points of damage to a Large creature, 15d6 to a Medium one, 10d6 to a Small one, 5d6 to a Tiny one, or 1d6 to a Diminutive or Fine creature. Each time it gains this template, damage increases by +2.

Telekinetic Thrust: As the power, except that the dragon can move creatures or objects with a total weight of up to 1,000 pounds times its Hit Dice. Each time it gains this template, this amount improves by 2,000 pounds.

Don't see anything wrong with the above.

Looks like we need to fill in the Rejuvenation entry. Did we ever work out how we wanted that to go?

I'd base it on a Lich's, except it uses its body instead of a Phylactery.

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Extradimensional Explorer
At this point the dragon can choose to allow the body to die, or it can keep it alive by sheer mental strength. There are advantages to both. If the Air Dragon chooses to keep the body alive, his Air Dragon form cannot be completely destroyed. No matter how much damage it may take, it can still reform elsewhere within 1d4 turns. However, the Air Dragon body can never get farther that 15,000 miles from its living real-body husk. As long as the body is not slain, the dragon lives forever.

If the Air Dragon chooses to allow the physical body to die, the dragon has no limitations in where they can choose to go. These Coliar Air Dragons have been seen on other planets and even in other crystal spheres. They do, however run the risk of dying should their air dragon body be destroyed.

I can see basing it on a lich as suggested, but it seems like it should come with a range limitation as well as being optional.


Extradimensional Explorer
Ok, how about this?


When becoming an air dragon, a great wyrm dragon may choose to allow its body to die or remain living
in a form of stasis. If the dragon's physical body dies, the air dragon functions as described above with no additional limitations or abilities.

On the other hand, if the air dragon allows its body to live as a husk, the air dragon form cannot be destroyed but is restricted in its movements to some degree. An air dragon reduced to 0 hp is destroyed temporarily but reappears within 1d4 hours after its apparent death at any point where the air dragon can travel. On the other hand, the air dragon cannot travel more than 15,000 miles from its body or travel to any other plane of existence. Any attempt to force the air dragon out of this range fails; its incorporeal form simply reappears at the point where it would have left the allowed range (or home plane)

Need to have something about destroying the body here.


Ok, how about this?


When becoming an air dragon, a great wyrm dragon may choose to allow its body to die or remain living in a form of stasis. If the dragon's physical body dies, the air dragon functions as described above with no additional limitations or abilities.

On the other hand, if the air dragon allows its body to live as a husk, the air dragon form cannot be destroyed but is restricted in its movements to some degree. An air dragon reduced to 0 hp is destroyed temporarily but reappears within 1d4 hours after its apparent death at any point where the air dragon can travel. On the other hand, the air dragon cannot travel more than 15,000 miles from its body or travel to any other plane of existence. Any attempt to force the air dragon out of this range fails; its incorporeal form simply reappears at the point where it would have left the allowed range (or home plane)

Need to have something about destroying the body here.

I'd like to rephrase it a bit, but the basic wording's good.

Wouldn't it make sense if it reforms at the location of its husk, like a Lich does at its phylactery?

How's this...

The Air Dragon's Body
When it becomes an air dragon the great wyrm's spirit separates from its physical body. The dragon must choose whether to keep its body alive by sheer mental strength or discard its physical body.

If the air dragon discards its body, its physical body dies and the air dragon functions as described above with no additional limitations or abilities.

If the air dragon chose to keep its body alive, its physical body becomes a living husk in a state of suspended animation. The air dragon cannot be permanently killed so long as this husk exists, if reduced to 0 hp the air dragon is destroyed but reappears within 1d4 hours from its husk. An air dragon cannot travel more than 15,000 miles from its husk or travel to any other plane of existence. Any attempt to force the air dragon out of this range fails; its incorporeal form simply reappears at the point where it would have left the allowed range (or home plane).

The husk has hit points and spell resistance equal to the air dragon, it has the same natural armour bonus and damage reduction that the air dragon had when it was still a great wyrm. The husk has no Dexterity score.


Extradimensional Explorer
I like it, too, but have two points. One, maybe we should say that the husk is an object or specify Dex 0 (-5 AC penalty) vs no Dex score (zero penalty) . And can we adjust the grammar slightly?

"The air dragon cannot be permanently killed so long as this husk exists; if reduced to 0 hp the air dragon is destroyed but reappears within 1d4 hours from its husk."

"The husk has hit points and spell resistance equal to the air dragon and the same natural armour bonus and damage reduction that the air dragon had when it was still a great wyrm."


Monster Junkie
I'll adjust the grammar. I actually prefer no Dex to 0 Dex, if for no other reason than to avoid adding the penalty.

Voidrunner's Codex

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