Cool battle map/terrain set-ups

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
On Gary Gygax Day, July 27th, the anniversary of his father's birthday, Ernie ran some of us through an adventure he's been working on for likely later publication. He had a ton of Dwarven Forge sets that Stefan Pokorny sent over in time for the occasion. He also had a great many Ral Partha minis that were simply inked and we used painted minis just for the PCs.

EN World: RPG News & Reviews - Mark CMG's Album: Gary Gygax Day July 27, 2102



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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Sorry I was unclear. I meant the actual base the mini was attached to. I'm curious because I backed the Reaper KS and am wondering what to use to base the Gargantuan and Colossal ( 6x6 square, 6in diameter, or larger) minis on.

Ah, I think I see. That blueish dragony thing is part of a lamp (you can see the chord with the switch going to it) that was on the table for lighting. But, any craft store should have a good selection of bases you can use though they'll be fresh and unpainted when you buy them. If you don't want to carry the particular mini around with you or rely solely on measurements, make a footprint template by tracing it on a piece of paper or cardstock and cut it out to take along. Sometimes a base can seem large enough but once the figure is on the base you wish there was a bit more real estate around it.


Cute but dangerous
Husband is currently building a lego set for an epic battle to come up, but no pics until it's all done ;)


Specifically this was a lighthouse we investigated, but depending on how creative the DM is feeling we sometimes get Dwarven Forge or map tiles, or other stuff.


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