Cool battle map/terrain set-ups


Check out this guy over at Goodman Games' forums-

Goodman Games • View topic - Isle of the Sea Drake 3D play photos...

He has a few threads there, I think, yep, try here also-


Cheers PDR

That's me. I'm still posting stuff with 3D paper terrain. Here are the links to all the adventures:

The play history of the group (starting from Level 1, D&D4e) is captured in forums and blog posts throughout the known world:

  • The Sellswords of Punjar – Though the play-by-play is not recorded here, there are many build pictures of Cutpurse Alley, where all the action took place starting at 1st level.
  • The Scepter Tower of Spellgard – Only the first few sessions have summary play notes, but you can see the paper terrain builds in detail. This took them through 4th level and sees the exit of Cleora the party Artificer.
  • Prey for Smiley Bob – A one-shot to introduce two new characters – a fire elementalist and an illusionist.
  • The Scions of Punjar – A detailed play-by-play of a great murder mystery taking the party up to 6th level… [I added an epic conflict at the end, again.] This time, Tobin abandons the party to pursue his blood-quest. If you like paper terrain, by sure to check out this thread. Party reaches level 6.
  • The Orcs of Stonefang Pass – The most recently completed adventure follows our heroes through the Ironwall mountains on the way to Gardmore Abbey, chasing cards from the Deck of Many Things. They leave the mountains at level 8.
  • Madness at Gardmore Abbey – Just getting underway, watch for updates on the adventure log

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Humble efforts...



THe map is from the _Keep on the Shadowfell_ adventure that I incorporated into my world to teach my friends 4e. It is a level 1-4 adventure.

The statues, blood, and gaping portal to another plane does make it look high level though doesn't it, never looked at it that way. Cool.

The large stone "demon" is a place holder for the statue of Orcus that is supposed to be in the adventure. My friend picked it up when he was in Europe as a door stop. (We are all in the military, we find cool stuff everywhere)

The adventure itself can be a little bland, but if you customize it for your world (I changed deities, power groups, and background) and tinker with the encounters, it can be a good time for all. We had a blast.

(Until they came out of the keep into a sudden snowstorm to find the combined armies of Pelor, Bahamut, and Takhisis poised to level the place due to the "danger".

Voidrunner's Codex

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