• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Added a few more things to the AOH expansion. Hope you like them.

And although I haven't heard (for not) anything more from my normal helpers, I'd appreciate any comments (ideas, help, *anything*).

Come on, any takers?

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Morgan Keyes

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marcoasalazarm said:
Added a few more things to the AOH expansion. Hope you like them.

And although I haven't heard (for not) anything more from my normal helpers, I'd appreciate any comments (ideas, help, *anything*).

Come on, any takers?

Well, since you threw it out there...

-Heavy Assault Garbage Truck: 1) Consider dropping the Hardness. If we are keeping with D20 Modern as a baseline then a Hardness 15 places it on the level of an M2 Bradley. Given the material is likely less then mil-spec armor-grade, and it being an add-on kludge then maybe the Hardness only being what one would see on an M113 or VAB. Thus maybe Hardness between 8-12 (lower range to account for gaps/weak points on a garage-build). 2) Maybe list the weapon mounts as general-purpose pintel mounts. Why the suggestion? Well, heavy machineguns may be hard to come by, and ammo moreso. Thus they can be used for some other weapon that may be easier to acquire ammo for, like an RPK, RPD, PKM, or other light to medium machinegun that's able to feed rounds used by common assault rifles found in urban gangs and/or militias. This also lets the embarked squad dismount those SAWs or General Purpose Machineguns (GPMGs) when they deploy from the transport.

-V-series Commando: 1) If you are trying to model the smoke grenade launchers, do not list them like an M79. These are fixed on the hull and cannot be aimed beyond orienting the vehicle. These should fire out to a fixed distance. Also, such grenades are in the ~65mm range and thus larger then the 40mm's used by an M79 or M203. To borrow from D20 Military Vehicles, you would get 3 'shots' (figure one pattern firing 2 grenades per launcher cluster) firing out to 50'/20m and at 1.5 to 2 times the radius of a 40mm launcher grenade and across a strafeing-type row of squares. 2) Other vehicles to consider for the AOH (since the Commandos really didn't get out to the Reserves or Guard; mainly SWAT-versions or the M1117 Armored Security Vehicles used by Military Police (and thus not APC's)) would be BTR-70/80's, Vickers Simbas, French VABs, and other light wheeled armor that are available on the international market and could potentially be picked up by a 'security firm' (which is another way to explain the AOH getting vehicles of the V-100/150/300 series).

As an aside, this brings to mind a modification I've seen by Special Forces to some LMTVs (the replacement for the old M35 2 1/2 ton truck, aka "The Deuce and a Half"). Sometimes called the Ground Resupply Vehicle, but more commonly known as the "War Pig", these LMTVs are modified to act as "motherships" for GMVs (HMMWVs modified for SOF use) carrying fuel and water cans, spare tires and ammo, a crane for this about, and modified trailer to increase capacity. The War Pig also has several swing arm mounts forward and a pintel on the rear deck able to accept .50 cal or Mk. 19 (or Mk. 47). The first War Pigs were converted by backyard mechanics, wood, PVC, and fittings from Home Depot. Now some improved versions are being examined and purpose built.
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Thanks for the data, Morgan, and I'll get around to modify them later (and stat a wanna-be 'War Pig').

For now, here's a new faction I thought up...


Coming out of the ‘Eureka Seven’ universes, this group believes in two things: 1) their appearance in this world is (in some way) the Coralians’ fault, and 2) this planet is a raw resource for tools to fight them. Led by Dewey Novak, they are quickly carving a path as a truly ruthless faction (although it’s being overshadowed by people like the Knights).

Agenda: Locate and secure weaponry to continue their war with the Coralians and a means to return to their home universe-by any means necessary.
Structure: Military organization.
Symbol: The seal of the U.F. Special Forces Groups-a sort of ‘not’ sign with a black background.
Most Common Allegiances: United Federation, Dewey Novak.
Requisition Limit: 30 (Military).


When they first appeared on Coreline deep inside the Australian Outback, the 25th Special Forces Group just couldn’t believe what they could see: a version of Earth that hadn’t been covered by the Scab Coral, and has been filled with several other kinds of intelligent life. Most of them saw it as a miracle, or proof that there was something better out there.
Dewey Novak saw it as something else. Quickly regaining power among the (at the time almost rioting) crews, Novak convinced them of their ‘duty’ as United Federation troops: to secure a means to return home. This first one was easy.
Then right after that was achieved, he told them of their SECOND ‘duty’: now that they were in this version of Earth that had not been ‘invaded’, they would acquire means to fight the Coralians-means that no-one on their planet had seen before.

And so, they did. Research installations and towns deep inside the Outback reported being attacked by ‘bright-blue, transforming mechas’ in the following weeks, hit-and-runs and mass kidnappings masterfully orchestrated by Novak and his most loyal followers. It seemed like the sky would be the limit.

But then, there were a large amount of troubles. Not soon after arriving, they found out that Coreline had nothing resembling the Transparent Light Particles that most of their flight systems (especially the KLFs’) depended on. Anemone disappeared, and soon after, the TypeTHE END was stolen by Dominic. They became targets of both the Knights of the True Timeline and the Avengers of Humanity, who ambushed several raid teams. He’s been denounced on several international news media, starting (ironically) with ray=out magazine.

But even then, Dewey Novak doesn’t sees this as a sign to desist. He sees it as a sign that he must adapt to the situation.

And he will. And then, everyone who tries to get in his way-in this world and the next-will be stomped flat.


The 25th Special Forces Group is a military organization, with Dewey Novak serving as Commander in Chief and the heads of the group’s arms (Fighting, Research and Development, Intelligence Gathering) reporting directly to him. The appointed heads of the Fighting and Intelligence arms (Anemone and Dominic Sorrel) have ‘renounced’ (actually, one disappeared without a trace and the other went AWOL), leaving Dewey to replace them with slightly less competent replacements (well, in Intelligence’s side. Fighting’s better off without Anemone running it, the soldiers say).
Research and Development is (admittedly) the most ruthless arm of them all, run by Dewey’s protégés, the AGEHA team (or as the soldiers have started to call them, ‘the Midwich Cuckoos’). Their assignment is to analyze the resources (gear, Fictions) captured by the other two arms and then try to mass-replicate them for use in their own Earth. Needless to say, most of these analyzes are nightmarish in nature, but enjoyed by the Cuckoos wholeheartedly.


Most of the 25th Special Forces Group is still based in the carrier ships that brought them to Coreline (and which, strangely, have become undetectable to radar). This and the fact that they are constantly moving have made the 25th hard to pinpoint.
Additionally, the 25th has managed to secure a couple of Redoubts in the Outback, which has provided them with a large number of ‘local’ vehicles and weaponry. These bases are used mostly as ‘safehouses’ and staging bases for scouting missions.


All things considered, the 25th Special Forces Group is pretty underfunded for the task that Dewey has set for it, making most of their members take an ‘Acquire On-Site’ policy in everything concerning gear.
Even though the lack of TraPar has made its total effectiveness slightly impaired, the 25th Special Forces’ main unit is still the Kraft Light Fighter, which has proven quite adept in ground warfare (and has made more than one soldier take impromptu ‘defensive driving’ courses). Currently complementing the KLFs and their variants, the 25th Special Forces Group has (limited) access to other military vehicles such as Hummers and Abrams tanks (the latter of which is actually used little because of the small number of personnel who know how to use them). The 25th has is also constantly trying to obtain more mecha to complement their (steadily decreasing) number of KLFs.


The PCs could easily fit into the common ‘wrong place, wrong time’ or ‘here for a reason, but don’t know WHAT’ molds of action movies as easily as being part of a group out to end the 25th’s threat, investigators arriving in the wake of a raid, or simply ‘concerned citizens’.
On the other side, PCs coming from the 25th could easily be Intelligence infiltrators or AWOL soldiers.


The typical sci-fi ‘military gone wrong’, they exist to make the PCs uneasy. They are -like all other militaries- just doing their sworn job, but having a sociopath like Dewey at the helm isn’t helping them any. A good deal of the soldiers just want to return home to protect their families, but their leaders are every bit as fanatical as they are loyal to Dewey (and the argument of going back packing a fighting chance is, unfortunately, very tempting).
Gamemasters could use the 25th as a ‘radical group’, relentlessly pursuing the PCs (or someone close) for something they have (maybe a piece of Fiction equipment that (theoretically) could take the fight to the Coralians, or even themselves (if they are from a rare Fiction species)). As well, the PCs could be involved into the philosophical discussion of the 25th’s ‘whatever it takes’ approach to fighting the Coralians (and if they meet a Humanoid Coralian, maybe their first impulse will be to question why they even want to fight them)
On the side of the 25th, it's an interesting concept... pretty much 'reimagined BSG'-ish.


First Post
My first conversion attempt, wouldn't mind some feedback. Uses mostly PL 6 tech from the D20 Future book, with the occasional PL 7.
** = listed in the "Weapons of Mecha Destruction" article.
*** = listed in the "Weapons of Mecha Destruction II" article.
I'm basing this mostly, on the Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1 version of the unit.

Name: Gespenst MK III (or Alt Eisen, but don't let Dr Marion Radom hear you say it)

Size: Huge (-2 size mod)
Superstructure: Vanadium
Armor: Neo Vulcanium
Armor Penalty: –10.
Strength Bonus: +16.
Speed: 35 ft. (40-5)
Hit Points: 200.
Hardness: 20.
Bonus to Defense: +10.
Reach: 10 ft.
Dexterity Penalty: —.
Hide penalty: -8
Base Purchase DC: 48?.(44 base, +4 from Vanadium armor)

Standard Equipment Package:
Armor Defeating Weapon Systems***(no slots)
Class II Sensor System (Visor)
Cockpit (Back and Torso)
Comm. System (no slots)
Life Support System (Belt)

Weapons package:
"Autocannon" (Left Arm)
"Claymore" (Shoulders)
"Heat Horn" (Helmet)
"Revolver Stake (Right Arm)

Weapon Stats:
"Autocannon", based on the M-9 Barrage Chaingun stats. 5d6 Balistic.
"Claymore", based on the M-55 Crud Rocket Launcher, only with a Cone effect. 10d6 Piercing, Reflex DC 17.
"Heat Horn", based on the XM-3 Sabertooth Fangs***, 3d8+2 Slashing 19+, PDC 25?
"Revolver Stake", based on the PS-25 Tiger Claws, 8d8 Piercing 19+, PDC 20?

Description wise, the M-55 fits the Claymore attack best, though the blast radius and Slashing damage didn't. I figured a Cone would be more fitting(based on the attack's performance in the OVA set), and the weapon looked as it would leave large holes(piercing) instead of strips of damage(slashing)
Likewise for the "Revolver Stake", the Tiger Claws list Slashing as their type, though Piercing is DEFINATELY the right type for this attack.

Now, I just have to figure out how to stat the "Trump Card" attack.

Any feedback would be useful. Would need some help figuring out the exact Purchase DCs and such.

Storyline wise, you could consider this one of Dr Marion Radom's "test" models for the Mjolnir's replacement.
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Don't have the 'Weapons of Mecha Destruction' articles and I've always have had trouble doing Purchase DCs for Mecha, but aside from that, the mecha sounds quite good, actually. I would need a little more research on that one mecha, actually, to be able to give you an opinion about the attacks, but I trust your judgment.

'Super Robot Taisen'... hmmmm... you mean this?


I've managed to see one of the series, which included this series called 'RahXephon' (looked it out, it's by the guys who made 'Eureka Seven'. Cool opening, too).

And my friends want me to add the damn thing.

I was thinking of making it as an Urban Pacification Mecha (purely equipped with a sword, a Bulwark Shield and a sonic blaster).
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First Post
Close, but not quite what I ment.

You see, while MOST of the Super Robot Taisen game series do feature mecha from numerous anime mecha series, the "Original Generation" subseries takes a different approach.

These contain ONLY the "original" characters and mecha created by Banpresto when they made other SRT games, and as such don't have the licensing issues the other games had.(which is why the 2 OG games are the only English releases sofar)

The Alt Eisen for example, first appeared in one of the Wonderswan releases. In Original Generation 1 it was included as part of the ATX team.

I managed to find two nice pictures for Alt Eisen, one is drawn art, the other is snapshots of a model kit.


Model Kit:

I went with Large size instead of Huge as these "Personal Troopers"(or "Real Robot") types were not the largest units in these games (they have the Medium size class), Grungust and such were the L class, and the "Super Robot" grade.

I can help with the Alt Eisen research/those articles, though I can't contact you via PM for some reason. Mind contacting me on either ICQ, AIM, MSN or Yahoo Messengers?
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New Mecha Flight System:


The Reffing Board (Mecha) is (visually) nothing more than a super-sized surfing board, but in reality it utilizes a variety of sequenced miniature directional thrusters, independent anti-gravity generators, the mecha's own (pilot-managed) weight distribution and (in its home universe) TraPar reflecting surfaces to grant the mecha with a flight maneuverability that surpasses almost anything else in the sky.
Although the Reffing Board (Mecha) is all but standard-issue to mecha designs in the 'Eureka Seven' universes, it's still a brand-new design in Coreline, and as such, seeing limited (but quickly expanding) use.

This system grants the mecha a Fly speed of 200 (Average).

Equipment Slots: 1, must be boots or legs. (Actually, and this is a homerule I was thinking of, it can be installed in Boots and 'share' the slot with any other system, but the other system cannot be used if the Reffing Board is in use-kind of like an equipped item. As an equipped item, as well, the Reffing Board can be shot out from under the mecha without damaging it).
Activation: None.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Persistent.
Saving Throw: None.
Purchase DC: 15 + one-quarter the mecha's Purchase DC.
Restriction: None.

On the 'good news' section, I just got word from Amazon.com that they would send out (long since requested) copies of D20 Future Tech, Cyberscape and the Starship Troopers RPG.

Now there's nothing but the wait.


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Ok, I'm sorry I haven't been around. Have some ammo as an appology. I got this from the HAB on StarDestroyer.net.

Bull:):):):):) Defeat munitions:
+8 to buy DC
-1d4 damage
Special effect: The mere act of Loading the BDM into a weapon causes the laws of physics to assert themselves with a vengance. Almost all Fictions discover too late that their weapons and armor and prehaps even elements of their biology disobey things like the inverse square rule and the first law of themrodynamics. This causes damage to humanoids of huge size or larger, all Gargantuan or larger monsters, and finnaly causes all those damn mecha to blow up as their reactors and other systems blow up or shut down in a shower of sparks. 2d8 damage for each size category at or above the limit, and all soft science fiction tech is destroyed if anyone tries to use it or if it's powered up. Hard Sci-fi can escape the wrath of the BDM.

New Adventure Space Hulk
Setup: The outskirts of the Solar sytem are mostly empty. The suden appearance of a 20 km long spaceship covered in millions of years of ice and rock is a suprize to everyone involved. The ship is so big it's going to be impossible to secure it without millions of troops, and hundreds of thousands of techs. So in other words, the laws of grab everything that aren't nailed down are in effect.
Motivation: Greed is good. If the players are interested in raiding anchient armories, stocking up on body armor, or just grabbing everything they can take, this would be a good place to start. Saddly, dozens of other factions have the exact same idea. . .
Development: the Hulk is deserted in it's outer layers, but most of the good stuff is already under guard from the UNSC. They players have two options, either venture deep into the hull in search of an unlooted armory, or they can try and break through the still active security around the bridge and maybe sieze control of a ship with enough firepower to liquify the surface of the Earth.
However, both options are almost doomed to failure. The core of the ship has a Xenomorph/tyranid/ whatever space alien you can think of infestation. Players will find themselves pinned down if they keeep pressing forward, until they run out of ammo and are eaten. The Robots guarding the bridge stand 12 feet tall, have missile launchers, heavy energy weapons and point defense regenrating shields(DC 30 to identify them as SD-10s). Even worse, nobody can figure out what any of the controls say(DC 40 Decipher script, good luck)! Should the players find an armory or baracks, the white armor lying around should be more than sufficent to tip them off as to who built this thing (DC 12 to recognize Stormtrooper armor) However, once you get used to it, the built in full function HUD, DR5/-, and +7 defence the armor offers outweigh any other considerations like say getting a reputation as being a little short with princesses. SW blasters are functionally plasma weapons that produce a grenade like blast when they strike stone(frag) or metal(flash).
Resolution: Sombody's probably going to try overloading the reactor for some danm fool reason, and blow up Pluto in the process. Or at least, they would if it weren't for Charron Castle blcoking that part of the blast. This should be a lesson in the safe handling of Hyper-exotic-matter annihlation reactors.

Oh, and the Reefing master should get an ability at level 4 and 8 that let's him use his board for cover or armor. Like 1/4 coveragainst one foe at level 4, and half cover against foes in a cone out to inifinty at level 8.

Giving credit where credit is due, I borrowed Cyber-Dave’s Medium Mecha rules for this particular design (after all, if you’re going to design a beanpole that you can only see with a microscope...)


E.D.W.A.R.D. Mecha (Left) and conceptual design for its counterpart (tech name unknown, but it would have to fit A.L.P.H.O.N.S.E.)

Mishima Heavy Industries Experimental Deployment Weapon-Advanced Response Device (E.D.W.A.R.D.).

An experimental power armor, the ‘Ed’ was designed to provide operators with means to attack rapidly and up close and personal, with varying degrees of lethality. Its main military deployment method is as a ‘tunnel rat’ and anti-riot armor mecha. Currently, the Faction that uses the E.D.W.A.R.D. the most are the Resembool Rangers.

The E.D.W.A.R.D. installed with the standard equipment package (see below) has a Purchase DC of

Size: Medium (+0 Size).
Superstructure: Duralloy.
Armor: Duralloy.
Armor Penalty: -8.
Strength Bonus: +4.
Speed: 20 ft.
Bonus Hit Points: 50.
Hardness: 15.
Bonus to Defense: +8.
Fighting Space: 5 Ft. by 5 Ft.
Reach: 5 ft.
Dexterity Penalty: -.
Base Purchase DC: 36.

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot’s Cockpit (Helmet and Torso), PS-15 Panther Claws (Left Arm-Homerule: this version also deals Piercing damage), Thunderbolt Shock Rod (Right Arm), Class 2 Sensor System (Shoulders), LX-10 Antishock Array (Boots).
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