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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Marker Mage said:
I really like the idea of your setting. I only have the sourcebooks for D&D, but I still want to be able to help even if it's simply giving out ideas that might be able to be fully statted by someone else.

Balance of Power
From what I believe, there would probably be some kind of balance of power between the Pre-Vanishing reals, the Post-Vanishing reals, and the fictions.

The Pre-Vanishing reals remember the time when the lives of fictions were completely up to reals. They remember when a single button press, die roll, or keystroke would alter the lives of a fiction, and they are the ones most likely to regain that control. However, they are not used to living in a world with so much magic and technology.

The Post-Vanishing reals see the magic and new technology as being normal. They find themselves using it more easily than the Pre-Vanishing reals, but they're mastery of magic and technology still doesn't match that of the fictions who originated from magical and/or technological universes.

The fictions themselves come close to having demigod like power. They usually either have amazing abilities, are able to use magic better than any real, or are able to use technology better than any real. But some of them have realized that there was a time when their individual creators had complete control over their lives. Some of them are still controlled by the methods their creators had used.

Deep thoughts, man. Pretty well-devised deep thoughts, although the Fictions in this setting are a little less 'demi-god-ish' that they would like to be.

Taking for example the Saiyans. In their home universe, they are capable of blowing away planets and doing more damage with their pinky finger than an atom bomb could hope to do (and that is without the Super Saiyan enhancement). In this setting, they are severely underpowered. They are still something that can ruin your day very badly, but if you can hit them with a bullet, they die just like everybody else. The hard part is GETTING them with the bullet, though.

Marker Mage said:
If that would be an accurate set of descriptions of the three groups, then it would form a kind of rock-paper-scissors relationship where pre-vanishing beats fiction, fiction beats post-vanishing, and post-vanishing beats pre-vanishing.

True. You got it right.

Marker Mage said:
Controlling Fictions

Cutting with all of that discussion, I found this class for D&D, the 'Writer' Class (located here: http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=747083 ). The biggest trouble that lies, of course, is the fact that 20 levels must be sawed off and streamlined, but I was figuring that making it an AdvC for Smart/Dedicated characters (Pre-Vanishing Humans, of course) could work best. Taking a couple of ideas from you will make it even better.

Marker Mage said:
Other Ideas of Mine

1. Coastlines becoming a battleground for a war between pirates and ninjas.

Taking an idea from Antarctic Press, my man? Cool, anyway, but Naruto and Jack wouldn't be the leaders. Probably Barbossa and one of the Kages.

Marker Mage said:
2. Rent-a-Zilla... I don't think I have to say much more about that.

Someone else is working on it.

Marker Mage said:
4. L337 could be a language that could be learned and even spoken in.

G00d, D00d.

Marker Mage said:
5. What if some characters/groups that would normally be made as fictions were made as reals instead? Just imagine a Coreline where the MIB had secretly existed even before the 23 hours. What if a videogame and hotrod-loving, overweight real named "Coop" managed to salvage a giant robot that had appeared durring the 23 hours?

The main idea of the setting is that those extremely odd Factions out there came from the Fictions and appeared during the Hours. Now, considering conspiracy theories, there probably were MIBs out there even before the Hours, but they have now been overshadowed by their Fiction counterparts. (Still, in Coreline there are many cases of people finding MIBs whos idea of a 'memory ray' is a 9mm bullet).

Marker Mage said:
6. What if Jack Thompson lived in Coreline as a pre-vanishing human? How would he react to characters from various violent games he's tried to ban becoming flesh and blood? How would those characters deal with him? Jack Thompson would be very likely to join the AOH. Heck, he could be the mastermind behind the KOTT.

I believe Thompson would be an AOH supporter (and probably even a founding member).

Marker Mage said:
7. What happens when another Earth in another universe experiences the same thing that Coreline did and pulls people from the original Coreline as fictions? What happens when a member of AOH has been placed in another dimension where they are a fiction? How do we know that the universe that Coreline exists in is the first to experience such a thing? The universe that Coreline exists in could turn out to be just as real as the ones that the fictions came from.

That is a thing that we'll have to see in the future.

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Marker Mage

First Post
I thought of another idea regarding the Pre-Vanishing humans. What if it wasn't being asleep, away from computers, close to heavy electromagnetics, or randomness that saved them from vanishing with everyone else? What if they were saved by having created a fiction at some time in their life? Some of them may remember the fiction (or fictions) they had made and attempt to find it. Others may have forgotten their creation and may even be trying to kill it. Perhaps CLUELESS's mission was to grant a wish they all shared deep down somewhere (even if it was purely in their subconscious). CLUELESS had created a world where a collective of dreams had become real. Whether the dreamers see the new world as a dream come true or a nightmare that's just beginning is for them to decide though.

Now to try to help come up with ideas for classes that focus on controlling fictions, but first, I would like to remind you of my lack of knowledge on D20 Modern and BESM.

This would be the class that uses controllers to control fictions. They would at first be limited to just controlling fictions from video games, but would be able to branch off from there. They could gain the ability to control anime fictions (there are pleanty of video games made that are based on different anime), then movie fictions, then cartoon fictions, then book fictions (but with great difficulty).

As for some abilities they could gain...
Controller Proficiency
Gain the ability to use a controller to affect a fiction. Some controllers that have different ways of using them (N64 and Wii controllers) would require a require different proficiencies for different ways of using them. It is possible to trade controller proficiencies with different ones after gaining a new level in this class.

All fictions within a certain radius must make a fortitude check with a DC of 10 + the Pixelante's level or become unable to act. They may make a new fortitude check every round untill the effect ends. The Pixelante may end the effect at any time as a move action, and may not use the ability again untill after ending the effects from the last time it was used (can't pause again untill you've unpaused). The ability requires a controller with a pause or start button along with proficiency with the controller).

Total Immersion
The Pixelante and a willing target fiction temporarily become one being. The resulting creature is basically the fiction with the pixelante's mental stats (and skill ranks that are based on those mental stats).

Button Combo
Allows an extra action to be able to be useable when using a chosen controller. The chosen controller needs to have at least 2 buttons and a combination of buttons that hasn't had this ability assigned to it must be chosen for this ability. This ability can be reassigned at any time that a controller proficiency could be. Each direction on a D-pad counts as a button, but a pixelante cannot assign this ability by using two or more D-pad directions.

View Proficiency
Gain the ability to use a screen while controlling a fiction. Ideally, any screen that is capable of showing something on it will be able to be used for view proficiencies. Controlling a fiction without a screen requires the fiction to be within the pixelante's sight. Using a screen while controlling a fiction imposes a -1 penalty to all actions that the pixelante controls for every 60 feet he is away from the controlled fiction. Some controllers will require the use of a screen in order to use (but it'll mostly be light-gun type controllers).

The different view proficiencies are as follows:
First Person View
This view provides a +3 bonus to ranged attacks.

Third Person View
This view lessens the penalty to armor class from being flanked.

Bird's Eye View
This view negates all penalties that the fiction would get from being flanked, but gives a -2 penalty to armor class for ranged attacks from enemies more than 30 feet away from the fiction.

Radar View
This view makes all search checks count as natural 20s, but gives a -10 penalty to AC and all attacks. (can see everything that's hidden, but can't see where the attacks are going)

And now, onto the controllers.
Atari Joystick
This is a very simple controller, and as such, it has a very high rate of gainning control over a fiction. It consists of a joystick and one button. As such, it only allows movement of the fiction and the use of one action that's chosen when control is gained.

N64 Controller
This controller features two different control methods. The first method provides the ability to use a D-pad and the button combo ability. The second method provides an analog stick that adds 5 feet to any controlled fiction's base speed. This controller has a pause button, and 8 normal buttons. It also has a slot for inserting the following devices: Rumble Pack (gives a +1 bonus to AC as you can "feel" attacks coming) and microphone (allows you to send messages to the controlled fiction)

Game Boy
This handheld gaming console has a D-pad, three normal buttons, and a start button. Handhelds come with their own screen.

This is by far going to be one of the more complicated controllers. Just by itself, there are 4 control modes (sideways, tilt, swing, and point). Another interesting thing about the wiimote is the wrist strap which takes a move action to put on and grants a +1 bonus against disarm attempts. The wrist strap has a hardness of 1 and 10 HP. The Wiimote also comes with a speaker and a rumble feature which allow the pixelante to both feel and hear attacks coming towards their controlled fiction, thus granting the fiction a +2 bonus to AC (The speaker and rumble features can each be turned off individually which will lower the AC bonus by 1 for each that is turned off). The control modes are as follows:
This control mode allows easy use of all available buttons on the wiimote. While using this control mode, the pixelante has easy access to a D-pad, pause button, and 6 other buttons. It requires the use of both hands.
This control mode is used for allowing the pixelante to use the aid another option while the controlled fiction is performing a skill check for a skill that the GM thinks would require a steady hand. This control mode also doubles the normal bonus one would give with a successful aid another action. This control mode can also be used simultaneously with the sideways control mode, but gives a -2 penalty to the aid another check and results in it giving only the normal bonus to the controlled fiction's skill check if successful. It requires the use of both hands to get the double bonus to the aid another action, but can be done one-handed for the normal bonus.
This control mode is the one that has resulted in alot of broken TVs. It gives the pixelante the ability to make melee attacks for the controlled fiction. The controlled fiction still retains control over all other functions besides attacking and may still make attacks if they are using two melee weapons. If the pixelante gets a 1 on any attack roll he/she makes for the controlled fiction, the wrist strap takes 1d3 damage if it is in use. If the wrist strap is not in use or is destroyed by the damage, the wiimote goes flying off and hits the nearest TV screen (if there is a tie for closest one, it will prefer to go towards the more expensive one) for 2d6 damage. Anyone between the pixelante and the nearest TV durring this time must make a reflex save or take 1d4 damage. This control mode also allows the use of the D-pad (although not for moving), a pause button, and 4 other buttons. It can be used one-handed.
This control mode is very much identical to the swing control mode, but it is used for ranged attacks, must use on of the 4 miscellaneous buttons for attacking, and doesn't allow a chance for the wiimote to go flying off into the nearest TV. It can be used one-handed
The wiimote also has the following attatchments that can be used with it:
This attachment has a control stick to allow control over the fiction's movement (and add 5' to his/her base speed) and two buttons. It can be used in conjunction with any wiimote control modes that can be done with only one hand. It can also be used to control a controlled fiction's shield or offhand melee weapon.
Classic Controller
This attachment requires both hands to use, and thus leaves the pixelante to be forced to keep the wiimote sheathed while this is in use. It had a D-pad, start button, 2 control sticks (the first gives a 5' bonus to base speed while the second gives a +2 bonus to any checks for a chosen action that it will control), two sensitive buttons (the kind that sense how far down they've been pushed) that will give a +1 bonus to whatever action is assigned to them, and 8 other buttons.

Cheat Code
"So there we were, surrounded by 3 saiyans, a namekian, Bowser, 4 Mahou Shoujos, and an army of Naruto clones. It was just me and the hedgehog. What did I do? I took out my trusty NES controller and pressed up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start of course. The poor saps didn't know what hit them."
-A random pixelante accompanied by a Sonic clone.

Cheat codes are something that a pixelante has to EARN instead of getting with a level up. They represent a deep conection with a particular fiction that works with the pixelante often and willingly and as such, a cheat code will only work when it's used by a specific pixelante and fiction. Gaining a cheat code can be a quest in and of itself and is often different for every fiction. Cheat codes require a full action (that may require a concentration check) to use and can have various effects, but the common ones are as follows:
Level Select
The fiction teleports to one of several destinations ("levels") as though under the effect of a greater teleporation spell. He/she may teleport nearby allies as well. The possible destinations are those important to the current adventure that the GM will number according to the logical order that one would normally reach them in. The pixelante selects one of the numbered destination, not knowing what it is until he/she has chosen it at least once. There are plenty of bad things that can come from misuse of this cheat code such as beating the big bad guy of the adventure only to discover that he/she decides to blow up his/her secret lair along with any and all treasures that the party hadn't found yet.
Full Powerup
The Fiction gains a +4 enhancement bonus to all main stats until he/she takes damage.
Extra Life
If the fiction is brought down to negative HP, this cheat code can bring them back to full HP. This cheat code can only be used one time each adventure.
Unlock Equipment
This cheat code will allow the fiction to summon one piece of equipment chosen by the pixelante. The equipment will be around for one round per pixelante level, after which it will disappear again. This cheat code can not be used again until the previous use of it has run out.

I'll try to come up with more later.
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First Post
Here is a new prestige class for your use.
New Prestige Class: Cowpoke
Some heroes and gunslingers can call themselves cowboys and cowgirls, but you can run circles around them. You can shoot a penny in midair, knock a man senseless with a flick of your whip, and defy the laws of physics with your bulletry. You are the cowpoke.
Class	Attack	 Fort	Ref	Will				Def	Rep
Level	Bonus	 Save	Save	Save	Special			Bonus	Bonus
1st	+1	+1	+1	+1	Free feats		+1	+1
2nd	+2	+1	+2	+1	Animal companion               +2	+1
3rd	+3	+2	+3	+2	Look ma, no hands              +3	+2
4th	+4	+2	+4	+3	Round 'em up		+3	+2
5th	+5	+3	+5	+3	Defy the bullet		+4	+3

To qualify for the Cowpoke prestige class, a character must meet all of the following prerequisites.
Feats: Dead Aim, Far Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Personal Firearms Proficiency.
BAB: +5.
Abilities: Dexterity 16.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Cowpoke prestige class.
Hit die: A Cowpoke gains 1d6 hit points per level. Her Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points: A Cowpoke gains a number of actions points equal to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down each time she gains a level in this class.

Class Skills: The Cowpoke's class skills are as follows.
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Strength), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Streetwise) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Sing, stringed instruments) (Cha), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Cowpoke prestige class.
Free Feats
At 1st level, a Cowpoke gains the Coreline feats Hip Shot and Over the Shoulder for free.

Animal Companion
At 2nd level, a Cowpoke can choose a donkey, horse, or dog for an animal companion.

Look Ma, No Hands!
At 3rd level, a Cowpoke has learned how to ride with the best of them. She can take 10 on Ride checks even when threatened or distracted, and has her penalty for riding bareback decreased to -2.

Round 'em Up
At 4th level, a Cowpoke is excellent at using rope to trip up her quarry. She gets a +2 bonus to her attack roll with a whip when attempting a trip attack with it.

Defy the Bullet
At 5th level, a Cowpoke can defy basic physics with her pistol. When wielding a pistol size Small or smaller, she can increase its range by 15 feet.

Borrowed from Cyber-Dave with no permission. Thanks for such an amazing Class, BTW.

Rant: This class is supposed to represent the 'Standard Post-Modern (Gun Kata) Gunslinger' Class. Most 'modern' gunslingers (like 'Hard Boiled''s Tequila) are represented (quite well) by the core Gunslinger class (and a level of Duelist if required), while Cowpoke and Gunslinger can represent a 'John Wayne' kind of Gunslinger.




Two sides of a particular coin: the Smiling Soldier and the cold Cleric.

For thousands of years, humans have created martial forms of movement, or katas, designed to maximize their combative potential. These martial arts have traditionally enhanced their practitioner’s hand-to-hand or thrown weapon combat ability.

A thing that Fiction writers devised, with the evolution of technology, was an evolution of techniques. Although many people (so-called 'scholars') took a look at this invented art and scoffed at it, now they are mostly dead or humbled... mostly at the hands of such an art.

Many factions of Coreline use in some way 'Gun Katas', from the powerful Grammaton Clerigy to the most humble of traveling gunslingers. Not every gunslinger can call himself a Martial Duelist, and every Martial Duelist considers himself a martial artist first. As well, not all Martial Duelists shoot to kill, but the most well-known of them at least maim thru trick-shots.

Where the Martial Artist continues to focus on hands and melee or thrown weaponry, the Martial Duelist fuses traditional defensive martial arts with combative motions designed to increase his lethality with a firearm.

The fastest path into this Advanced Class is through a mix of the Fast and Dedicated hero base classes.

[sblock=Martial Duelist]
To qualify to become a Martial Duelist, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +2.
Skills: Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) 6 ranks, Tumble 6 ranks.
Feats: Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Personal Firearms Proficiency.
Class Information
Hit Die: 1d8
Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the martial artist attains a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The Martial Duelist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (current events, popular culture, theology and philosophy) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (dance) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier.

Table: The Martial Duelist
[b]Class Level	Base Attack Bonus	Fort Save	Ref Save	Will Save	Special			Defense Bonus	Reputation Bonus[/b]
1st		+1			+0		+1		+1		Hands of a master	+1		+0
2nd		+2			+0		+2		+2		Moving Target		+2		+0
3rd		+3			+1		+2		+2		Bonus Feat		+2		+0
4th		+4			+1		+2		+2		Guns akimbo		+3		+0
5th		+5			+1		+3		+3		Close combat shot	+4		+1
6th		+6			+2		+3		+3		Bonus Feat		+4		+1
7th		+7			+2		+4		+4		Lightning shot		+5		+1
8th		+8			+2		+4		+4		Master of the gun katas	+6		+1
9th		+9			+3		+4		+4		Bonus Feat		+6		+2
10th		+10			+3		+5		+5		Gun-fu			+7		+2

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Martial Duelist advanced class.

Hands of a Master
Your mastery of the gun as a weapon transcends the limits of its design. In conjunction with your martial arts training, your guns become a part of your hand. If either pistol whipping or using a rifle butt in melee, you gain the benefits of any unarmed combat feats and you add unarmed strike damage to the weapon damage. For example, if you possess the Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Martial Arts, and Advanced martial arts feats then a pistol whip would do base damage of 2d4 with a critical threat range of 19-20/x3 damage. If you possess only the Combat Martial Arts and Improved Combat Martial Arts feats than a rifle butt would do 1d4+1d6 and threaten a critical on a 19-20/x2 damage. When making pistol whips or rifle butts, as when making unarmed attacks, you may choose whether to deal lethal or nonlethal damage with no penalty to your attacks.

Moving Target
Starting at 2nd level, a Martial Duelist learns to master his combative motions, becoming a particularly difficult target to hit when moving. So long as the Martial Duelist moves more than a 5foot step in a round, and is unarmoured and unencumbered, all opponents suffer a –4 to hit him with ranged attacks.

Bonus Feats
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Martial Duelist gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Martial Duelist must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.
Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Burst Fire, Dead to Rights, Double Tap, Elusive Target, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Shot on the Run, Strafe, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Guns Akimbo
At 4th level you become skilled at delivering massive firearms attacks while on the move. If you have two ranged weapons, as an attack action you may make one attack with each weapon. In addition to the penalties you normally suffer for attacking with two weapons, you suffer an additional –2 penalty on each attack.

Close Combat Shot
At 5th level, a Martial Duelist gains the ability to make a ranged attack with a Medium-size or smaller firearm while in a threatened area without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Lightning Shot
Starting at 7th level, a Martial Duelist can make a flurry of ranged attacks with a personal firearm at the expense of accuracy. With a lightning shot, the Martial Duelist may make one extra ranged attack with a personal firearm in a round at her highest base attack bonus. This attack and each other attack made in the round take a –2 penalty. This ability can only be used when taking the full attack action. The penalty applies to all attacks for one full round, including attacks of opportunity.

Master of the Gun Katas
At 8th level a Martial Duelist has mastered the pattern of movements used to both avoid getting hit while simultaneously shooting in a manner most likely to hit his target. He can push the gun katas to their limits, performing feats that even other Martial Duelists marvel at. When wielding a firearm, unarmored and unencumbered, a Martial Duelist may expend an action point to add his Wisdom bonus (if any) to both his attack bonus and his class defence for one round.

At 10th level a Martial Duelist becomes a master of combining motion with attack. He meshes martial arts with gunplay and performs amazing stunts of duelling with firearms. In any round in which a Martial Duelist makes a full-attack using only handguns, as a swift action he may make a single Tumble check (DC 20) to gain ½ his movement rate in movement as a free action. In any round in which a Martial Duellist uses Gun-Fu, he may not also make a five foot step.
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First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
I believe Thompson would be an AOH supporter (and probably even a founding member).

Heh, I actually got one better:

"Jack Thompson? That technophobic ess-oh-bee Jack Thompson? That one? Yeah, I know what happened to him. Classic story of the times, something to tell your kids to scare them at night.
So, the 23-hours have just ended, see, and people are currently trying to do damage assessment. In some dark alley somewhere, this body is discovered. Well, the people who found it thought it was a body, anyway. To disfigured to tell. What was left was riddled with bullets and covered with Plasma-scorching. Had to run dental records to find out it was Thompson. You almost felt sorry for the guy. Hell, I almost lost my lunch when I first saw the remains.
Considering how bad a shape the body was in, we weren't having much luck at finding any clues of precisely who the perps could have been, until someone in autopsy found some interesting evidence.
In the abdomen was what looked like a hedgehog quill, except it was blue. Also, on the head was the indentation of what could have been a bootprint of some sort. While no conclusive connection was made, there was some speculation that the boot belonged to a rather famous plumber...
And people wonder why I try not to speak ill of Video Game Fictions. Seems they don't take too kindly to it..." ~anonymous account of the 23 hours

Yeah, Thompson isn't to high on my "like" list…

Edit: Gotta learn to proofread my speeches.
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He ain't high on ANYONE'S list (but I thought that it would be better to have him as an Avenger than as one of the KOTT-THAT would have been a ridiculous overkill).

But having that story as part of the setting is better. Gives it the right shade of darkness I was aiming for.


First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
But having that story as part of the setting is better. Gives it the right shade of darkness I was aiming for.

I try. :D

By the by, for anyone who doesn't know, I'm RusVal, wanna-be writer and creator of the AoH speech seen earlier. Mostly I help with fluff on occasion, usually by brainstorming some idea, tossing it in, then seeing if something floats.

Marker Mage

First Post
I got some more stuff added to my earlier post that described the pixelante class. Just a general idea of how two more controllers (gameboy and wiimote with all attachments) might work and some rules for cheat codes. A pixelante and fiction may seem dangerous normally, but what happens when the pixelante knows how to use the Konami Code?

It probably needs a lot more work to get it made into a class. Unfortunately though, I only know about the rules for D&D. I don't understand much about smart hero, dedicated hero, or action points. I have no experience in trying to make a new class for a game. I have little experience at coming up with rules for abilities in D20 games. I've been basically trying to provide what little help I can while trying to leave all the possibility for error up to other people.

I don't have the neccesary books to use this setting, I'm probably not going to be able to GM a game using this setting, and I'm probably never going to get to make a character to use in this setting, so the only reason I'm even trying to help with the improvement of this setting is that I'm genuinely interested in the setting itself.

I've often tried imagining what it would be like if I lived in the same world as characters from different works of fiction, but before I read about this setting, i had never thought about the possibility of all of those characters coming to our world at once.

I'll continue to try to help in the limited ways that I can. I simply need someone to bake the second half of my half-baked ideas.

Voidrunner's Codex

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