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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Infested Terran

Infested Terrans are a breed of zerg created when the zerg infest a terran with a hyper-evolutionary virus, delivered by Virophages in their parasitic bio-toxins that they spew, creating a mutated version of the original creature.
The original virus created mindless creatures, that if they had any psionic powers would lose them, and were used mostly as suicide disposable drones. Later versions of the virus allowed infested terrans to retain some or most of their sentience and create them reliably.

Original Virus Infested Terran
Infested terrans infected with the original version of the virus usually loses most of their intelligence and sanity, as their mind becomes consumed by the zerg and join the hive mind. Most become stronger, faster, tougher and gain the ability to burrow, and other zerg traits, developing growths and tentacles extrude from the body, with ruptured, sunken-in features and festering skin, albeit covered with carapace, and many misshapen limbs as they take on zerg-like traits. Most of these creatures also developed glands similar to Banelings filled with toxic fluid that caused them to explode, making them excellent suicide bombers.

Original Virus Infested Terran The recipient retains all their abilities and gain the following abilities.
Type: Medium aberration [zerg]
Size: same as recipient
Hit Points: +10 HP
Speed: +10 ft, burrow 20 ft
Armour: +2 Natural Armour
Special Attacks: Rupture
Special Qualities: darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1, zerg traits, low-light vision
Abilities: +4 Str, +4 Con, -6 Int (minimum 3), -4 Wis, -6 Cha
ECL: +1
Requires Virophage to infest, Recipient must make Fort save DC 20 3 times 1 minute after each other, to resist becoming infested, which takes 5 minutes to complete. If one save fails, the terran is infested.

Rupture (Ex): When the infested terran gets close to a target, it starts a chemical reaction within the acid and chemical sacs in its body, causing a massive explosion of acid, killing itself and splashing all within 20 feet with acid, dealing 8d6 half acid and half slashing (bits of carapace and bone) damage, Reflex save DC (12 base + Con modifier) for half damage. This can be done as part of a charge or regular attack, automatically triggered upon death.

Can benefit from the Hardened Carapace Mutation up to 3 times.

New Infested Terran Virus
This version of the virus removes the rupture ability, plus allows the infested terran to retain some of its intelligence. They are slower, but tougher than the original versions of infested terrans.

New Infested Terran Virus
The recipient retains all their abilities and gain the following abilities.
Type: Medium aberration [zerg]
Size: same as recipient
Hit Points: +15 HP
Speed: -5 ft, burrow 20 ft
Armour: +3 Natural Armour
Attack: Claw 1d6 (slashing, 20x2)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1, zerg traits, low-light vision, high UV vulnerability
Abilities: +4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Int (minimum 6), -4 Wis, -6 Cha
ECL: +1
Requires Virophage or Infector to infest, Recipient must make Fort save DC 20 3 times 1 minute after each other, to resist becoming infested, which takes 5 minutes to complete. If one save fails, the terran is infested.
Can benefit from Hardened Carapace and Scything Claws mutations up to 3 times, and Anaerobic Enhancement

Volatile Infested
This variant of the infested Terran, reduces their general offensive capabilities to turn them into a suicide bomber with a large pustule in their chest, able to splash a large area with acid and carapace fragments.
Make the following changes to a New Virus Infected Terran to create a Volatile Infested:
-5 HP;
Only +2 Natural armour;
Claw attack only deals 1d4 slashing;
Add Rupture special attack.
Rupture (Ex): When the infested terran gets close to a target, it starts a chemical reaction within the acid and chemical sacs in its body, causing a massive explosion of acid, killing itself and splashing all within 20 feet with acid, dealing 8d6 half acid and half slashing (bits of carapace and bone) damage, Reflex save DC (12 base + Con modifier) for half damage. This can be done as part of a charge or regular attack, automatically triggered upon death.
Can benefit from Hardened Carapace, Scything Claws, Anaerobic Enhancement, plus one of the following mutations: Corrosive Acid, Increased Rupture, Regenerative Acid

Infested Marine Virus
A modified version of the original virus that was developed for targeting marines in power armour, allowing them to retain a higher intelligence so that the infested may make use of the gauss rifle. The infested marine sprouts tentacles, carapace and other mutations similar to the infested terran, only it also breaks through their armour, sprouting random zerg-like claw limbs, and merges with the armour the carried gauss rifle. The merged gauss rifle now produces its own ammunition as long as the infested marine is alive, creating poisonous rounds that can deal some damage over time. The infested marine benefits from the armour the marine was wearing at the time of its infestation, as it merges with the armour.

Infested Marine Virus
The recipient retains all their abilities and gain the following abilities.
Type: Medium aberration [zerg]
Size: same as recipient
Hit Points: +15 HP
Speed: -5 ft, burrow 20 ft
Armour: +3 Natural Armour
Attacks: Poison Gauss Rifle, Claw (1d6, 20x2, slashing)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1, zerg traits, low-light vision, high UV vulnerability
Abilities: +4 Str, +6 Con, -4 Int (minimum 6), -4 Wis, -6 Cha
ECL: +2
Requires Virophage or Infestor to infest, Recipient must make Fort save DC 20 3 times 1 minute after each other, to resist becoming infested, which takes 5 minutes to complete. If one save fails, the terran is infested.

Poison Gauss Rifle (Ex): The gauss rifle carried by an infected marine merges with the creature, allowing it to create a nearly endless supply of ammunition. The rifle carries 100 rounds at any given time, dealing damage that is half ballistic, half toxic, plus the target must make a Fort save DC 10+ Infected Marine's Con modifier or suffer 1d6 points of damage for 1d4+1 rounds. Objects don't make this save unless they are PC robots. The infested marine replenishes ammunition at a rate of 1 + Con modifier rounds every 5 rounds.
High UV Vulnerability (Ex): On planets with higher than normal UV radiation (higher than Earth's sun Sol) output, these infested suffer damage as the UV radiation burns them, suffering 1d4 points of fire damage every round in cloudy conditions, 1d6+2 in direct sunlight every round, and no damage at night. Weapons that deal UV radiation deal 50% more damage

Can benefit from Hardened Carapace, Scything Claws and Retinal Augmentation mutations up to 3 times, or Infested Rockets. Possible to use range enhancing mutations available to Hydralisk and similar strains if any available.

Infested Terran New Mutations

Anaerobic Enhancement
This mutation mutates the legs of the infested terran for better leaping, increasing their jumping abilities greatly, gaining a +8 racial bonus to Jump checks, and are not restricted in the height or length they can jump by their size.

Retinal Augmentation
The retinas and other parts of the eyes of the infested marines are modified to greatly enhance their vision and accuracy. Grants +1 to Spot and Search checks, increases ranged attack range increments by 10 feet. Can be applied up to 3 times.

Infested Rockets
This mutation gives the infested marine the ability to generate spines similar to the hydralisk to give it a longer ranged air attack, filled with corrosive acid. If this mutation is applied, the infested marine suffers a permanent -2 to Con, but can create a rocket that deals 5d6 acid damage to target struck plus half damage (Reflex save 10 + Con modifier) to 10 foot radius, 120 ft range increment, carries 4 rockets, able to regenerate 1 rocket every 10 - Con modifier rounds. Can only target object/creatures more than 30 feet above the ground.

Regarding the "Bard-like Class for Coreline", I think I have a couple of options for special abilities on one RPG I own. Admittedly, it's a POTW RPG ("Spirit of '77") and it's strictly a non-magical (yet cinematic) rabble-rouser, but these abilities look pretty cool.

I will try to adapt them to D20 and toss them your way, guys, to see what can be made viable out of them.


Regarding the "Bard-like Class for Coreline", I think I have a couple of options for special abilities on one RPG I own. Admittedly, it's a POTW RPG ("Spirit of '77") and it's strictly a non-magical (yet cinematic) rabble-rouser, but these abilities look pretty cool.

I will try to adapt them to D20 and toss them your way, guys, to see what can be made viable out of them.

I couldn't find the PDF I thought I had.. but I'm also sure there are rules somewhere for converting D&D classes to d20 Modern.. and with that you can use some of the Bard stuff.

But as for non magical abilities.. a bard-like class would use Perform a lot to make number of abilities function.. the Bard's Inspire Courage or greatness can be done easily.. it's a sonic ability that the person learns the type of sounds and sonic frequencies (such as sub-sonics, harmonic resonances, etc) that inspire people to be braver, granting moral bonuses. Or even have a fear based one. Even something like induce sickness or at least nausea.
These are all things that CAN be done with sound and vibrations.. this class.. Musician or whatever you want to call it.. can learn how to incorporate these into actual songs. Music in movie sound tracks are good examples of inspire courage, happiness, sadness, fear or paranoia.
Hell, the class could even use their music to damage objects (harmonic resonance frequencies and such to cause an object to literally shake itself to pieces).
There is even research in using sound or at least vibrations to aid in HEALING! So this class could do quite a bit with sound all based in science, just boosted a little with high tech, and maybe magic.

Then you can add in magic to it if you want. I'd add in some of the Charismatic class abilities (or ones that play off those from this base class) as they would go hand in hand.

OK.... here's my initial idea for the Class Abilities of the Rocker Advanced Class (so far. I guess we could have an ability where the guy triggers a "musical sequence" out of nowhere that hostile characters must resist or be dragged into singing and dancing or just standing there looking awkward while everybody else pulls a Trapp Family singing "So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersen, Goodbye" (and maybe if other characters add to the performance using Aid Another the DC becomes higher somehow?). A good name for it.... dunno, "The Performance of a Lifetime, Every Night-Time"?)

Borrowed somewhat both from the Personality Class from the D20 Modern main rulebook and the Spirit of '77 RPG.



"Do you know what it's like to be on the bill and play for 15 minutes, and have nobody there to see you except for the other bands and their girlfriends? Don't talk to me about Rock and Roll! I am out there in the clubs and on the streets living it! I AM ROCK AND ROLL!!!"
-Chazz Darvey, "Airheads".

The Rocker is a modern-day bard, a wandering musician. It can be keytar synth-pop or "three chords and The Truth", but they all wander the roads of the Core Timeline, bringing hope, escapism and the occasional bout of moral outrage. They dream big, expecting each action that makes the news to lead them closer to stardom. They dream small, hoping for each person that listens to their songs to change their lives somehow. On pretty bad days, they hope that they will entertain well enough to get a good payment.


To qualify to become a Rocker, a character must fulfill the following criteria:

-Skills: Perform (select one) 6 Ranks, Diplomacy 6 Ranks.
-Feat: Creative.

Class Information: The following information pertains to the Rocker Advanced Class:

Hit Die: The Rocker gains 1d6 Hit Points. The character's Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points: The Rocker gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills: The Rocker's class skills are as follows:
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Writing) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Art, Current Events, Popular Culture) (Int), Perform (Dance, Sing, any instruments) (Cha), Listen (Wis), Repair (Int), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int Modifier.

CLASS FEATURES: The following features pertain to the Rocker Advanced Class:

+You've Got The Looks: The Rocker doesn't just performs -- he sells an impressive image to the audience, pouring his heart out. The Rocker gets a +2 bonus to Perform rolls at 1st Level, which increases to +4 at 5th Level.

+This Song's For You: When the Rocker dedicates a performance to someone, he can create such good emotions that it empowers them.

To use this ability, the Rocker must spend 1 action point and select a target. The target must be able to understand the Rocker and be able to hear him (be it within 15 feet of the Rocker or any medium broadcasting his performance, such as radios, computers or speakers). The Rocker rolls a Perform roll (DC 18, full-round action). If he succeeds, the target gets a bonus to their actions equal to the Rocker's Charisma bonus for the following 1d6+1 rounds.

+If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old: Through rote mastery of his trade, the Rocker has unlocked the ability to create hair-raising solos... literally!

To use this ability the Rocker must spend 1 action point and do a Perform roll (DC 18, full-round action). If he succeeds, all hostile characters up to 50 feet away from the Rocker (or any medium broadcasting his song) must do a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the Rocker's class level + the Rocker's Charisma bonus) or be Deafened and Stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. If the targets succeed at their saving throw, they are just Deafened for 1 round.

+Backstage Pass: The Rocker's fame precedes him, and it opens a lot of doors. The Rocker can always get into or backstage at a musical venue such as a concert, theater or nightclub, and if necessary to make a Diplomacy or Bluff check to smooth-talk their way into another type of event, the Rocker adds a bonus equal to his Rocker level.

The first effect of this ability only affects the Rocker. Getting other people in with the Rocker will always require a successful Diplomacy or Bluff check.

+Black Belt In Crazy: The venues of the Core Timeline are insanely dangerous, and a Rocker that doesn't knows when to duck for cover or fight off an attacking enemy mid-set doesn't lasts long. Perform checks are considered free actions for the sake of determining what the Rocker can do in combat (and like other free actions, the GM has final call on their applicability).

+Groupie Magnet: As a Rocker becomes more famous, more people begin to be drawn to him. People fanatical enough, crazy enough, to fight for him.

Once a day, the Rocker can do a Perform check (DC 21). If successful, a gang of 1d6 groupies will be formed and will follow the Rocker loyally for 1d4 hours. These groupies will be Low-Level Ordinaries of a Helpful attitude. This duration can be extended with a successful Diplomacy check once the initial period wears off, at the GM's discretion.
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For class Progression, take the Personality (D20M, pg.185) and replace as follows on the Special:

Level 1: You've Got The Looks (+2).
Level 2: This Song's For You.
Level 4: Black Belt In Crazy.
Level 5: You've Got The Looks (+4).
Level 6: If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old.
Level 7: Backstage Pass.
Level 10: Groupie Magnet.

I guess the other levels could be used for Bonus Feats or Bonus Class Skills or maybe some other special abilities. As well, I would like to discuss if the abilities and their disposition are OK. I guess not, but this is how I see them right now.

This, I admit, borrows somewhat heavily from the Personality right now but I see some applicable differences.

Say for example, "If It's Too Loud You're Too Old" and the Personality's "Winning Smile" and "Compelling Performance" abilities use different Saves (Fortitude vs. Will) and "This Song's For You" can only be used to support friendlies while "Compelling Performance" can be used to support other characters or disorient enemies. As well, the Personality's "Unlimited Access" can be used both for getting into places and upgrade the character's quality of service (when they want to do stuff like stay in hotels), "Backstage Pass" can only be used to enter locations.

The Personality also gets "Royalty" twice, which are Wealth bonus increases, while the Rocker doesn't. May or may not mean he can't bring any money to the table, but instead he's more of a man on the street.... maybe replace those with some kind of "ear to the ground" ability? Or maybe split one of the other abilities in half?


For class Progression, take the Personality (D20M, pg.185) and replace as follows on the Special:

Level 1: You've Got The Looks (+2).
Level 2: This Song's For You.
Level 4: Black Belt In Crazy.
Level 5: You've Got The Looks (+4).
Level 6: If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old.
Level 7: Backstage Pass.
Level 10: Groupie Magnet.

I guess the other levels could be used for Bonus Feats or Bonus Class Skills or maybe some other special abilities. As well, I would like to discuss if the abilities and their disposition are OK. I guess not, but this is how I see them right now.

This, I admit, borrows somewhat heavily from the Personality right now but I see some applicable differences.

Say for example, "If It's Too Loud You're Too Old" and the Personality's "Winning Smile" and "Compelling Performance" abilities use different Saves (Fortitude vs. Will) and "This Song's For You" can only be used to support friendlies while "Compelling Performance" can be used to support other characters or disorient enemies. As well, the Personality's "Unlimited Access" can be used both for getting into places and upgrade the character's quality of service (when they want to do stuff like stay in hotels), "Backstage Pass" can only be used to enter locations.

The Personality also gets "Royalty" twice, which are Wealth bonus increases, while the Rocker doesn't. May or may not mean he can't bring any money to the table, but instead he's more of a man on the street.... maybe replace those with some kind of "ear to the ground" ability? Or maybe split one of the other abilities in half?

You Got the Looks: Seems not too bad.

This Song's For You: I might change it from "be able to understand" to just be able to hear. Although this might be better for a modified version of Compelling Performance.

If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old: Looks ok. Maybe give at 3rd level.

Backstage Pass: This seems like a modified version of Unlimited Access. I'd change the name to VIP Pass/Access.

Black Belt In Crazy: Interesting.. but maybe also include this: penalties for using improvised weapons (mic stand, an instrument, etc) is halved. If fighting defensively, can use items as improvised defense (a guitar, symbols, other similar sized object acts as a small shield, drum can act as medium shield ((depending on drum size))).

Groupie Magnet: Not bad. Also maybe add something like these groupies don't count towards the number affected allies if the Rocker has the Leadership talent, they are automatically affected. Give this to Rocker before level 10, but after 4.. maybe 5 to 8 area, as even small groups have groupies. Maybe at higher level increase number of groupies the Rocker can summon.

Now.. Compelling Performance.. Give it to Rocker at say.. Level 5-7 area.. then at level 9-10 a modified version that can affect multiple enemies/allies maybe in a cone or short area around them/source of sound, and doesn't require the target's to understand the words, but hear (this is where good instrumental music comes in handy), but the DC is lower than normal Compelling Performance, and lasts a little shorter (like say 1d4-1 to minimum of 1 round) as the effect is a bit spread out. ALSO the rocker wants to affect a single target, maybe increase the DC the target has to make to show greater experience in using this ability.

As to the Royalty ability.. how about instead.. Rocker can make a Profession check (since the rocker is a musician after all), spend min of 6 hours (so the character is tied up for awhile, easy to do during down time) to put on a show (can be a small gig in a bar, maybe an actual concert, perform on the street) to increase their wealth. Can only do this a minimum of once a week/month or what have you. Can increase their bonus to their check by how many ranks in Perform they have (use same chart as bonus for ranks in Profession on d20 Modern pg 70).

Add Profession to the class skills
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Lord Zack

Made a comment on the deviantart group:

I am wondering to what extent MechWarriors might use mecha besides BattleMechs. Mobile Suits, Variable Fighters, Destroids, etc. On the one hand experience with piloting a BattleMech wouldn't necessarily directly transfer to piloting these. On the other hand some of these would have capabilities that are not possessed or are rare in BattleMechs, like transformation.


Made a comment on the deviantart group:

I'm sure some MechWarriors would love to get their hands on some of the mobile suits, veritechs or destroids. Some of those units have some serious power, but some also have flaws. Like Destroids, heavy fire power, pretty good armour, but SLOW and light on close range weapons. They are artillery units.
Now.. as to going from a battlemech to something else? Well they'd have basic skills that translate easily (used to moving large vehicles around), just have to practice to the particular quirks of that unit, and its abilities.

Example.. a pilot going from say a madcat to a leo (yeah, a downgrade, but let's go with this for a moment).. the madcat has more weapons, pretty decent speed and armour. The leo, more maneuverable, has hands, and greater range of motion (except the leo can't twist it's upper body in 360 like i think the madcat can ((shot behind you :p )) ). Now, the mechwarrior, once learn the basic controls, could easily make the mech walk around, shoot any built in weapons the leo might have (a few do), but wouldn't be good at say running, jumping or hand to hand combat with the leo until had more practice with it, but that just takes time.
so for first while, definitely penalties, but i'd say half those of what someone who had NO mech training at all.
now.. why would a madcat pilot go to a leo? Well maybe it's a stealth/infiltration mission.. the leo can make use of enemy equipment, it can JUMP, and has greater maneuverability over the madcat. but has lower armour (don't quote me on this), fewer weapons, not sure on speed..

Voidrunner's Codex

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