CoS SPOILER Dark Gift The Kingmaker and Tome of leadership and influence stack?


SPOILER for Curse of Strahd hardcover

Using the Dark Gift of the Kingmaker, found in Chapter 13 The Amber Temple, which does
The vestige within this sarcophagus offers the dark gift of Zantras, the Kingmaker. Zantras's gift is power that comes from great presence and force of personality. The dark gift increases the beneficiary's Charisma by 4, up to a maximum of 22.
The beneficiary of this dark gift gains the following flaw: "I won't take no for an answer."
can the Tome of leadership and influence defined as
Wondrous item, very rare
This book contains guidelines for influencing and charming others, and its words are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book's contents and practicing its guidelines, your Charisma score increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
stack on that?

Thank you kindly

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That guy, who does that thing.
Based on the way the two effects are written, if you get the Tome of Leadership and Influence first, then the Dark Gift of the Kingmaker would not further increase your maximum stat above 22, but if you get the Dark Gift first, then the Tome would increase your maximum stat to 24 (the Tome says it increases the max by 2, while the Dark Gift simply says it increases the max to 22, which does nothing if your max is already 22).

As long as you don't exceed your max, though, you would get to stack the two bonuses to Charisma. So a character who starts with a 16 or less Charisma would get a full +6 to Charisma, regardless of the order of the two effects.

I'm assuming the Tome is available in a hardcover adventure (or maybe as a reward from a D&D Open event), because I can't think of any DDEX/DDAL adventure that awards it. (I could be wrong, though.)



I'm assuming the Tome is available in a hardcover adventure (or maybe as a reward from a D&D Open event), because I can't think of any DDEX/DDAL adventure that awards it. (I could be wrong, though.)
SPOILER for Tales from the Yawning Portal

Chapter 7 Tomb of Horrors contains one.

Robert Pack

First Post
Yes they do stack and you can gain up to a max of 26 cha doing this method. Start at 18 cha some how be it ASI or some thing then go get the dark gift from CoS. This will get you to 22 cha. Then and only if you feel like risking the existence of your very char due to a disintegrate type effect you can go into maze engine which will get you 24 cha. Then use a Tome to get 26. This is BEYOND risky and I would only attempt doing this if I had a paladin in the group due to their aura but thats pretty much the biggest meta game / power play you can do lol. 26 cha on a warlock or paladin is freaking nuts


That guy, who does that thing.
Where/how can I do that? You might want to put a spoiler about general then get into detail.

It's also the result of a random roll, so there's no guarantee you'll get the Charisma boost, unless your DM is willing to cheat...



Lord of the Hidden Layer
26 cha on a warlock or paladin is freaking nuts
My (retired when I became the group DM) Tiamat Paladin says :drool: :cool:
I was turning him into artillery and playing him as a Warlord because we had so many other melee characters in the group.

Voidrunner's Codex

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