Could you please change my name to "Left-handed Hummingbird"? Morrus?

Pretty please? In exchange, I'll run through the buttons in my Photoshop so their colours match the boards'. (I have the original .psd files)

Perhaps you could just allow longer usernames..? There really is no reason for such short usernames.

Best regards

Left-handed Hummingbird
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Thanks, I'll let you know. I've produced a teaser... let me know if it's the way it should be, or if the colors need tweaking.


  • en_new_thread.gif
    959 bytes · Views: 21,696


Done! Thanks to L-h H and Omokage for help.

Malcor, what do you want it as?

Hee hee - Sylverworm! Okay, I know it should have been "wood", but "worm" is funnier. :D
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Hey now! You don't see me calling you Piratesnake do you? :p

Of course, you didn't get you name wrong to begin with... :rolleyes:

So, maybe I deserve this? :eek:

Nah! :cool:

Sylverworm indeed!


Malcor Sylverwood!


I have fixed your name, AND bumped the number of allowable characters up from 15 to 20.

*salutes* Pleased to be of service.


Left-handed Hummingbird said:
Thanks, I'll let you know. I've produced a teaser... let me know if it's the way it should be, or if the colors need tweaking.

By the way... this is sweet. Much better!

Thank you, Lord Piratecat!

I'm in your debt, I shall not rest until--

~see a copper peice on the ground and dives for it~

Hmmm...what was I saying? Ah well, must not have been to important... ;)

Malcor Sylverworm--er, wood

Voidrunner's Codex

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