D&D 5E Creative Commons and D&D

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B/X Known World
You usually can't copyright mechanics, which is why when WotC proposed in 1.2 putting their mechanics into CC a lot of attorneys were like, "They're giving us what we already had."
Ish. It's the specific expression that's now under CC. We always had the right to use the game mechanics if, and only if we rewrote them into our own words. Now we don't have to bother unless we want to.
Rephrasing and/or reformatting mechanics seems painful though if there are a lot. CC-BY things (or parts that are clearly OGL 1.0a) don't need any rephrasing or reformatting, right?


Morkus from Orkus
Rephrasing and/or reformatting mechanics seems painful though if there are a lot. CC-BY things (or parts that are clearly OGL 1.0a) don't need any rephrasing or reformatting, right?
The stuff that is in the SRD wouldn't need to be changed at all. The OGC stuff released under 1.0a probably wouldn't, either. As I noted in the other thread, 1.0a requires products released to include a license to use their OGC content. The stuff released under 1.0a that is PI would not be usable without permission.


Follower of the Way
You usually can't copyright mechanics, which is why when WotC proposed in 1.2 putting their mechanics into CC a lot of attorneys were like, "They're giving us what we already had."
Which is why my counter-proposal (which they significantly exceeded) was "Please put all PHB races and classes into the CC."

We now can use terms like "dragonborn," "tiefling," "Tiamat" (as the Queen of Dragons), "beholder," etc., etc. effectively freely so long as we give attribution. That is the big deal here. The mechanics side is mostly just a relief that there's a clear legal statement one could point to if anyone ever got litigious about it.


There are already a few hundred threads to talk about how the OGL works.

This thread is meant to be about Creative Commons.

If someone wants to open a compare and contrast thread, please do.
Fair enough.

The problem remains that if the only thing released under CC is the SRD,Open Gaming suffers by everything being derivative of the same source rather than expanding and mingling. It's almost as if WotC is trying to weaponize potential "pathfinders" against one another.

Out of curiosity, what TTRPGs have been released under CC? Fate, I am pretty sure. I'm not so sure about Apocalypse World-- I know they encourage folks to experiment with the form, but I don't know if it is actually released CC. Are there any others?


Fair enough.

The problem remains that if the only thing released under CC is the SRD,Open Gaming suffers by everything being derivative of the same source rather than expanding and mingling. It's almost as if WotC is trying to weaponize potential "pathfinders" against one another.

Out of curiosity, what TTRPGs have been released under CC? Fate, I am pretty sure. I'm not so sure about Apocalypse World-- I know they encourage folks to experiment with the form, but I don't know if it is actually released CC. Are there any others?

It feels like a lot of companies wouldn't have bothered with CC back when they thought 1.0a was secure.

If WotC puts the 3.5 SRD out under CC-BY, I wonder how hard it would be to convince Paizo to put the PF 1e SRD under it (maybe minus the few things that rely on other 1.0a stuff).


Follower of the Way
Fair enough.

The problem remains that if the only thing released under CC is the SRD,Open Gaming suffers by everything being derivative of the same source rather than expanding and mingling. It's almost as if WotC is trying to weaponize potential "pathfinders" against one another.

Out of curiosity, what TTRPGs have been released under CC? Fate, I am pretty sure. I'm not so sure about Apocalypse World-- I know they encourage folks to experiment with the form, but I don't know if it is actually released CC. Are there any others?
Apocalypse World is not CC (though the actual thing they've set up is similar to an informal CC-BY, if I'm understanding correctly), but Dungeon World is CC, to the point that there's a fully legal online version of the book if you wish to consult it.


Out of curiosity, what TTRPGs have been released under CC? Fate, I am pretty sure. I'm not so sure about Apocalypse World-- I know they encourage folks to experiment with the form, but I don't know if it is actually released CC. Are there any others?
Here's what I could find with a quick google:
  • FATE, as you said
  • I couldn't find Apocalypse World itself being under CC, but a lot of PbtA games seem to be!
  • Eclipse Phase
  • Thirsty Sword Lesbians
And a dishonourable mention goes to Zweihander, which acts all like they support open gaming, while Zweihander is released under a CC-BY-Noncommercial license, and you can only take a 60% cut of any Zweihander content published under DriveThruRPG.


B/X Known World
The problem remains that if the only thing released under CC is the SRD, Open Gaming suffers by everything being derivative of the same source rather than expanding and mingling.
If publishers refuse to release their original content under the CC-BY license, then others don't get to play with their toys. Again, this isn't really a change from the OGL. The line of what's derivative and what's not isn't stark and clear. And it's all down to how one reads the OGL...which isn't the topic of this thread.
It's almost as if WotC is trying to weaponize potential "pathfinders" against one another.
No more than not-5E versions are weaponized against each other.
Out of curiosity, what TTRPGs have been released under CC? Fate, I am pretty sure. I'm not so sure about Apocalypse World-- I know they encourage folks to experiment with the form, but I don't know if it is actually released CC. Are there any others?
The only thing I could find with a quick Google search is a short list from 2013.


Follower of the Way
I couldn't find Apocalypse World itself being under CC, but a lot of PbtA games seem to be!
I found a reddit post from April 2021 that indicates the following PbtA games are CC licensed (doesn't specify which CC license though), quoted verbatim:
  • Dungeon World and the vast majority of its supplements/hacks
  • Fellowship
  • The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth
  • Impulse Drive
  • Ironsworn
  • Masks
  • Thirsty Sword Lesbians
  • Uncharted Worlds
  • Undying
  • Worlds in Peril

Voidrunner's Codex

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