Creature Catalog new 3.5 conversions

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Monster Junkie

Small Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 1d10+2 (7 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
Armor Class: 13 (+1 size, +2 Dex), touch 13, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-1
Attack: Club +4 melee (1d4+2) or rock +4 ranged (1d3+2)
Full Attack: Club +4 melee (1d4+2) or rock +4 ranged (1d3+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Rock throwing, stamp
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fear, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Temperate and warm desert
Organization: Solitary or pack (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Small); 6-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +2

This hairy creature is about the size of a small dog. Its snout, head, and jaws are hyenalike, while its large ears and nimble body more closely resemble a baboon. It grimaces to reveal sharp fangs while waving a club in its small hands.

Debbi are hateful, selfish, barbaric desert scavengers with a supernatural ability to inspire fear. Cruel and merciless, debbi drive other creatures from watering holes. They sometimes harass campsites at dawn and dusk, frightening mounts while rummaging through packs for anything they can eat. While pillaging, they usually destroy as much as possible with destructive glee. Debbi value nothing that they cannot consume, but can be bribed with food.

Debbi packs follow a strict hierarchy, with the strong mercilessly abusing the weaker members. Mothers must maintain a constant vigil to prevent their young from being mistreated by the elders.

Debbi are filthy creatures, dirtying their homes with refuse, offal, and uneaten kills. As a result, an oasis or watering hole visited by debbi is often polluted with deadly intestinal parasites. Anyone drinking from such water risks contracting an ingested form of filth fever.

The hides of debbi have been known to sell for as much as 200 gp, while their hair is sometimes incorporated into magic items which incorporate fear effects.

A debbi stands 2 feet tall and weighs 35 pounds.

Debbi do not speak, but understand Common.


Debbi are generally cowardly, preferring to flee rather than fight if faced with superior opposition. A group of debbi generally tries to use its fearful stamp ability to panick foes and create havoc among groups. They fight with crude clubs in melee, and often flee up trees to harass spellcasters with a barrage of distracting thrown rocks. Although frightening when displayed, debbi fangs are not effective in combat.

Rock Throwing (Ex): The range increment is 10 feet for a debbi's thrown rocks, and the maximum range is 50 feet.

Stamp (Su): When a debbi stamps its feet in a special rhythm, it calls upon a primitive magical energy. All creatures within a 60-foot spread must succeed on a DC 11 Will save or become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic mind-affecting fear effect. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to the same debbi's stamp for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

If three or more debbi stamp simultaneously, the save DC increases by +1 per two additional debbis after the first, as long as the affected creature is within the overlapping area of all participating debbi's stamp area.

Skills: Debbi have a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Intimidate checks. They can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Originally appeared in Monstrous Compendium 13 (1992).
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Monster Junkie

Medium Magical Beast (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (30 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d6+3)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Ballistic attack, detonate, psi-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., detect psionics, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 13
Skills: Survival +7
Feats: Mental Leap (B), Rapid Metabolism, Track
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary or pack (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

This creature resembles a very large frog, with golden skin. A green crystalline growth juts between its shoulders, and its green eyes have yellow pupils.

Pack hunters of the Athasian deserts, daggorans prey on rodents and other small animals. Thri-kreen consider daggoran flesh a delicacy, and have nearly hunted these creatures to extinction.

Daggorans live in packs, similar to those of wolves. The strongest daggoran always serves as the leader, and is only replaced if a conteder defeats it in a fight to the death. The loser of such a content becomes a meal for the rest of the pack.

A daggoran is 4 to 6 feet long and weighs 100 to 150 pounds.

Daggorans speak speak Common slowly with a very thick accent.


When prey is spotted, a daggoran opens with its detonate ability, hoping to down the target with shrapnel from the blast. In melee, daggoran packs attack like wolves, working together to bring down larger prey.

Ballistic Attack (Ps): Three times a day, a daggoran may psionically hurl a small (up to 1 pound in weight) object at an enemy up to 40 feet away, as the power telekinetic thrust, except as follows. The daggoran makes a ranged attack (applying its Charisma modifier to the attack roll instead of its Dexterity modifier) and deals 1d6 points of damage if successful. This is equivalent to a 2nd-level power. Manifester level 4th.

Detect Psionics (Su): Daggorans continuously detect psionics (as the power), except that the range is 300 feet.

Detonate (Ps): Three times per day, a daggoran can detonate the crystalline growth on its back. This is similar to the hail of crystals power, except any creature or object struck by the ball of crystal takes 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage, and anyone within 20 feet of the explosion takes 3d4 points of slashing damage. This is the equivalent of a 2rd-level power. Manifester level 3rd.

Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—-control body (DC 15), inertial barrier. Manifester level 4th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Skills: Daggorans have a +6 racial bonus on Jump checks.

Originally appeared in Dark Sun: Shattered Lands Rule Book (1993).
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Monster Junkie
Dragonet, Common

Dragonet, Common
Medium Dragon
Hit Dice: 3d12+12 (31 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 60 ft. (poor)
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d6+3) and 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+1) and 2 wings +6 melee (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Incendiary spittle
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, paralysis, and sleep, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 9
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats: Flyby Attack, Multiattack
Environment: Temperate forests, hills, marshes, or plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (mated pair plus 1-2 young), or flight (2-20)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-10 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

This six-foot-long dragon has a serpentine body.

Common dragonets are rumored to be the ancestors of most of the true and lesser dragons. They were once far more common (hence their name), roaming the skies in huge flocks. They have since diminished due to the predations of other creatures, aggressive hunting by humanoids for their hides and incendiary saliva, and the destruction of their eggs by rodents and other beasts.

Once every decade, a female dragonet lays a clutch of 2-5 eggs. Common dragonets fiercely defend their young, and unlike many other dragons, groups of common dragonets will help defend the lairs and young of others of their kind. Unfortunately, they are easily distracted and give chase to interlopers, often leaving their eggs and young undefended against other opportunistic creatures.

The spittle from a common dragonet can be collected and used as a splash weapon. Treat a vial of dragonet spittle as a vial of acid, unless it strikes an open flame. In that case, it explodes as alchemists' fire. Enough spittle to fill four vials may be extracted from a slain dragonet.

A single dragonet hide can make hide armor for a Small humanoid or the hides of two can make hide armor for a single Medium humanoid. As usual, this dragonhide armor is masterwork and costs twice as much as usual masterwork armor. The armor itself is immune to acid. With an additional DC 25 Craft (armorsmithing) check, common-dragonet-hide armor grants resistance to acid 5 to the wearer as an Extraordinary ability. (See "Dragoncraft" items in the Draconomicon for more details as well as more information on the types of armor that can be created from a Medium dragon hide.)

Common dragonets are 6 feet long and weigh 100 to 150 pounds. Females have dull green scales, while males are reddish-brown with orange patches. Common dragonets have a lifespan of up to 200 years.


Common dragonets are aggressive predators and will generally attack anything of their own size or smaller. They generally open an attack with their incendiary spittle, then follow-up with melee attacks until they can spit again.

Incendiary Spittle (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, a common dragonet may a glob of corrosive, incendiary spittle at a single opponent. The dragonet must succeed on a ranged touch attack (to a maximum range of 30 feet with no range increments). The spittle deals 2d10 points of acid damage. The victim must also succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save or be permanently blinded. Additionally, if the save fails, one piece of the victim's equipment is at risk from the acid, suffering the same acid damage as the victim; use the rules for determining damage to equipment (see Items Affected by Magical Attacks in the DMG/PHB).

The spittle is extremely flammable. A victim carrying an open flame (such as a torch, a flaming weapon, or under the effects of a fire shield spell) must succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save or the spittle ignites in a fiery explosion, dealing 1d8 points of fire damage to the victim and all adjacent creatures and objects. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #158 (1990).
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Monster Junkie
Giant, Sea, Lesser

Giant, Sea, Lesser
Large Giant (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 80 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +6 natural, +2 leather armor) touch 9, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+23
Attack: Slam +18 melee (1d6+10) or trident +18 melee (2d6+10) or heavy underwater crossbow +8 ranged (2d8/19-20) or net +8 ranged (entangle) or rock +8 ranged (2d6+10)
Full Attack: 2 slams +18 melee (1d6+10) or trident +18 melee (2d6+10) or heavy underwater crossbow +8 ranged (2d8/19-20) or net +8 ranged (entangle) or rock +8 ranged (2d6+10)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend 2d6+15, rock throwing
Special Qualities: Air dependent, blindsight 120 ft., immunity to poison, low-light vision, resistance to cold 20 and force 20, rock catching, water temperature tolerance
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +6
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +19, Craft (any one) +10, Intimidate +10, Jump +19, Spot +11, Swim +18
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Environment: Any aquatic (coastal)
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +6

This light green-skinned humanoid towers nearly fifteen feet tall. Its hands and feet are webbed, and it carries a massive trident. Its green hair is long, but it has no other hair on its body.

Lesser sea giants are amphibious members of giantkind. They are generally friendlly, and often come to the aid of humanoids in peril at sea. These giants lair on small islands or in coastal grottoes.

Lesser sea giants often take Craft (armorsmithing) or Craft (weaponsmithing), creating specially-designed crossbows for underwater combat (see below) or fashioning leather armor from the hides of sea creatures.

An adult male is about 15 feet tall and weighs about 2,800 pounds. Skin coloration is dependent on environment, ranging from light green in tropical oceans to light blue in polar seas. Lesser sea giants can live to be 300 years old.

A lesser sea giant's bag usually contains 1d4+1 throwing rocks, large sea shells, coins, and the giant's personal wealth. The contents are usually wet and briny.

Lesser sea giants speak Giant and Common.


Although capable of dealing great damage with their slams, lesser sea giants are just as likely to employ manufactured weapons such as tridents, nets, and specially-designed undersea crossbows.

Air Dependent (Ex): A lesser sea giant can survive underwater for 10 minutes per two points of Constitution (after that, refer to the drowning rules on page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).

Rend (Ex): If a lesser sea giant hits with both slam attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+15 points of damage.

Rock Catching (Ex): A sea giant can catch Small, Medium, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape).

Once per round, a sea giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) The sea giant must be ready for and aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt.

Rock Throwing (Ex): The range increment is 120 feet for a sea giant’s thrown rocks.

Water Pressure Tolerance (Ex): Sea giants take no damage from water pressure at depths of less than 1 mile (see Water Dangers in the Dungeon Master's Guide).

Underwater Crossbow: Sea giants use specially designed crossbows that are not subject to the normal -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls for every five feet of distance underwater. Additionally, range increment for these crossbows is unaffected in aquatic environs.

Skills: A sea giant has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Lesser Sea Giant Society

Lesser sea giants prefer a solitary existence, although they occasionally pair up, mating for life.

Lesser Sea Giant Characters
A lesser sea giant cleric has access to two of the following domains: Good, Travel, Water, and Weather.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #101 (1985).
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Monster Junkie
Child of Maalpherus

Child of Maalpherus
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 4d12+3 (29 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares; can't run)
Armor Class: 11 (-1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+5
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d8+1 plus disease) or hooked mace +3 melee (1d10+1)
Full Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d8+1 plus disease) or hooked mace +3 melee (1d10+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: Single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 10, trials of Maalpherus, +2 turn resistance, undead traits, vulnerability to acid, fire, and force effects, vulnerability to holy water
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills: —
Feats: Exotic Weapon Profiicency (hooked mace)(B), Toughness (B)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or mob (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Medium); 7-8 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

This shambling corpse is heavily decomposed. Large chunks of flesh and hair appear to have sloughed off, and its hands and feet are missing digits. The stench of rot is nearly overpowering.

The Children of Maalpherus are variant zombies created by the priesthood of Maalpherus, a god of disease and plague. These undead are often fashioned from the corpses of those who angered the deity. Large specimens represent ogres, minotaurs, and other larger races who angered the deity.

Children of Maalpherus are most likely to be encountered in areas festering with disease, such as fetid swamps and dank sewers.

A Child of Maalpherus is 5 to 6 feet tall and weighs 100 to 150 pounds.

Children of Maalpherus cannot speak.

A Child of Maalpherus can be created with a create undead spell cast by an 12th-level spellcaster or by certain powerful magical curses or diseases.


Children of Maalpherus fight much like any other zombie, shambling forth to pummel foes with a fist or weapon.

Disease (Ex): Slimy doom -- slam, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d4 Con (when damaged, a character must succeed on a second Fortitude saving throw or one point is Con drain instead). The save DC is Cha-based.

Single Actions Only (Ex): Children of Maalpherus have poor reflexes and can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A Child of Maalpherus can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Trials of Maalpherus (Su): Maalpherus dictates that only the strongest of his followers should survive, permitting his priests to only use healing on themselves. This mantra has carried over into the Children of Maalpherus. As a result, a Child of Maalpherus only gains half the healing benefit of inflict spells. A contagion spell heals a Child of Maalpherus of 3d8 hit points.

Vulnerability to Holy Water (Ex): Children of Maalpherus take half again as much (+50%) damage from holy water. (Note that holy water deals 2d4 points of damage to undead.)

Hooked Mace: The favored weapon of Maalpherus and his followers, this exotic weapon resembles a heavy mace with a hooked spike that resembles a claw. It deals 1d10 points of bludgeoning and slashing damage. Priests of Maalpherus treat this as a martial weapon.

Originally appeared in Dungeon Magazine #57 (1996).
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Monster Junkie
Scavenger Spirit

Scavenger Spirit
Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (perfect)(8 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 17, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+3
Attack: Incorporeal touch +6 (1d6 plus paralysis)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +6 (1d6 plus paralysis)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Mutable manifestation, paralysis, sneak attack +1d6, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/silver, darkvision 60 ft., dig, evasion, immunity to cold, incorporeal pickpocket, incorporeal traits, +4 turn resistance, undead traits, unnatural aura
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 19, Con —, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 16
Skills: Sleight of Hand +22
Feats: Ability Focus (paralysis), Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or guild (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always non-good
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Medium), 8-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

A ghostlike wolf pads forth, its body shimmering and insubstantial. Suddenly, it takes the form of a thin human in roguish garb, its body equally immaterial.

Scavenger spririts arise from the spirits of tomb-raiders, graverobbers, and other looters of the dead. They are cursed to eternally covet treasure, which they hoard on the Ethereal Plane (see the "Ghostly Equipment" section of the ghost monster entry in the MM or SRD; the only difference is that a scavenger spirit's equipment does not have a material counterpart).

Although not bound to the site of their deaths, scavenger spririts generally remain in the area unless the opportunities for theft begin to dwindle.

A scavenger spirit is 5 to 6 feet tall and weightless.

Scavenger spririts speak a single language they knew in life (usually Common).


Scavenger spririts are concerned only with treasure. Unlike many undead, they do not hate the living and wish them harm, but will attack without remorse if that presents the best option to acquire treasure. They generally use their suggestion ability to compel passersby to pick up loot, at which point the scavenger spirits are free to steal from them. A group of scavenger spirits uses the dig ability to unearth tombs and coffins to afford adventurers access to more treasure, and therefore, more loot for the scavenger spirits to steal.

Dig (Su): Three times per day, a group of two or more scavenger spirits can supernaturally unearth coffins or clear the way to buried tombs. This functions as a move earth spell, with the following differences. Each round that the scavenger spirits maintain concentration, they can move a 10-foot cube of earth, and they may maintain concentration for as many rounds as their combined hit dice. Unlike the move earth spell, the scavenger spirits' dig ability may form tunnels. Caster level 4th. This is the equivalent of an 3rd-level spell.

Incorporeal Pickpocket (Su): A manifested scavenger spirit may make Sleight of Hand checks to manipulate material objects in the possession of a living creature (for example, using Sleight of Hand to pick a character's pocket). This ability does not affect unattended, unclaimed objects, such as goods left in a tomb. If the scavenger spirit succeeds in taking control of the object, the object becomes incorporeal, like the scavenger spirit, and the scavenger spirit may carry it to the Ethereal Plane when its manifestation ends. A scavenger spirit performing a Sleight of Hand check manipulates objects as if it were a corporeal creature of its size and Strength (Medium and Str 12 for an average unadvanced scavenger spirit).

Mutable Manifestation (Su): A scavenger spirit dwells on the Ethereal Plane and, as an ethereal creature, it cannot affect or be affected by anything in the material world. When a scavenger spirit manifests, it partly enters the Material Plane and becomes visible but incorporeal on the Material Plane. A manifested scavenger spirit can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. A manifested scavenger spirit can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. A manifested scavenger spirit always moves silently. A manifested scavenger spirit can strike with its touch attack or with a ghost touch weapon. A manifested scavenger spirit remains partially on the Ethereal Plane, where is it not incorporeal. A manifested scavenger spirit can be attacked by opponents on either the Material Plane or the Ethereal Plane. Incorporeality helps protect it from foes on the Material Plane, but not from foes on the Ethereal Plane. A scavenger spirit has two home planes, the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. It is not considered extraplanar when on either of these planes.

In addition, a scavenger spirit may take on many appearances. Usually, they appear as they did in life, but a manifested scavenger spirit may choose to take the form of any Medium creature. This grants them a +10 bonus to Disguise checks to appear as (an incorporeal version of) any particular creature.

Paralysis (Su): A creature touched by a scavenger spirit must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/minute--suggestion (DC 16). Caster level 4th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a scavenger spirit at a distance of 60 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and become frightened if forced to do so; they remain frightened as long as they are within that range.

Skills: Scavenger spirits have a +8 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks.

Originally appeared in Polyhedron Magazine #76 (1992).
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Monster Junkie
Silat, Young

Silat, Young
Large Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+15
Attack: Claw +10 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d6+4) and bite +5 melee (1d10+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Diminished change shape, powerful bite
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1, immunity to poison and mind-influencing spells and abilites, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +10, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +8 (+10 acting)*, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (any) +7, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Persuasive
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or family (1-4 plus 1-4 ogre magi and 1 adult silat)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic
Advancement: 8 HD (Large) or by character class
Level Adjustment: -

This giant female humanoid stands nearly ten feet tall. Her skin is pale green, and her long hair is a slightly darker green. Ramlike horns curl from each side of her head, and her teeth and nails appear to be of yellowed ivory. The rags she wears barely covers her bent, wrinkled body.

Silats are a race of hags that roam the wilderness and cities of Zakhara in search of food. Powerful shapeshifters, they can move nearly unnoticed through humanoid society. Silats are solitary, nocturnal hunters that cover all spectrums of alignment. Neutral and good silats eat animal flesh. The more evil among them use their abilities to attract victims, for they prefer humanoid flesh. These evil silats often pose as helpless old women or flirtatious maidens.

Silats can be extremely helpful to those approaching them in the proper manner, which varies by individual For some silats, a polite salutation will suffice, while others require the performance of minor chores on the silat's behalf. The more eccentric silats only help visitors who perform the exact opposite of what was requested.

Silats propagate their species by mating with ogre magi. Male offspring of such a union are ogre magi, while the female offspring are silats. Silats form family units in the wilderness, consisting of an adult or matriarch silat with 1-4 ogre magi sons and 1-4 young silat daughters.

Young silats are those that have lived less than a century. Their shapeshifting powers have not fully matured, leaving their monstrous feet visible in the forms they assume.

A young silat stands 10 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds. Skin coloration ranges from pale green to pale blue, with hair of the same color but a darker hue. Silats can live over 500 years.

Silats speak Common and Giant.


Silats attack with their daggerlike claws and vicious bite.

Diminished Change Shape (Su): A young silat can assume the shape of any Medium or Large humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant three times per day. This works exactly as the Change Shape special ability, except that the young silat cannot transform the appearance of her feet. The young silat therefore only gains a bonus of +6 to Disguise checks when using this ability to disguise itself.

Powerful Bite (Ex): A silat's bite is always a secondary attack, yet the powerful muscles in its jaws allow it to apply 1.5 times its Strength modifier to damage rolls with its bite.

Originally appeared in Monstrous Compendium 13 (1992).
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Monster Junkie
Silat, Adult

Silat, Adult
Large Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 9d8+27 (67 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (-1 size, +11 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d6+4) and bite +10 melee (1d10+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Change shape, powerful bite
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 3, immunity to poison and mind-influencing spells and abilites, low-light vision, spell resistance 18
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 19
Skills: Bluff +14, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +12 (+14 acting)*, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (any two) +10, Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Multiattack, Persuasive
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or family (1-4 plus 1-4 ogre magi and 1 adult silat)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic
Advancement: 10-11 HD (Large) or by character class
Level Adjustment: -

This giant female humanoid stands over twice the height of a human. Her skin is pale green, and her long hair is a slightly darker green. Ramlike horns curl from each side of her head, and her teeth and nails appear to be of yellowed ivory. The rags she wears barely covers her bent, wrinkled body.

Silats are a race of hags that roam the wilderness and cities of Zakhara in search of food. Powerful shapeshifters, they can move nearly unnoticed through humanoid society. Silats are solitary, nocturnal hunters that cover all spectrums of alignment. Neutral and good silats eat animal flesh. The more evil among them use their abilities to attract victims, for they prefer humanoid flesh. These evil silats often pose as helpless old women or flirtatious maidens.

Silats can be extremely helpful to those approaching them in the proper manner, which varies by individual For some silats, a polite salutation will suffice, while others require the performance of minor chores on the silat's behalf. The more eccentric silats only help visitors who perform the exact opposite of what was requested.

Silats propagate their species by mating with ogre magi. Male offspring of such a union are ogre magi, while the female offspring are silats. Silats form family units in the wilderness, consisting of an adult or matriarch silat with 1-4 ogre magi sons and 1-4 young silat daughters.

Adult silats are those that have lived over a century and up to 500 years.

An adult silat stands 12 to 15 feet tall and weighs 500 or more pounds. Skin coloration ranges from pale green to pale blue, with hair of the same color but a darker hue. Silats can live over 500 years.

Silats speak Common and Giant.


Silats attack with their daggerlike claws and vicious bite.

Change Shape (Su): An adult silat can assume the shape of any Medium or Large humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant. In another form, the silat loses its natural attacks. A silat can remain in its one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but a silat reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form.

Powerful Bite (Ex): A silat's bite is always a secondary attack, yet the powerful muscles in its jaws allow it to apply 1.5 times its Strength modifier to damage rolls with its bite.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day--baleful polymorph (DC 19). Caster level 9th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skills: *When using its change shape ability, a silat gets an additional +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.

Originally appeared in Monstrous Compendium 13 (1992).
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Monster Junkie
Silat, Matriarch

Silat, Matriarch
Huge Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 12d8+60 (114 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +14 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+28
Attack: Claw +18 melee (1d8+8)
Full Attack: 2 claws +18 melee (1d8+8) and bite +16 melee (2d8+12)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Change shape, powerful bite
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, immunity to poison and mind-influencing spells and abilites, low-light vision, spell resistance 21
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +10
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 23
Skills: Bluff +19, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +17 (+19 acting)*, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (any one) +14, Listen +12, Spot +12
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or family (1-4 plus 1-4 ogre magi and 1 adult silat)
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic
Advancement: 13-18 HD (Huge) or by character class
Level Adjustment: -

This giant female humanoid stands over twice the height of a human. Her skin is pale green, and her long hair is a slightly darker green. Ramlike horns curl from each side of her head, and her teeth and nails appear to be of yellowed ivory. The rags she wears barely covers her bent, wrinkled body.

Silats are a race of hags that roam the wilderness and cities of Zakhara in search of food. Powerful shapeshifters, they can move nearly unnoticed through humanoid society. Silats are solitary, nocturnal hunters that cover all spectrums of alignment. Neutral and good silats eat animal flesh. The more evil among them use their abilities to attract victims, for they prefer humanoid flesh. These evil silats often pose as helpless old women or flirtatious maidens.

Silats can be extremely helpful to those approaching them in the proper manner, which varies by individual For some silats, a polite salutation will suffice, while others require the performance of minor chores on the silat's behalf. The more eccentric silats only help visitors who perform the exact opposite of what was requested.

Silats propagate their species by mating with ogre magi. Male offspring of such a union are ogre magi, while the female offspring are silats. Silats form family units in the wilderness, consisting of an adult or matriarch silat with 1-4 ogre magi sons and 1-4 young silat daughters.

Silats that have lived over 500 years are revered as matriarchs, and gain additional powers.

A silat matriarch stands 17 to 20 feet tall and weighs 800 pounds. Skin coloration ranges from pale green to pale blue, with hair of the same color but a darker hue. Silats can live over 500 years.

Silats speak Common and Giant.


Silats attack with their daggerlike claws and vicious bite. A matriarch also commands powerful spell-like abilities to polymorph creatures and objects.

Change Shape (Su): A silat matriarch can assume the shape of any Medium, Large, or Huge humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant. In another form, the silat loses its natural attacks. A silat can remain in its one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but a silat reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form.

Powerful Bite (Ex): A silat's bite is always a secondary attack, yet the powerful muscles in its jaws allow it to apply 1.5 times its Strength modifier to damage rolls with its bite.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will--baleful polymorph (DC 21). 3/day--polymorph any object (objects only, DC 24). Caster level 12th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skills: *When using its change shape ability, a silat gets an additional +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.

Originally appeared in Monstrous Compendium 13 (1992).
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Monster Junkie
Snake, Messenger

Snake, Messenger
Tiny Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 3d10 (16 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 15 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (good), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+29
Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d6-4 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d6-4 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Blending scales, darkvision 60 ft., locate recipient, low-light vision, perfect messenger, scent, spell resistance 9, strong flier
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +24, Listen +11, Move Silently +20, Spot +11, Swim +4
Feats: Endurance, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Tiny), 7-8 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: -

A snake flies through the air on parrotlike, light green wings. Its jade green scales appear metallic, although their coloration rapidly shifts to resemble the clouds above it.

Messenger snakes were bred by Zhentish wizards to serve a function similar to carrier pigeons. Given the ability to accurately locate the intended recipient, as well as the ability to determine truth when a codeword is given, make them extremely competent in their roles.

Messenger snakes are often tasked with carrying a scroll in their coils, but they can also remember and recall with perfect clarity a verbal message. Occasionally they are tasked to deliver small magic items (such as potions or rings), spell components, or even small bags of coins or gems.

Messenger snakes eat plants, insects, and small rodents. Their eggs fetch up to 1,000 gp on the open market, while hatchlings may command up to 2,500 gp.

A messenger snake is 2 feet long and weighs 5 pounds. It lives up to 40 years.

Messenger snakes speak their own language, but never do so when creatures of any other race are close enough to hear them.


Messenger snakes were bred for delivering messages, not for battle. However, their bites carry a paralyitic venom, buying the snake time to escape from would-be predators and those who would stop the delivery of their messages.

Blending Scales (Ex): A messenger snake's coloration shifts and changes to match its environs, granting it continuous concealment (20% miss chance).

Locate Recipient (Su): So long as the messenger snake and the intended recipient of its message are within 100 miles, the messenger snake knows in which direction its recipient can be found and how far away he or she is.

Perfect Messenger (Ex): A messenger snake may perfectly recall a message of up to 100 words, which it will deliver only to its intended recipient. Any attempts (magically or otherwise) to coerce the snake to repeat the message for anyone else automatically fails. The snake repeats the language in the same language as spoken by the sender, even if it cannot understand the language itself. It speaks in a soft, hissing voice.

Poison (Ex): Bite -- Fort DC 11, initial damage 1 Con, secondary damage paralysis for 1d4 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will--discern lies (DC 15). Caster level 3rd. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Strong Flier (Ex): Messenger snakes are exceedingly strong flyers and can cover vast distances quickly. Its overland flying speeds are 12.5 miles per hour at a normal pace, and 25 miles per hour as part of a hustle. It can travel 200 miles per 8-hour day when flying at a hustle. Messenger snakes do not tire as quickly as other creatures. If a messenger snake attempts a hustle or a forced march, check for nonlethal damage once every 2 hours instead of every hour.

Skills: Messenger snakes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Move Silently checks. A messenger snake can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Messenger snakes use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. A messenger snake has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a messenger snake is up to 5 pounds; a medium load, 6–10 pounds; and a heavy load, 11–15 pounds. A messenger snake can drag 75 pounds.

Messenger Snakes in the Forgotten Realms

Messenger snakes are found wherever the Zhentarim are found. Because of their association with the Zhents, many other nations shoot messenger snakes on sight. The Zhentarim are concerned about the rumors of messenger snakes developing their own language, fearing that the creatures may soon become too intelligent to willingly serve them.

Originally appeared in Ruins of Zhentil Keep (1995).
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