Shaun Palmer
Creature types in the 1.2 rules are a little confusing. Some races/creatures have multiple types. How does this effect spell casting vs creature type?
The types listed for PCs are different for NPCs. Orc & Goblin PCs are goblinoid humanoid, but the NPCs are fey goblinoid (and listed under Peoples in the WRRD)
Which is correct? Are they all correct?
Also, where there are difference in Creatures/NPCs stats in the 1.2 rule books and the online WRRD should the WRRD be considered the correct version. For example, Skeleton in the WRRD has Piercing Damage as an immunity, the rule book does not.
The types listed for PCs are different for NPCs. Orc & Goblin PCs are goblinoid humanoid, but the NPCs are fey goblinoid (and listed under Peoples in the WRRD)
Which is correct? Are they all correct?
Also, where there are difference in Creatures/NPCs stats in the 1.2 rule books and the online WRRD should the WRRD be considered the correct version. For example, Skeleton in the WRRD has Piercing Damage as an immunity, the rule book does not.