Critical Role Critical Role show kickstarter update: Backers have to get Amazon prime to get the show

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It's not what the multi-billion dollar can do, Amazon can change the world if they want to. It's unrealistic because the megacorp will never be willing to do that.

It may be unrealistic that Amazon would do it purely voluntarily, but I'm not convinced it should have been unrealistic for CR to negotiate. Given pre-existing Prime subscriptions and the availability of free trials, providing backers with a more official means of access wouldn't actually have meant very many lost sales. Certainly not enough that it should have been a deal-breaker for a show with millions of dollars of funding and hoping for millions of viewers. Honestly, earning some goodwill from the fans (translating into sales of future seasons) might have been worth more to Amazon.

I am really curious what went on behind the scenes, though I suspect there are non-disclosure agreements in place that will keep us from finding out. The lack of communication from the CR cast does strike me as uncharacteristic.


It may be unrealistic that Amazon would do it purely voluntarily, but I'm not convinced it should have been unrealistic for CR to negotiate.
What makes you think they didn't? We have no information on that front. Choosing to believe they don't care about the goodwill of their fans is as much of a guess as anything else.

They have altered the deal. Pray they do not alter it any further.

But I'm generally cool with it. It's nice they are giving people the option to watch the 2 backer episodes without Amazon.


What makes you think they didn't? We have no information on that front. Choosing to believe they don't care about the goodwill of their fans is as much of a guess as anything else.

That's not what I'm trying to imply. I think the CR crew absolutely care about fan goodwill and probably did try to negotiate better access terms. I just think, in principle, it should have been possible for them to have more success in doing so.


Golden Procrastinator
They made it pretty clear that backing didn’t include any sort of digital or physical copy. Already have Prine, so this doesn't effect me, but it's a little oddly handled.
As I wrote, I didn't follow the campaign. If they made it clear, then I see no issue. There are several Patreons in which backers support material that is then available at large. As long as everybody is well informed in advance, it's all good in my book.

Voidrunner's Codex

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