Critter Bits and Magic Recipes!


Creature Cataloguer
if you've played D&D before 3E, then you probably know what i'm talking about. in older editions of the game, lots of monsters had body parts that could be used for spell components, or to make magic items out of. this is still in 3E to some extent, but nowhere near what it used to be. what i want to do is collect all the old references and make them 3E playable, for those of us who'd still like to use those old rules.

i could spend several hours looking all this stuff up by myself, but i just don't have that kind of time. so, here's what i want you to do for me, if you feel so inclined. i can't use, "um, i think the old monster manual used to say..." what i need is specifics, something i can check upon and verify. for example, "the 2E monstrous manual says: The feathers of a cockatrice are prized by certain wizards as many magical scrolls must be inscribed with pens made from such quills," would be ideal. or if you don't have time for that, and were to simply go through a certain work and list names and/or page numbers where i could find such info, that would also work just fine. if you know of an online source that contains info like this, then please post a link to that site or page.

monster books would, of course, be ideal choices to research. but keep in mind, other sources such as an old PHB, DMG, unearthed arcana, or the tome of magic are other likely sources to contain such monster lore. give me info from ANY official book, boxed set, or magazine from ANY pre-3E edition or version of D&D, from any campaign world. don't worry if the monster in question (or the spell or magic item it yields) doesn't have 3E stats yet. somewhere, someone probably has a conversion, so it will be useful somehow.

and, thanks in advance - i hope this proves to be useful to all of us. :)
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First Post
Do you only want 2E or earlier references or do you also want 3E references. (Im not sure if they are there but they might?)


Creature Cataloguer
anything before 3e: D&D basic, AD&D 1E, AD&D 2E, and anything else i missed. :)

as time becomes available for me, i will do some research myself and post things on this thread. i would have done it before posting this, but i just thought of this idea tonight while gaming, and didn't want to take a chance that i'd forget about it. ;)
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Theres some stuff in the BoVD about power components: devil's heart and the like.

Also, one of the magic weapons mentions angel's wings.


Okay, here's some 2E stuff I just happened to have lying around...

"The Ecology of the Amphisbaena," Dragon #215, p. 38:
Wizards often use amphisbaena scales as ingredients in the manufacture of spells and items providing protection from cold-based attacks.
"The Ecology of the Osquip," Dragon #227, p. 42:
Osquip dung hardens after about an hour's exposure to air, at which time it maintains the hardness of stone. For this reason, jermlaine often use osquip dung as mortar to make stone walls, seal off tunnel entrances, and even to fashion sling stones and crude stone implements like axeheads.
p. 43:
"Osquip incisors can be used as substitute material components for the dig spell, allowing it to be cas as normal, or it can be used to affect an amount of solid stone equal to half as much dirt as normally affected. The teeth are, naturally, consumed in the course of the spell."

"How many teeth per use?"

"Two: one upper and one lower incisor from the same creature."
p. 43:
"Osquip dung is a perfectly usable substitute for clay in the use of a stone shape spell."
"The Ecology of the Roper," Dragon #232, p. 46:
The stomach acid from a slain roper is worth about 4 gp per ounce to an alchemist. A full-grown roper can supply 80-120 ounces of the acid, but it must be carefully harvested and stored only in platinum vials. Other roper by-products include the glands that produce the sticky glue coating its cilia and strands (the glue itself sells for about 8 gp per ounce, or 25 gp per gland, of which the roper has a total of four) and the eye, which is considered a delicacy among certain humanoid races (prices vary). Roper glue is a valuable component used in the preparation of sovereign glue.
"The Ecology of the Nymph," Dragon #240, p. 72:
A sleeping potion made from--among other things--a lock of nymph's hair will cause imbibers to save vs. posion at -2 or fall into a deep sleep lasting 2d4 hours.
p. 72:
If the nymph's hair is enchanted, woven into a cloth and sewn into a garment, the wearer adds 1 to his or her Charisma. Creating such a garment requires the use of an enchant an item spell but no further spells--the Charisma boost is powered by the magic from the nymph's hair and works for as long as the garment is worn. At least 20 strands of hair from a single nymph are required to create such a garment. The types of magical vestments are many, but popular ones include robes, capes, and shirts or blouses.
"I haven't begun distilling the [nymph's] tears into philters of love yet, but I'd guess we should have enough for at least four, maybe five."
"The Ecology of the Steeder," Dragon #245, p. 81:
Body parts from steeders can be used in the creation of slippers of spider climbing and boots of striding and springing. They are not used in creating cloaks of arachnida because of the steeder's lack of a dangerous venom and its inability to travel over or produce webs.
"The Ecology of the Flumph," Dragon #246, p. 78:
The brain of a flumph--a small organ located just under the creature's upper shell, midway between its mouth and its rear rim hole--when pulverized, produces a liquid useful in the production of potions of levitation. One flumph brain provides enough liquid for three such potions.

The inner layer of hollow flumph tentacles can be removed and used as one of the ingredients for oil of acid resistance. It takes about 20 tentacles for an application of this magical oil.

The gland that stores the flumph's defensive spray can be used as an alternative material component for the stinking cloud spell. If used for this purpose, any flumphs within one mile of the spell's effect have a 50% chance of investigating the stinking cloud.
Hopefully that'll get you started for now.



First Post
"Osquip dung is a perfectly usable substitute for clay in the use of a stone shape spell."

i am glad they added the qualifier about the spell


Creature Cataloguer
thanks richards, that's exactly the sort of think i'm looking for. :)

Edit: you wrote those articles, didn't you? ;)
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Yeah, guilty as charged. Here are a couple more:

"The Ecology of the Sphinx," Dragon #244, p. 86:
A criosphinx's horn can be used as an alternate material component for the shout spell.
"The Ecology of the Flail Snail," Dragon #258, p. 62:
"The main value of the creature is, of course, its shell, which has a market value of about 5,000 gold pieces and a wide variety of magical uses."

"The most obvious use of the shell is the creation of magical shields," said Willowquisp, consulting his notes. "Two shields can be made from a single shell, which not only offer excellent protection from weapons, but also carry the shell's magical protection from spells for a number of months."

[Footnote: These are shields +2 and provide protection from spells for 1-6 months in the same manner as the shell does for the living flail snail (40% chance of spell malfunction, 30% chance of it working normally, 20% chance of total negation, 10% chance the spell is reflected back at the spellcaster). Even after the spell-altering effects of the shield fade, it remains a shield +2.]
p. 62:
"Optionally, the shell can be ground down and made into a robe of scintillating colors," said Buntleby.
p. 62:
"Optionally, the shell can be brewed into several potions of rainbow hues," submitted Willowquisp.
p. 62:
"It is believed that the creature's 'love darts' may be used in philters of love," said Buntleby.
p. 62:
The stomach and liver of a flail snail, when ground up and mixed with flail snail blood, are valuable ingredients in an elixir of health, negating any previously-ingested poisons. Flail snail skin, along with a small coating of the mucus that normally covers it, when finely ground can be used in the creation of potions of fire resistance.

In addition, flail snail mucus, although not a standard ingredient, can be used to create potions of climbing. However, this thickens the potion so much that it takes two full rounds to imbibe (and does nothing to enhance the taste, to say the least).
"The Ecology of the Carrion Crawler," Dragon #267, p. 68:
Severed tentacles can be sold to an alchemist, for when properly boiled, the essence thus distilled can be fashioned into a potion protecting the imbiber from all forms of paralysis (including that of ghouls, ghasts, and various other undead creatures) for 1d10+2 turns. Optionally, an alchemist can craft a potion that paralyzes the drinker for 2d6 turns. (This is often the unintended result of a poorly made batch of the potion mentioned above.) Finally, carrion crawler tentacle essence can be used to fashion a gummy ointment that, if spread lavishly over a pair of gloves, allows the wearer to paralyze other living beings for 1d8 turns by touch. The ointment generally wears off after 2-5 uses or 1d4+2 hours, whichever comes first. Of course, those foolish enough to try applying the ointment directly on their own hands usually end up paralyzing themselves.

Details on the uses of carrion crawler essence can be found on page 91 of the Ravenloft campaign supplement Lords of Darkness.
"The Ecology of the Pseudodragon," Dragon #269, p. 79:
Pseudodragon poison can be sold for about 100 gold pieces per ounce. A slain pseudodragon yields about 12 ounces from its venom sac; living pseudodragons can be "milked" (against their will; they see the process as extremely demeaning) for about 20 ounces a week.
p. 79:
Pseudodragon skin can be used in the production of rings of chameleon power, potions of rainbow hue, and cloaks of elvenkind.
p. 79:
Pseudodragon blood is often used in the creation of rings of spell resistance.
p. 80:
Pseudodragon eggs can be sold for as much as 10,000 gold pieces on the open market. Hatchlings can fetch up to 20,000 gold pieces to the right buyer. (Wizards, especially those without access to the find familiar spell, are the primary target audience.)
"The Ecology of the Gorbel," Dragon #270, p. 84:
It isn't easy, but it is possible to harvest useful gorbel byproducts. Gorbel eyes can be used as substitute material components for the wizard eye spell, but they must be harvested before the gorbel explodes.

Another byproduct of possible use is the pyrophoric gas produced in the gorbel's hollow body, which, if extracted, can be used in the production of potions of fire breath.

The gorbel's rubbery hide, if taken intact, could be put to use in fashioning a lighter-than-air craft like a balloon or a zeppelin. Of course, it would take many gorbel hides to create a large craft; to date, no successes in this endeavor have been documented.


Here's a little more:

"The Ecology of the Dark Naga," Dragon #261, p. 66:
The cranial portions of dark naga skulls are often used to craft medallions of ESP or amulets of proof against detection and location. The rubbery, baglike organs in their gullets are sometimes used in the manufacture of bags of holding. Dark naga blood is one of several possible types of blood used to empower a periapt of proof against poison and is also employed in the creation of potions of ESP and oil of acid resistance. Finally, the dark naga's hide itself is sought for its unusual color, and the poison sac near the creature's tail spike can be siphoned to harvest a single dose of sleep venom.
"The Ecology of the Hydra," Dragon #272, p. 87:
Dragons find hydras delicious. To take advantage of this, wizards and alchemists have devised a potion of dragon attraction made primarily of hydra blood and crushed scales, as well as certain glands from the hydra's body (those involved in the production of subtle pheromones). A single hydra can produce up to five such potions; when poured on the ground, a potion of dragon attraction brings any dragon within a mile in search of a tantalizing meal. The effects of this potion wear off in 20 minutes as the liquid evaporates.

If the potion is foolishly consumed, however, the hapless imbiber becomes the target of all dragon gourmands within a two-mile radius for a full hour. During this time, all dragons are convinced of the imbiber's tastiness and concentrate the majority of their attacks upon the delicious morsel before them.

Potions of dragon attraction carry a market value of 150 gold pieces. (In 3rd Edition, these potions can be created by a spellcaster of at least 2nd level with the Brew Potion feat.)
pp. 88-89:
"Just what do you plan on doing with that hydra if you kill it?" asked Rhionda suddenly.

"We're primarily interested in its blood," said Buntleby. "According to Old Gumphrey, our chief alchemist, it can be used in the production of healing potions of various strengths, hopefully without the wart-producing side-effects we get when using troll's blood."

"Yeah, well, a dead hydra's got lots of other uses," replied Rhionda. "Pyrohydra blood and scales are used in the production of fireball wands, and rings of fire resistance can be carved from pyrohydra bones or teeth. Likewise, you can craft a ring of warmth or a cube of frost resistance from a cryohydra's teeth or bones, and the cryohydra's blood and scales can be used to make ice storm wands. Cured cryohydra skin can be used to create boots of the north, but you end up with garish purple boots.

"Also, with the Lernaean hydra's regeneration abilities, it should come as no surprise that the creature's blood is used in making periapts of wound closure or that rings of regeneration can be carved from its bones and teeth.

"Finally, there are my favorite magical weapons, the swords. Hydra blood is often introduced to the metal of a magic sword as it's being crafted: pyrohydra blood for flametongues, Lernaean hydra blood for swords used against regenerating creatures, cryohydra blood for frostbrands. Of course, any hydra's blood will do for weapons specially crafted against reptiles."

"A particularly useful beast!" exclaimed Dreelix happily, rubbing his hands together in greed at the thought of so many magical items to be crafted from a slain hydra.
p. 89:
Pyrohydra blood can also be used in the creation of any type of flaming weapon, just as cryohydra blood can be used to create any sort of frost weapon.
p. 89:
Hydra body parts can be used as alternate material components for several spells as well. The eyes of any hydra's head can be used for the infravision spell (the darkvision spell in 3rd Edition), but it takes both eyes from a single head, and they are consumed during spellcasting. The finely-ground scales from a hydra's back can be substituted for the granite and diamond dust used in a stoneskin spell without any lessening of the spell's efficacy. Finally, because of the fast-growing properties of Lernaean hydra head regeneration, flecks of dried blood from that creature can be used as an alternate material component for the haste spell.
DMs might wish to allow hydra teeth to be enchanted so that, when planted in the ground and the command word spoken, they spring up as either armed and armored warriors (as in traditional Greek mythology) or skeletons (as in the movie Jason and the Argonauts). Several excellent ideas for the creation of such magical teeth appear in Gregg Chamberlain's "The Magic of Dragon Teeth," published in Dragon Magazine #98.


Creature Cataloguer
I cleaned up this info a bit and brought it all together from what was originally 4 posts... these are excerpts from 1993's 2E monstrous manual. just to get some research done, and provide a few more examples. i’m going to expand the criteria of my search to include alchemical uses of creatures as well as using parts for other protective measures (but not purely monetary value of parts), since not all of them yield magical results.

Aboleth slime is sometimes used as a component for potions of water breathing.

Dried and cured ankheg shells can be made into armor with an AC of 2, and its digestive enzymes can be used as regular acid.

If an aurumvorax is killed with a minimum of cutting damage to its hide, the hide may be turned into a garment of incredible strength and beauty worth 15,000-20,000 gold pieces. The garment will also protect its wearer as armor, the specific Armor Class depending on the size of the aurumvorax. A garment with AC 2 weighs 50 pounds, one with AC 3 weighs 40 pounds, and one with AC 4 weighs 30 pounds.
The wearer also receives a +4 bonus on saving throws vs. normal fires and a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. magical fire.
If an aurumvorax is burned in a forge, approximately 150-200 pounds of gold are left behind. This burning process is very difficult and usually takes between one and two weeks to perform. Of course, the hide may be removed before the creature is burned; if burned at the same time, the hide will provide an additional 21-40 (1d20+20) pounds of gold.

The bombardier action of this beetle is caused by the explosive mixture of two substances that are produced internally and combined in a third organ. If a bombardier is killed before it has the opportunity to fire off both blasts, it is possible to cut the creature open and retrieve the chemicals. These chemicals can then be combined to produce a small explosive, or fire a projectile, with the proper equipment.
The chemicals are also of value to alchemists, who can use them in various preparations. They are worth 50 gp per dose.

Fire beetles have two special glands above their eyes and one near the back of their abdomens. These glands produce a luminous red glow, and for this reason they are highly prized by miners and adventurers. This luminosity persists for ld6 days after the glands are removed from the beetle, and the light shed will illuminate a radius of 10 feet.
The light from these glands is "cold" -- it produces no heat. Many mages and alchemists are eager to discover the secret of this cold light, which could be not only safe, but economical, with no parts to heat up and burn out. In theory, they say, such a light source could last forever.

Behir are useful to mages, priests, and alchemists for a number of concoctions. The horns of a behir can be used to brew the ink necessary to inscribe a lightning bolt scroll, and the sharp talons can likewise be used by a cleric to make the ink for a neutralize poison scroll. The heart of the behir is one of the more common ingredients for ink for a protection from poison scroll.
The scales are valued for their hardness and color, and are worth up to 500 gp to an armorer who can use them to fashion a highly ornate set of scale mail armor.

The smaller eyes of the beholder may be used to produce a potion of levitation, and as such can be sold for 50 gp each.

The death kiss has an organ in the central, upper body that is a valued ingredient in magical potions and spell inks concerned with levitation (and may be sold like beholder eyes). In addition, a brain or nerve node, deep in a bleeder's body hardens into a soft-sided, faceted red gem upon the creature's death. Called "bloodeyes," these typically fetch a market price of 70 gp each. They are valued for adornments since they glow more brightly as the wearer's emotions intensify.

There is only one known benefit to the existence of the bulette: The large plates behind its head make superb shields, and dwarven smiths can fashion them into shields of +1 to +3 in value. Some also claim that the soil through which a bulette has passed becomes imbued with magical, rock-dissolving properties. Many would argue, however, that these benefits are scarcely worth the price.

The filaments of the cave fisher are highly prized by many thieves' guilds, for they can be made into thin and very strong rope which is nearly invisible. The filaments are wound onto reels and then specially treated to dilute the adhesive. The resulting strands are made into ropes, while the diluted adhesive is turned into a special solution, which when applied to gloves and boots, greatly increases traction for climbing.

The feathers of the cockatrice are prized by certain wizards as many magical scrolls must be inscribed with pens made from such quills.

It is rumored that the powdered marrow from a crypt thing's bones can be used to create a potion of undead control. In addition, anyone who employs the bones of a crypt thing to manufacture a set of pipes of haunting is 80% likely to create a magical item that imposes a -2 penalty to its victims' saving throws and has double normal effectiveness if the saving throws fail.

Displacer beasts have little to fear from other large predators, save perhaps trolls or giants. Some wizards and alchemists value their hides for use in certain magical preparations, and will offer generous rewards for them. The eyes of a displacer beast are a highly prized, if uncommon, good luck charms among thieves who believe that they will protect the bearer from detection.

The body of a destroyed dracolich crumbles into a foul-smelling powder within a few hours; this powder can be used by knowledgeable wizards as a component for creating potions of undead control and similar magical substances.

Dragon Hide: Dragon skin is prized by armorers with the skill to turn it into shields and armor, valuable because of its appearance and the protection it affords. Dragon armor grants its wearer an Armor Class of 4 less than the Armor Class of the dragon it was taken from, for a minimum Armor Class of 8. For example, armor from a juvenile brass dragon (AC O) grants its wearer AC 4. Dragon armor is supple and non-bulky, weighing only 25 pounds.
The scales of gem dragons take on properties of actual gems; they are faceted and reflect light. They are slightly more brittle than those of other dragons, so armor made from them requires repair more often.
Dragon armor affords no extra protection, such as resistance to fire or cold, although the armor can be enchanted to provide such protection. A dragon's resistance to certain elements is based on its total makeup, not just its skin. Plain dragon armor is expensive to make, costing 1,000-10,000 gp, based on the workmanship and protection the armor affords. Dragon skin armor can be enchanted, just as other forms of armor can, to a maximum of +5.
Dragon shields also offer no additional protection. They are made of stretched hide over a wooden frame. Such shields weigh 3 pounds (if small) or 8 pounds (if large) and cost 20-120 or 30-180 gold pieces.

Dragon turtle shells make outstanding shields and armor. Because of the shell's strength and natural resistance to the dragon turtle's own breath weapon, armor or a shield made out of this material gains +1 to its defensive rating. The shield or armor will also save as an item against destruction by fire or steam-based attacks at +4.

Firedrake blood can be kept, in its liquid state, in a sealed and airtight container, or under water or some other inert liquid. It can then be used as a firebomb, equivalent to a torched flask of oil, or used to create flaming weapons. For instance, swords dipped in the blood immediately become flaming swords for 3-6 melee rounds, although the sudden, intense heat upon the blade creates a 2% cumulative chance per round of the sword breaking upon impact with each blow struck during the period in which flame engulfs it. After the flame ends, the sword is otherwise unaffected.

Sandlings have little effect on an ecosystem, taking only a fraction of the minerals in any parcel of land. Dwarves sometimes seek them in hopes of finding a rich mineral deposit. They are said to be excellent ingredients for mortar, but they and many druids object to this treatment.

(Salamanders) These fiery creatures' ichor is useful in the creation of potions of fire resistance, and the metal of their spears can be used to create rings of fire resistance.

Nereid shawls command handsome sums, but are seldom sold and are very rare. One who holds a shawl can use the enslaved nereid as a guide on the plane of Water.

When a tempest is killed, a silver residue rains down from its form. If carefully gathered, this residue provides a mass of silver equivalent to 3d6 silver pieces. Though valuable as a precious metal, the silver can also be used as a component in making a wand of lightning or casting a weather-related spell. Bits of the silver are also useful for making other weather or elemental related magical items.

Ecology: The drow produce unusual weapons and clothing with quasi-magical properties. Some scribes and researchers suggest that it is the strange radiation around drow cities that make drow crafts special. Others theorize that fine workmanship gives their wonderfully strong metals and superior cloth its unique attributes. Whatever the reason, it's clear that the drow have discovered some way to make their clothing and weapons without the use of magic.
Direct sunlight utterly destroys drow cloth, boots, weapons, and armor. When any item produced by them is exposed to the light of the sun, irreversible decay begins. Within 2d6 days, the items lose their magical properties and rot, becoming totally worthless. Drow artifacts, protected from sunlight, retain their special properties for ld20+30 days before becoming normal items. If a drow item is protected from direct sunlight and exposed to the radiations of the drow underworld for one week out of every four, it will retain its properties indefinitely.
Drow sleep poison, used on their darts and javelins, is highly prized by traders on the surface. However, this poison loses its potency instantly when exposed to sunlight, and remains effective for only 60 days after it is exposed to air. Drow poison remains potent for a year if kept in an unopened packet.

Ettercap poison is highly valued, partly because of its extreme toxicity and partly because it is rather difficult to obtain. An ettercap's poison glands hold only one ounce of poison at any time, but this ounce is worth up to 1,000 gp on the open market.

Shrieker spores are an important ingredient in potions of plant control.

Reptilian gargantua have two properties useful to humans:
The petal of any flower that grows in the footprint of a reptilian gargantua can serve as a component for a potion of growth. Such a flower must grow naturally in the footprint; it cannot have been planted there by a human or other intelligent being.
As noted above, thunderstorms occur when a reptilian gargantua is born. If a dead creature of any kind is struck by a lightning bolt from such a storm, the bolt acts as resurrection spell.

The silk of insectoid gargantua larvae can be woven into cloth from which magical robes are created.

The horn of the gargoyle is the more common active ingredient for a potion of invulnerability and can also be used in a potion of flying.

Gorgon blood, properly prepared, can seal an area against ethereal or astral intrusion; their powdered scales are an ingredient in the ink used to create a protection from petrification scroll.
In addition, the hide of a gorgon can be fashioned, with considerable work and some magical enhancement, into a fine set of scale mail. This armor will provide the wearer with a +2 bonus to all saving throws vs. petrification or flesh-to-stone spells.

A grell's paralytic poison cannot be extracted from the creature's body, but parts of the monster's body can be used for spells or items relating to levitation or electricity.

Powdered heucuva bones may be used in the preparation of magical items intended to corrupt the spirits of living beings or to control undead.

The hook horror's exoskeleton dries and becomes too brittle for use after a month or so.

Mind flayers raise intellect devourers, treating the ustilagor as culinary delights, and using adults as watch dogs. Both forms of the creature can be used as components in items and potions related to ESP and mind control.

Still, some mages prize the leucrotta hide for creating boots of striding and springing, hoping that the surefootedness of the beast passes down to the boots themselves. There are rumors that leucrotta saliva is an effective antidote to love philters, but so far there have been no volunteers to test this theory.

Lizard man eggs are bitter and inedible, as is their flesh, but their skin is sometimes worked as scale armor (Armor Class 6).

The lurker flies by means of gases generated into sacs. These gases may be used in the preparation of a potion of levitation.

Along with glue, [mimics] can excrete a liquid that smells like rotting meat; this attracts smaller, more common prey (usually rats). Mimic ichor is useful in the creation of polymorph self potions, and their glue and solvent sacs can be sold to alchemists. Other internal organs are useful in the manufacture of perfumes.

Mind flayer ichor is an effective ingredient in a potion of ESP.

Minotaur components are sometimes used in spells and potions, and might be used in magical items involving strength, location, and misdirection.

Though no uses have been recorded for a mudman's mud, it is logical that mages would not ignore its magical properties.

Mummy dust is a component for rotting and disease magical items.

Alchemists have found a number of uses for myconid spores, typically in poisons and potions of delusion.

[Naga] hides can be fashioned into scale mail +2, and their eyes and teeth have been sold for use in arcane spells.

Dark nagas are quick to plunder fallen foe, swallowing items, scrolls, and spellbooks to spit forth later -- for all dark nagas have a bag-like internal organ that they can use to carry things. This organ has thick, rubbery air-sac walls to protect the naga against sharp points and the like, but it also protects the cargo against digestive juices, and has the unusual side-effect of shielding magic from all detection spells.

If a man is kissed by a nymph, all painful and troubling memories are forgotten for the rest of the day -- this may be a boon to some and a curse to others. A lock of nymph's hair can be used to create a powerful sleeping potion or, if enchanted and woven into a cloth and sewn into a garment, will magically add one point to the wearer's Charisma. The tears of a nymph can be used as an ingredient in a philter of love. If a woman bathes in a nymph's pool, her Charisma is increased by two points until she bathes again.

Giant octopi's leathery hide is tough and waterproof, and it is worked into fine rain ponchos by sailors lucky enough to catch and kill one. Another byproduct of these monsters is their ink -- they are most often hunted for this commodity. Giant octopus ink can be used to pen magical scrolls.

Of all magical or enchanted creatures, the phoenix is perhaps most sought after by alchemists and sages alike. There is almost no part of a phoenix that cannot be used in a magical potion or for research.
The feathers of the phoenix have a great many uses. They can be used to adorn a staff of healing, they can be used to make potions of extra-healing, and have many other healing, magic uses. The eyes, beak, and talons of a phoenix are very valuable in the open market, often commanding 5,000 gp and up.

Because of its powerful attractive ability, the nectar of mantrap flowers is an ingredient in a philter of love.

A potion of forgetfulness can be distilled from obliviax, and its spores can be used to make an elixir to restore the memories of the forgetful or senile.

Rakshasa essence can be an ingredient in a potion of delusion.

The heat secretion of a rhemorhaz, thrym, is valuable as a component for heat-related magical items and can be sold to alchemists for 5-10 gold pieces per flask. The remorhaz will contain 10 flasks worth of thrym per Hit Die.

It is said that roc feathers can be used in the manufacture of Quaal's feather tokens, as well as wings and brooms of flying.

The glue from a roper's strands is prized by alchemists, as are its digestive acids, which must be stored in platinum vials.

Korred pouches contain hair, shears, and other items. These items turn to gold (5d4x10 gp value) if sprinkled with holy water. A korred will not voluntarily give up this pouch.

Alchemists and assassins prize the scorpion's venom because of its potency.

The skin of a giant constrictor snake is too thick and stiff to be workable, and is valuable only as armor, not for decoration. An uncured hide can fetch 20 gp.

Few useful by-products can be obtained from a winged serpent. Their poison decomposes almost immediately after exposure to air, and their hide is too thin and fragile to serve as good leather. Their wings, however, if powdered and mixed with ink, can be used to inscribe a protection from lightning scroll.

Sprite sleep ointment is concocted from forest mushrooms. The ointment must be left to cure in the sun for seven days. Sprites hollow out tree stumps to serve as containers for this rare substance.

The most famous by-product of pixies is pixie dust, also known as dust of disappearance. Crushing 50 pixie wings into a fine powder creates one dose of dust of disappearance. Naturally, pixies frown on this use of their wings.

Legend says that a great treasure can be extracted from the tarrasque's carapace. The upper portion, treated with acid and then heated in a furnace, is thought to yield gems (10d10 diamonds of 1,000 gp base value each). The underbelly material, mixed with the creature's blood and adamantite, is said to produce a metal that can be forged by master dwarven blacksmiths into 1d4 shields of +5 enchantment. It takes two years to manufacture each shield, and the dwarves aren't likely to do it for free.

{Giant toads’} skin can be fashioned into suitable leather armor, but its odor will be at least as distinctive as its appearance.

The troll's green blood is used to manufacture both poison antidotes and healing potions. The blood from one troll, worth 400 gp, can make three such potions.

Ice troll blood is frequently used in the manufacture of frost brand swords, and rings of cold resistance.

The secret to this longevity is the strong magical nature of the horn. Unicorn horns are highly sought after, since possession of one is a sovereign remedy against all poisons. Alternately, a single horn can be used, by an alchemist, to manufacture 2-12 potions of healing. Unicorn horns sell for 1,500 gold pieces or more on the open market.

Inside each urchin is a crystalline organ-gem that seems to have some connection to their innate clairvoyance ability. While this gem has little value as a stone, it is highly prized by alchemists. The exact value of the organ-gem depends on quality and the type of urchin it was taken from. To determine a stone's value, consult the "Treasure" entry above.
(Black - 10 x 1d10 gp, Green - 40 x 1d10 gp, Red - 90 x 1d10 gp, Silver - 250 x 1d10 gp, Yellow - 160 x 1d10 gp. Land urchins have no organ-gem but often (80% chance) form pearls inside their bodies. Old urchins contain 2d6 such pearls, each valued at 1d6 x 100 gold pieces.)

Certain body parts {of a wyvern} are used by spell casters as spell components, for which they will pay a reasonable price. {note that the specific parts are not mentioned here}

Yeti fur ... is prized by those living in cold climates for its extraordinary ability to keep its wearer warm. A full grown yeti pelt can fetch up to 300 gold pieces on the open market.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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