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Crossed Paths, Part IV


Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus closes his mouth as Ehldannis walks to the south wall, and reveals the secret door.

Now that is spooky.

He chuckles quietly as he heads over to the door and gives it a once over for anything nasty. Once its clear (assuming he is still alive) ...

"Right, lets get into position and see what lies behind?"

Marcus moves up into position against the wall beside the door, ready to head through the door, or fight what ever comes out. If necessary, he can open the door as well.

For Brioc: [bq]Brioc nods and motions for Dhormium to take the other side of the door from Marcus. He motions for Tullius and Octar to pair up with the two on either side of the door. Meanwhile, he steps back and to one side, and draws his scimitar.*

When everyone is ready, he indicates for Marcus to open the door.

ooc:* Brioc prepares a defensive spell?[/bq]

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Through the door

Marcus opens the door after inspecting it for traps. He is able to get a panel to slide aside. Immediately behind the panel hang black drapes. No sound can be heard beyond. Marcus pushes the drapes aside. They don't feel like normal drapes. The cloth seems almost metalic, stiff and strong, yet still flexible. He pushes it up and sees a small room beyond. It is about 20 feet north/south, and 40 feet east west. A hallway leads out the West wall. The East wall, towards where Elhdannis detected magic, is simply a wall. The room itself is simply decorated with black curtains, small stands for candle holders, and faded, ragged mats on the floor.


Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus scans the room, but it seems quiet enough.

Octar quickly moves in to back him up.

"I don't like these drapes. Very gloomy." Marcus steps over to another set of drapes and gives them a sharp yank downwards, hoping to pull them off the wall. He is careful to stay well clear if they do fall.


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Marcus jerks the curtains. They don't immediately fall, although he can see the support shake. The cloth seems exceptionally strong.

Ehldannis finds no more magic in the room. His brief search for secret doors reveal nothing unusual.

Inez Hull

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"Unfortunately I can find no passage eastward from here, do we wish to travel through this other passage or check elsewhere?"

Brioc: "This location is as good as any. Besides, any hidden location is worth searhing for secrets. Let us investigate this passage to the west. Marcus, lead on if you will."
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Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus nods and heads over the west door. He gives it the usual once over as the others form up around it. Octar takes up his usual position close behind Marcus. As Marcus works, he hears the Roman mutter softly, "All this creeping around is giving me the jeebies. Show me something I can get my blade into."

Marcus snorts softly to himself. Soon enough I suspect. Soon enough.


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The passage west leads about 100 feet along a 10 foot wide corridor of fine stonework. 30 feet along, or so, it branches North. About 30 feet up this north corridor ends in a double door. Looking west down the main corridor, the party notices several doors along the north wall before the passage ends.


Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus pads carefully down the corridor to the first junction with Octar following a cautious distance behind. At the junction, they wait for the others.

[bq]Brioc considers the options.

"Octar. You and I will keep an eye on the north passage. Ehldannis, Marcus, can you see if there is anyway south* out of this corridor. And any sign of .. activity from behind those doors. Tullius, can you stay with them. Dhormium stay close to the junction.

If we run into trouble we can't handle, we fall back to the room back there."[/bq]

Marcus nods and begins moving carefully down the western passage.

[bq]Meanwhile, Octar takes up a position about 10 feet into the nothern passage, thus leaving room for others to fall back along the passage behind him. Brioc remains in the junction.[/bq]

ooc: we do want to go southwards don't we?


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Up the corridor to the west are four doors on the north wall, each about 10 feet apart. The doors are open. Inside each one is a small room, about 15 foot square. Each one contains 4 rotted cots, a table of marble with a wash basin set on top, 3 or 4 candle holders set in the wall, and a few rotted articles of cloth. In the third cell, three human skulls lay in the middle of the floor with gemstone eyes. Kneeling around this arangement are 12 corpses in ragged clerical robes. Each corpse has a silver skull with turquoise eyes hanging around its neck. Identical to the necklaces worn by the skelletons in the other room.

Voidrunner's Codex

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