• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(CSHC) Creamsteak's Home Campaign [IC]



Here is the current map of the world currently. Things are subject to change, creative illustration, or manipulation of one form or another. I already know one change I'm going to make is to add some more land-masses to the oceans in certain spots, but this isn't a major concern at the moment.

The initial focus region for the game is visible in the top left area of the map, where a peninsula shoots out to the east of the continent.

This game is intended to be versatile. I havn't decided on one particular set of nations, or one particular series of events yet. The main goal is to shape the game to whatever seems right for the next step.
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Season and Region

Harlan's Passage is a large peninsula off the western coast of the continent called Bronze. A hundred years ago a man named Harlan discovered that during flood season, the peninsula becomes seperated from the main continent, allowing for smaller trade-ships to pass through and avoid the additional three weeks of travel around the outside of the peninsula.

Before Harlan's Passage, trade routes in the region frequented the now unpopular port of Scuttlecove. During Scuttlecove's prominence, it was a bustling port far removed from the rest of the world. Scuttlecove was a necessary stop for many vessels traveling from the west or south towards the far north. Three ships would stop in port to trade for every one ship intent on travel to the north. Scuttlecove offered little in the way of natural resources, but the economy boomed as the primary market for a great deal of exchange. Taxes were steep, and fees were heavy, because most merchants had no other option. For many generations, Scuttlecove was regarded as a place where the poor could get rich, and the rich would be robbed blind.

Of course, things changed when Harlan's Passage became known.

As a natural course of action, the Port of Karae sprung up after the opening of the passage. During the 3 months that the passage is open, Karae transforms into a bustling port city the likes of which dwarfs Scuttlecove even in its best years. More than two thirds of all yearly trade along the trade-routes in this region happens during the flood season. Of course, as soon as the flood season ends, Karae whithers down to a meager population of less than a hundred. And when the passage is closed, Karae becomes a stop only for those few trade ships that come just to ring the last bit of coin off the local citizens.

For a few years, Karae and Scuttlecove were seperate entities. This situation worked poorly for both sides. In Scuttlecove, the economy died for 3 months at a time each year. In Karae, the same could be said for the rest of the year. Further complicating problems, Scuttlecove had much less business overall and a much larger permanent population. This situation caused a great deal of strife for the people in both cities.

This situation gave rise to a third city, called Allimon. This city did not serve the sort of trade that Scuttlecove or Karae supported, but rather acted as a place of mutual exchange between Scuttlecove in the west and Karae in the East. Allimon also happens to be on more hospitable grounds than either of the trade cities that were selected for the convenience of traveling merchants. The land around Allimon can support numerous farms and ranches. Allimon quickly grew to encompass not one but two ports, and a goverment that acts to bring all three cities together under one banner. Allimon, also in the interest of mutual benefit, controls taxes, imports, and exports for both Scuttlecove and Karae.

Allimon became the capital of the small tri-fecta of city-states.

Now, roughly 80 years after the founding of Allimon, the flood season is about to begin again. Everyone in the community in all three cities is making ready for the trade-season.
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Tower of Dirrun Sen Ventar
Four miles south of Allimon, deep in the forests and on top of the highest hills in the region sits the Tower of Dirrun Sen Ventar. Founded forty years ago by the hermit-wizard Dirrun Sen Ventar, the tower acts as one of the few places of interest in the region known as Harlan’s Passage.

Six years ago, the hermit-wizard took an apprentice named Ichi. Ichi was a young man with some aptitude for magic from Allimon. Ichi learned a great deal from the hermit, and came to be respected as a wizard in the region. His portents and visions helped the people of Karae and Scuttlecove cope with changes in the weather. Four years later, during a harsh winter, Dirrun Sen Ventar died and Ichi inherited his tower.

Since then, Ichi has taken numerous apprentices from Allimon into the tower. These students were picked for their aptitude in various skills. These apprentices are rarely seen, and even more rarely transmit missives and letters to their families. In even more recent times many young men and women have been disappearing from the city of Allimon, Karae, and even far off Scuttlecove. Rumors have just recently started to circulate that one of the most prominent missing children was spoted on the walls of Dirrun Sen Ventar looking out at the forests below.

Had this notice happened during the winter, few would have braved the hostile environment to travel to tower. Had this happened at another time, the government would have sent an envoy to the tower. However, given the flood season, the city of Allimon is devoted fully to supporting the business in Karae. Rumors of the missing children perhaps being held up in the tower are officially considered unfounded, and no action is to be taken at this time. Some of the families have offered money to see thier children returned to them, while others are too poor and only cry for their safe return.

Last week, two crewment of the Penivto Rigaldo (a tradeship) went missing. While most attribute this as being an unrelated matter, there have been rumors that these men were looking for information regarding the tower before they disappeared.
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The Game Begins
Currently your characters are considered seperate. I will run two seperate adventures until they meet up. While both of you are under similar circumstances, I think that it would make the most sense for you to meet up after these initial events.

[sblock=Lucidus]Lucidus: Late one night while walking the streets of Allimon, you find yourself cornered by four figures. Three of them look like local thugs, the kind that would normally know better than to pick a fight with you in the shadows. The fourth figure, however, is unrecognizable. Wearing dark purple and black cloth robes, this one appears shorter than the others, maybe only five-foot-three even with the heavy hood over its head.

The robed figure speaks in what seems like a familiar female voice. "This is the one he wants. We need to take him alive, so don't hurt him too badly. We need him."

The biggest thug, one you recognize as Roger, speaks up. "A hundred silver for this lump? I don't know what you want him for lady, but we'll get him to go nice and quiet-like." The three thugs inch forward with weapons in hand.


L - Lucidus
T - Thug
W - Robed Figure

The thugs on the left are each weilding saps. The thug on the bottom with the robed figure has a shortsword. The robed figure appears unarmed.

Initiative order: Robed Figure (20), Lucidus (17), Thugs (4).

The robed figure acts first, drawing her hands out of her robes and chanting something. She casts a spell at you. Will save DC is 14. You roll your will save (13 rolled, +2 modifier) for 15. You pass. Your spellcraft check to identify the spell being cast is an 8. You don't identify the spell.

It is now your turn.[/sblock]

[sblock=Fayden]Fayden: Early in the morning south of Allimon you spot tracks and a trail of blood being left in the ground. These are human tracks, and this far into the forest that alone would be unusual. The blood hints at foul play one way or another.

Following the tracks only a few dozen yards reveals their source. A young man, mostly unclothed and severely injured is lying on the ground ahead, curled up against a tree. It looks like he passed out recently. You can see the break in the forest just ahead, where the beach is visible. Your heal check (15) reveals that the man appears to have been wounded by multiple crossbow bolts. He is stabilized, but it would take more than one of your heal spells to bring him up.

Your dog succeeds at his listen check (17) to hear the sounds of horses in the distance. He signals his uneasiness regarding the situation to you.[/sblock]
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First Post
I check the man for markings that might indicate why he's here, mostly unclothed, injured, in the forest. For example, does he have the marks of manacles? I cure him with my magic stones spell, and then, if he's still unconscious, prevent him from bleeding further, tie him across Spike's back (d8+2), and make a retreat in the opposite direction from where Spike pointed out the noises (assuming I noticed after he caught my attention). Unless that direction is the sea, in which case I head along the coast downwind.


Eldorian said:
I check the man for markings that might indicate why he's here, mostly unclothed, injured, in the forest. For example, does he have the marks of manacles? I cure him with my magic stones spell, and then, if he's still unconscious, prevent him from bleeding further, tie him across Spike's back (d8+2), and make a retreat in the opposite direction from where Spike pointed out the noises (assuming I noticed after he caught my attention). Unless that direction is the sea, in which case I head along the coast downwind.


You don't see any visible markings of restraint along his arms or legs. His clothing is just a pair of short pants that appear to be heavily tattered. You would gauge this mans age as late teens. He has no visible facial hair, and looks like he has seen at least a full days running without any footwear.

Your heal spell heals for (8). He recovers from the majority of his injury, but is still passed out from physical exhaustion. He weighs 150 lbs., which would be a medium load. This reduces his move speed to 30 ft. which doesn't interfere with your combined speed.

The horses were coming from the west. So if you set of in the east, you would continue into the forest from here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After fleeing for 2 minutes, both you and spike can hear the sounds of more horses directly ahead along the direction you've set out. This time you clearly identify that there are at least 2 of them. They are moving quickly, and are probably using light horses.[/sblock]


First Post
I check the alley for any escape routes, doors, etc. If nothing is available I attempt to overrun the woman. If overrun is successful, I would make an immediate left turn (east on the map) and go in that direction.


[sblock=Lucidus]You move south, attempting to overrun the female character. She does not threaten her area so she doesn't get an attack of opportunity. She chooses to avoid, thus letting you by. Your moving through the area threatened by the thug with the sword, and I assume you would want to tumble. Your tumble was 11 (5 rolled), so you fail. The thug chooses to use a regular melee attack. 14 to hit misses. You move past the thug and turn into the alleyway.

The thugs act next. The shortsword one is closest. He takes a move action to you and attacks. 21 to hit lands, dealing 6 points of damage. "Yer just gonna run eh?"

The other two thugs take double-moves to get closer.

The female spellcaster moves closer and throws another spell. Your will save was 6+2 for 8. You fail. The spell puts you into a deep slumber, and you fall asleep right there on the ground.

Map at end of combat:



First Post
I immediately turn at a right angle, downwind if that's away from the ocean, or away from the ocean, and quicken my pace. If the men come within range of entangle (440') and I see them, and they look hostile, I cast it on them and continue.



Encounter Distance:
80 ft. rolled

Spike's Awareness: 21. - 8 for range.
Fayden's Awareness: 20. - 8 for range.
Riders Awareness: 16, 13. - 8 for range.

Fayden: You catch site of the two riders on your tail. It looks like a man and a woman in light riding gear with light horses. They have light crossbows on their backs, and they are riding at a fast pace towards you from behind. You spot them at 80 ft., and it looks like they both already have their eyes on you already, but they havn't drawn their weapons or loaded them yet.

Your action.

Fayden 16
Spike 16
Riders 7


Initial distance map.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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