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(CSRHoD) Creamsteak's Red Hand of Doom [IC]

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Pender, Male Human Fighter 6

pathfinderq1 said:
Tyrla paused for a moment, staring in the direction that the dragon had gone. "Somehow, I feel that creature is going to come back and bite us when we least expect it- and when we are at our weakest. I wish we could have brought it down- but still, we did well, as it looks like all of us survived."

Making her way down the tower after Avril, Tyrla glanced at the fallen hobgoblins, and at the mounted warrior who had helped defeat their adversaries. "I don't suppose any of these fellows are still alive, or that you know anything of their plans..." Her voice was a hissing rasp, far less appealing than her friends' speech.

Pender looks up at Tyrla as he continues to remove his armor from the hobgoblin. "As a matter of fact, in the camp at the top of the north cliff, there is a hobgoblin that I knocked out. But don't kill him yet. I have a few questions to ask of him about what has become of my friends."

Pender turns back to his work, determinedly. "I fear you are right about the dragon. No doubt he also has a rich hoard of treasure nearby, treasure that would come in right handy to any of us."

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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Arkhandus said:
"Ouch. Don't suppose any of you have a bit of magic to spare a wounded halfling?"

When Warren appears back on the bridge, Pender has finished removing his armor from the hobgoblin leader. He stands and walks toward Warren. "The flying halfling!" he exclaims with a smile on his face and a gleam of wonder in his eye. "I have a couple of healing potions you can use. I found three in the camp and used one on myself. A good use of the remaining potions is to undo the damage done to you with my sword." Pender hold the potions out for Warren to take.


[sblock=OoC]Okay, I think this is everybody's current hp condition:

Warren 13/39
Larian 14/29
Avril 13+2d8/42 (alternatively 9/42)
Tyrla 4/35
Pender 10 nonlethal

To optimize our healing, it would be better if Avril didn't drink the potions/cast the two Cure Minors before Siobhan could take a look at her.
Touch of Healing allows Siobhan to bring Warren to 19 (1 use), Avril to 21 (2 uses if she doesn't heal herself, otherwise this just doesn't happen) and Tyrla to 17 (3 uses). Note that uses are only counted for the purposes of me wanting to see how long it takes.
Then, Healing Devotion allows for Warren to heal to full, Avril to 41, and Tyrla to full.
Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+7) cures an average of 16, which should be enough to bring Larian to full.

So less than two minutes to bring everybody back to fighting condition, except for Pender's nonlethal damage. Cast two Cure Minor Wounds on Pender, so he'll only have 8 nonlethal left[/sblock]
"Everyone fought bravely," Siobhan says when everybody is back together. "Now let me ease your pains with Kord's blessings.
She starts moving among the group, starting from those wounded the worst. She prays to Kord and offers encouraging words, causing wounds and fatigue to leave. After two minutes, only the newcomer is left bruised.
"I am sorry I cannot do much for you,", she says as she moves over to Pender. "But the others' wounds were much more grievous than yours." She places her hand on the warrior, channeling what little healing energy she still had into the man.

"We should tie the unconscious hobgoblin to make sure it does not escape. Then I think we need to see if there is a way to collapse the bridge."


Avril - Human Druid - AC 21 - hp 41/42 - Spot +12 - Listen +12

Avril thanks Siobhan for the healing, once again pleased that she, Larian and Warren had met up with such a powerful group of allies on the way to Drelin's Ferry. Her wounds closed slowly, and the burning pain of the dragon's breath slowly faded from her skin. Once she noticed Siobhan's attentions to Pender, she copied her allies' action, and performed two minor curatives, discarding the misletoe in the process.

Having mentioned the bridge, Avril speaks again, "We really have two choices here. We can press on to see if we can find this army and scout out its size and scope, or we can destroy the bridge and return to find Jorr and help Drelin's Ferry and the rest of the Dawn Way evacuate. I could easily transform into an eagle for the scouting while the bridge is destroyed, although that might be dangerous. I am willing though. With regards to the bridge, I am not sure what this gorge is made of, but it might be possible for me to transform into a badger and burrow underneath it, weakening it so that it will collapse. That is a possibility."

OOC: Avril will heal as Siobhan has indicated. She'll still cast her two Cure Minor Wounds spells, but both of them on Pender, healing him 2 additional hp. Creamsteak, what's the area around the bridge made of? Will Avril as a Dire Badger be able to burrow under one of the towers and collapse it?

Spells and Abilities Active:

Barkskin (Avril, +3 Natural Armor, 1 hour)
Extended Produce Flame (Avril, 1d6+5, 120 ft., 12 minutes, 9 Used)
Resist Energy (Acid Resistance 10, 1 hour)

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Produce Flame (Extended)
Metamagic Rod of Lesser Extend (2 Used)
Summon Nature's Ally III (Call Lightning) (Extended)
Scroll of Faerie Fire (Used)
Cure Moderate Wounds
Flaming Sphere
Wand of Snake's Swiftness (1 Used)
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Minor Wounds (2)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 5/3/3/2, Wis 0/1/1/1):

Level 0 (5): Detect Magic (2), Guidance
Level 1 (4): Enrage Animal, Produce Flame
Level 2 (4): Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance
Level 3 (3): Sleet Storm

XP: 1800


First Post
Larian stretches and brushes the memory of his acid-singed flesh away from his healed arm. Thank you, Siobhan. I didn't know if I'd live long enough to be whole again.
As for our plans, I believe Avril is correct. We should gather more information before we destroy our best means of traversing the chasm. Jorr did say that the more details we have on the army the more weight the council is likely to give our story. Avril as an eagle could make good time, but I wonder if it might be better for all of us to scout the army out together. We each have our own areas of expertise, and any one of us might prove invaluable in the endeavor.

[sblock=spells]Spells Prepared
0-Ray of Frost, Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, Daze
1-Feather Fall, Feather Fall

Spells in Effect
Mage Armor--10 Hours
Energy Resistance, Mass (Acid) on the entire party--59 minutes

Rod of Extend--0 uses left
Pearl of Power--used
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First Post
Treasure entry in the RG is updated. We currently have 13 cure moderate wounds potions. Let me know if you want to keep any on your own character sheet so that you can use them in combat.


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Warren the halfling, HP 39/39, AC 23

"No thanks, stranger. I've got plenty of healing potions from hobgoblins I've slain myself, I'd just rather not waste them until necessary. And I think Larian's flying spell is probably wearing off about now, I've never seen him use it for very long." the halfling replies, craning his neck up to look at the human warrior and his steed.

After Siobhan's ministrations, he says "Thanks much. Now if only I knew how to fix the broken links in my mail! Mithral isn't exactly easy to come by."

"Oh, and if anyone has any rope, I can try tying up the gobbo, but I'm only so-so at knots." Warren adds.

(ooc: Use Rope +5. By now I think all of the buff spells have faded from Warren, though the bull's strength and fly spells might have another minute left)


OOC: +5 with +2 aid another and all the time in the world to keep retrying means he'll end up pretty well-tied. I'll assume you manage the 27 DC using that method.


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"Actually, if we can get that hobgoblin tied up and dragged into a tent before he wakes up, we might be able to learn what he might know- I have an incantation that can influence weak minds, and perhaps I might be able to use my heritage to some advantage. Some one can wait outside the tent in case he gets out of hand, but we might get lucky..." Tyrla's voice still held a bit of its hissing edge, and she looked around the group to see what the others thought.

OOC: The idea is to get the hobgoblin somewhere where he can't see what a hash we made of the place- then use her Charm invocation. Since he got knocked out early, I don't think he saw all of us, and Tyrla can use the bad rep of tieflings to help pose as an ally- then pump him for information under the guise of trying to plan how to "warn the army" about the dangerous adventurers who slew the dragon and wiped out the rest of his detachment. If the charm fails or is broken, we can use other methods- obviously the hobgoblin "was tied up by the adventurers", and certainly Tyrla will free him once he is part of some trick (ie. once he has given enough info to prove himself). If we're still carrying around the holy symbol we pulled off the cleric in the first fight that might help- at this point we need any edge, since the dragon will probably be warning the army about us...
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