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(CSToA) Touch of the Abyss [IC]


"Well, the only thing I hadn't calculated already was the raven and the gold ring. That seems significant, but I can't exactly say what it meant. It sounds more like a dream or a vision than a depiction of the events. Either way, I'll keep my eye out for any notes regarding what that might have been related to."

"I have been investigating the issues of Istivin for some time now, without charging for my services. It's been a personal project of mine, a slow process over time. Recently, however, I have come to believe that an Abyssal presence grows within the city. I don't know exactly what it is, but it is slowly spreading from the center of the city. I don't know if there's some limit to how far this thing will reach, I don't know how to determine that."

"Since her husband vanished, the marchioness has had her hands full just trying to keep the peace, and I don't believe she has the resources to do anything but fight the symptoms of this malady. Worse, I fear that this taint may have already taken root in her heart, so I have not revealed this information to her. But you are new to the city - visitors - and thus I reckon you might be willing to keep a secret?"

Algorthas masterfully twists and combs his amazing mustache without missing a beat. He looks over the group seeming to make judgements about each person based on their appearance.

"I knew of your encounter with the madman last night; indeed, this is the main reason that led me to contact you. I have come to believe that this madman is somehow the key to this situation. His name was Alanar Kane, and he worked in the deepest dungeons below Krelont Keep. Dungeons to which no outsiders are allowed access."

The old man trails into silence. Suddenly his eyes grow wide with twinkling excitement.

"If there is one thing more plentiful than mysteries here in Istivin, it's books. Most of the city's noble families keep extensive collections of ancient tomes as a sort of status symbol. The city is a living library."

"In one such tome, I came across a record of the construction of Krelont Keep penned by architects buried ten centuries ago."

He strokes his mustache thoughtfully.

"There are two factions that you might seek out in Istivin. The first is the Marchioness. Her resources are stretched thin, but she may have some gold for someone that might alleviate some of her problems, something buried away under the city. The second faction is a group of nobles that have come to accuse the Marchioness of being a witch. They think she imprisoned her husband and hid him away in the Deeper Dungeons. I am, of course, neutral on this matter. I don't play at politics because I have already calculated who is in the right here."

"The way I see it, you could go to one faction or the other and see if they are willing to offer you a reward. Or, perhaps, you could take a gamble and play both sides, as a truly crafty person like myself might. Either way, I am more than willing to provide you with a way into the Deeper Dungeon if you want it. If you can get in and investigate the dungeons below the keep, I believe you'll learn something about the threat looming over Istivin. I only ask that you share that information, should you find it."

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Tesla & Arcs

"Descend into a cursed dungeon, trudge around for an Abyssal presence, successfully remove such a presence or at the very least identify it, and then sell such information to either the highest bidder or to both parties." States the mind-mage with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Is that the correct synopsis?"


"In some sense, that might be accurate. However, that is not what I'm talking about here. I simply suggest that, should you be looking for some sort of payment in and around Istivin, you might inquire at the Marchioness or any of her rivals homes. And should they wish to employ you to carry out some business under Krellont Keep, then by all means ask and I shall provide you with a way in."
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"But if we remove the threat before we recieve our payment the full value of our services won't be payed. They'll give us a pat on our back, or a sword on the shoulder, a couple bars of gold and then send us on our way. If they don't decide to simply take our heads and save themselves the money."
"How will we recieve the true value of what we'll save? They'll owe us the lives and property of the entire city, perhaps the entire world, and they will never agree to give us more than the crumbs off their tables. And if we survive, whatever payment we recieve, our very existence will become a liability to those in power. Our success will only make their incompetence more apparent, we will become a symbol and a threat that they will have to remove or face a loss of political credibility and power. We will have no choice but ride off, fleeing into the sunset with our pocket-change and crumbs. Is that not why you have hid your actions until now, your fear of their ingratitude? Your fear that your comfortable life here may be over if the wrong people find out that you know too much? Hmm?"
Veris lifts an eyebrow, insinuating. "It seems to me than the only way to earn more than a small fraction of what we deserve and secure our future safety is blackmail..."
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Nephtys said:

"But if we remove the threat before we recieve our payment the full value of our services won't be payed. They'll give us a pat on our back, or a sword on the shoulder, a couple bars of gold and then send us on our way. If they don't decide to simply take our heads and save themselves the money."

"Now why would anyone want to do that?"

"How will we recieve the true value of what we'll save? They'll owe us the lives and property of the entire city, perhaps the entire world, and they will never agree to give us more than the crumbs off their tables. And if we survive, whatever payment we recieve, our very existence will become a liability to those in power. Our success will only make their incompetence more apparent, we will become a symbol and a threat that they will have to remove or face a loss of political credibility and power. We will have no choice but ride off, fleeing into the sunset with our pocket-change and crumbs. Is that not why you have hid your actions until now, your fear of their ingratitude? Your fear that your life here may be over if the wrong people find out that you know too much? Hmm?"

"You are quite foolhardy. Do you really think that whatever is happening to this city might be stopped by a simple quest down into some dungeon? No, what I'm offering you is an opportunity to collect a fee for some simple services, and I am more than willing to provide you with the knowledge necessary to accomplish those tasks. I dare not speak on another's behalf, but you clearly misunderstand what sort of transactions the Marchioness or her rivals might offer."

Veris lifts an eyebrow, insinuating. "It seems to me than the only way to earn more than a small fraction of what we deserve is blackmail..."

"You clearly overestimate the business that I am only suggesting you look into. What, exactly, do you think I'm talking about?"


First Post
Creamsteak said:
"Now why would anyone want to do that?"

"Indeed, that is the question."

Creamsteak said:
"You are quite foolhardy. Do you really think that whatever is happening to this city might be stopped by a simple quest down into some dungeon? No, what I'm offering you is an opportunity to collect a fee for some simple services, and I am more than willing to provide you with the knowledge necessary to accomplish those tasks. I dare not speak on another's behalf, but you clearly misunderstand what sort of transactions the Marchioness or her rivals might offer."

"One thing does tend to lead to another. I am merely thinking ahead. Much like yourself, I'm sure."

Creamsteak said:
"You clearly overestimate the business that I am only suggesting you look into. What, exactly, do you think I'm talking about?"

"Why, the salvation of this city of course. Or, at the very least the political future and physical survival of the leading factions."
"You do not mean to suggest that this demonic influence, this curse that ravages the city, is a minor matter do you?"


"Why, the salvation of this city of course. Or, at the very least the political future and physical survival of the leading factions."

The mustachiod man let's out a boisterous laugh.

"Yes, you do indeed overestimate the task at hand. The problems facing the Marchioness and her opposition are trivial matters. It just so happens that there is a very slight chance that there could be something worth knowing down there."

"You do not mean to suggest that this demonic influence, this curse that ravages the city, is a minor matter do you?"

"Of course not! But these wealthy peasant problems are not necessarily related to the curse."


Hrm... looking back at Bloodweaver's post, it is highly innaccurate.

"Descend into a cursed dungeon, <-nothing in particular has penned curse and dungeon together

trudge around for an Abyssal presence, <-not implied

successfully remove such a presence or at the very least identify it, <-not implied

and then sell such information to either the highest bidder or to both parties." <-not at all accurate

I've amended my reply to answer it a bit more accurately.
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Errol finally looks up at the conversation that is taking place around him. I apologize, master Algorthas. I am afraid that my companions are a bit suspicious after our encounter with the wyrm. What I'm sure they meant to say was 'thank you for the offer. We will look into your proposal and may contact you again if we choose to take you up on it.

He looks over at Veris, They're not all out to trick us into doing their dirty work.


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She returns Errol's look with a glance, "Oh no, of course not. I'm sure master Algorthas' motives are nearly altruistic."
Pardon me, master, if my inquiries were inappropriate."

ooc: Rather than edit my previous posts I'll let Veris seem a bit out of touch with reality, it suits her ;).

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