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Cthulu? Wtf..?


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This is the most fun thread! :D

Anyone ever play the 'Arkham Horror' board game? I'm sure my last character from that game is still trapped on the Plain of Leng or something... ;)

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sniffles said:
Anyone ever play the 'Arkham Horror' board game? I'm sure my last character from that game is still trapped on the Plain of Leng or something... ;)
Yes, it's quite popular among my gaming group, and with the recent update/re-release it's much easier to get ahold of than before. It certainly does an excellent job of capturing the Lovecraftian feel in a game.


Man, if I had any photoshop skills at all, I'd post a picture of my dogs with tentacles.

Even more than Arkham Horror - I found the out of print edition to have kinda flawed gameplay - Pagan Publishing's glorious boardgame "The Hills Rise Wild" is probably my favorite Chtuloid extravaganza. It's a silly (but tactical) miniatures game of cultists trying to capture the "Nekki-nomi-kon", and as the box says, it's a corpse fed, blood red, inbred, hill billy bonanza! Pick it up if you can - it's a hoot.


StupidSmurf said:
There's an online site, the name escapes me now, that deals with Cthulhu/Lovecraft memorabilia. One of their items, and it runs for about a grand, is a postcard sent by ol' HP about a trip to an ice cream store in RI where they boasted 32 flavors but, alas, only had 28 available when HP and his friend visited. I'm paraphrasing here, but there was some line about how delightful the 28 were (yes, apparently they sampled all 28), but "our pleasure was diminished by the absence of the remaining four". Like I said, I'm paraphrasing, but it was a riot to read.

I can just picture HP at home, writing in his study... "Mankind is blissfully ignorant of the impersonal cosmic forces which regard man's achievements with as much interest and compassion as we regard mere ants...I need some chocolate-chocolate chip, right now!" :)

Which is even more funny considering that IIRC in the months leading up to his death he largely survived on nothing but icecream.


Castigator said:
For the D&Dnatics:

A Cthulu is sort of a big, bad uber-epic-divine-Mindflayer with plans of world domination, that was invented by a Guy named H.P.Lovecraft about a century ago.

not really plans for world domination... that's a given. He created humanity to serve as breakfast when he wakes up. Cthulu gained his prevalance in D&D as the sort of "uber big bad evil guy" because in the first printing of Dieties and Demigods the entire Lovecraft pantheon was detailed and boy were they nasty. In addition to Lovecraft there was the Melnibonean mythos in the book that infringed on copywritten material without permission so TSR had to remove them. The difficulty in finding the book combined with the genuine coolness of the Cthulu and his friends has given him an almost mythical quality among gamers.
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First Post
Cthulu has minions, who are pretty awful in their own right.
Think of beholder level creatures, in terms of power, when you think of the weaker minions of Cthulu. Of course, your first look at one of these minions is your last moment of sanity, unless you have a truly powerful and well protected mind.

Wasn't there a thread a few years ago called "Baby Pictures of the Elder Gods" with ..., well, ... baby pictures of the Elder Gods ?
Damm it, I guess they are lost forever now. I should have downloaded and saved them on my HD...


A Wicked Kendragon
Templetroll said:
http://www.logicalcreativity.com/jon/plush/01.html :)

Aaron L said:
And they run every election. The Elder Party.

Piratecat said:
Man, if I had any photoshop skills at all, I'd post a picture of my dogs with tentacles.
There's always Cathulhu:

Mustrum_Ridcully said:
Wasn't there a thread a few years ago called "Baby Pictures of the Elder Gods" with ..., well, ... baby pictures of the Elder Gods ?


Piratecat said:
Man, if I had any photoshop skills at all, I'd post a picture of my dogs with tentacles.

Man, no wonder burglars never hit your house...


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One of the trully Inspired ideas that Lovecraft put forth (and a bigf reason he's so prevalent today), is that he was doing Open Liscensing before the term was made up.

Lovecraft encouraged his friends (Robert Bloch, Howard, Derleth) and other to borrow his ideas & to expand upon them.

The Cthulu Mythos is really the work of dozens of authors over the past 80 years. Bits of Chaosiums stuff have even made it into 'official' Mythos works. Since Lovecraft allowed and even encouraged other to borrow/add to his ideas you had an entire generation of writers expanding upon his works and him even expaning upon their expansions. Granted, not all of it was the best, but that stuff tended to get forgotten (sorta like gnomes, it's still listed here and there, you just don't see it often). Thus who have a much richer, more complex system than any one author could detail on his own.

Thus the Mythos continues to evolve, change & grow even today, well over 60 years since Lovecraft's death.

For D&D I prefer Hastur & Narly as they have some sort of sentience. Most of the Great Old Ones are mindless masses of infinte power, sort of like a Power Gamer's Dream Character.

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