Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
Total session time: 3:17:00
Shameless Twitch plug: Come join the streams on twitch: . You might find entertainment at some point or at least background noise with shenanigans and everyone breaking everything. Audio is messed up for the first one but that'll be fixed here for the next session..... probably
Note that this isn't actually the Zeitgeist campaign yet (in fact it's appropriately entitled "Do RHC agents dream of polymorphed sheep"), though it does borrow elements from the AP and events in this one shot will eventually bleed over.
I'll organize these notes into a more comprehensive story at some point, but I'm just really excited to share my first DMing experience with EN World & Reddit (getting those good job responses after meant so much, please thank your players and your DM even if they did have hiccups. Constructive criticism & feedback is always welcomed).
Yes I am in fact completely new to DMing and biting off something with this much scope, it is a bit daunting but fits my personality, but I've got excellent players that I've been playing with for over 2 years and watched enough YouTube DM content that I'm not totally unfamiliar with the concepts
Although they're definitely going to set an holy hand grenade to the campaigns intended path, which I love, because the best way to honour such a wonderfully constructed campaign as Zeitgeist is the players setting fire to it and doing a completely unique path. Note to self include the holy hand grenade in the campaign
Player Characters
??? (Still building character) - Gnome Druid - Skyseer
Hops - Haragon/Dragonborn Bard, Sorcerer, & Monk - Eschatologist
Anael - Aasimar Paladin - Vekeshi Mystic
Ferrous - Gnome Artificer - Technologist
Kelik - Tabaxi Ranger/Rogue - bounty hunter
Isabelle - Tiefling Druid/warlock - Docker
A lot of this is done via theater of mind, with visualization kept to a minimum. Just a way we've ran Tyranny of Dragons and Curse of Strahd
Pre game discussion
It begins
Anyways that's the recap wondering what everyone's thoughts are. We have to take a quick break for scheduling but looking forward to being back
Thank you and have a wonderful day
Shameless Twitch plug: Come join the streams on twitch: . You might find entertainment at some point or at least background noise with shenanigans and everyone breaking everything. Audio is messed up for the first one but that'll be fixed here for the next session..... probably
Note that this isn't actually the Zeitgeist campaign yet (in fact it's appropriately entitled "Do RHC agents dream of polymorphed sheep"), though it does borrow elements from the AP and events in this one shot will eventually bleed over.
I'll organize these notes into a more comprehensive story at some point, but I'm just really excited to share my first DMing experience with EN World & Reddit (getting those good job responses after meant so much, please thank your players and your DM even if they did have hiccups. Constructive criticism & feedback is always welcomed).
Yes I am in fact completely new to DMing and biting off something with this much scope, it is a bit daunting but fits my personality, but I've got excellent players that I've been playing with for over 2 years and watched enough YouTube DM content that I'm not totally unfamiliar with the concepts
Although they're definitely going to set an holy hand grenade to the campaigns intended path, which I love, because the best way to honour such a wonderfully constructed campaign as Zeitgeist is the players setting fire to it and doing a completely unique path. Note to self include the holy hand grenade in the campaign
Player Characters
??? (Still building character) - Gnome Druid - Skyseer
Hops - Haragon/Dragonborn Bard, Sorcerer, & Monk - Eschatologist
Anael - Aasimar Paladin - Vekeshi Mystic
Ferrous - Gnome Artificer - Technologist
Kelik - Tabaxi Ranger/Rogue - bounty hunter
Isabelle - Tiefling Druid/warlock - Docker
A lot of this is done via theater of mind, with visualization kept to a minimum. Just a way we've ran Tyranny of Dragons and Curse of Strahd
Pre game discussion
- Really bad connection issues and audio issues because of rain, some of us live out in the boonies so it's to be expected
- Post the rule & lord changes such as Deva are Aasimar, Tieflings are fiends, Ber far more divided history, Flint independence movement, bloodied condition, Scarlet rot mechanic, lingering damage and system shock, 4E mechanics like healing surge & epic destinies, Golden wind as second wind, expanded monsters similar to 3.5, Malenia from Elden Ring replacing the Eldarian goddess, more brutal criticals, chaos tables for nat 1, less save or suck, more conditions/status effects, drugs, weapon and armour conditions, legendary resistance consequences, improved/more AOE, meets it beats it, rule of cool, & others. No varied encumbrance lol
- Our group prefers intelligence over Con (insane right?)
- Mention that the Risur monarchy is not decided by hereditary but prestige and recommendations, so they've all instantly got ideas of taking over
- Hops says "if War breaks out between the dreaming and Risur would I support Risur? Probably not, but I would like to rise normally and become king"
- Anael dropping hints about killing the king at some point
- I was going to drop a hint about Tinker for Ferrous but that didn't come up
- Risur is basically desperate for recruits and that is why they keep hiring terrible candidates or sending engineers to the Frontlines
- Everyone is completely overwhelmed by the scope of the players guide (but they're very excited!)
- Risur is the British (collective audible groans & agreement that they're definitely the worst faction)
- Kelik will be mostly neutral to everyone besides Anael (for now)
- Ber has a complicated relationship with the Eldarian empire
- Ber really dislikes the clergy
- Anael has a helmet on at all times
- Kelik goal is to wake up every morning
- Hops wants to spread the word of eschatology
- Anael & Isabelle are definitely not going to sink the coaltongue
- Mystics are keenly aware of each other
- Confirmed they all have a random wand of prestidigitation that only allows people to smell and look like they bathe randomly (bathing was a big thing in our COS campaign)
- They like lingering injuries and actually went for a more brutal interpretation than I had intended, so criticals can make or break fights
- Sorcerer can cast two spells with metamagic (going with Jeremy Crawford on this one)
- Gotta work more on saying uhh during descriptions and conversation
- Roland is hundreds of years in age
- They think I might be over prepared (I'm still thinking under prepared, since I'm only starting on reading module 2 now)
- Skyseer academy is a thing
- I started the idea of Flint governor elections & might do Risur or somewhere else monarchical elections at some point as well
- Feyster is coming to Flint & flint right now is like 1916 easter Dublin
- Workers & unionists are getting tired of Ronald as the governor of Flint but he has support from the lumpen and bourgeois
- The story of King Adohan during the Yeezus wars
It begins
- Skyseer Druid isn't there but is currently getting Skyseer visions (which will be the start of the beginning of the next module and we will go over rules again, well unless something wacky happens with the wand and sheep)
- They all begin in a tavern, an older tavern on the outskirts of the Ber-Risur mountain ranges, it's mostly an unoccupied tavern besides besides a few people hanging out from the early morning ( I've always wanted to do this stereotypical entrance)
- A moderately financials wealthy man sits at a table, drinking a cup of coffee, writing notes, and taping on the desk
- First character introduction: hops - asks the bartender for their darkest brew, casts mage hand to wait for the drink, and begins to attempt read this weird book with many foreign symbols
- Hops - roughly 3 feet tall, orange and brown hair, clothes are casket and not very well laundered. Attire appears to be that of a bard, including a chest around them. Carries modified spear to throw into the ground or person to after kick people in the face as well. Has a smell around them that is that of fey pepper
- Ferrous - the door opens and you see a large hooded something wearing a black top hat making mechanical noises. Behind him pops out a person half its size wearing an oversized blue engineering cap & uniform. "Finally room and board, I've been outside for hours''
- Ferrous asks the bartender for soups. The bartender mentions classic tomato soup, Danor style clam chowder, & a Ber special of corn and tortilla
- Ferrous orders Danor clam chowder, think of your typical New England style clam chowder which it and French onion soup & lobster bisque Danor is very well known for
- Danor is a very cultural blend of New England but just more French than Irish & Italian
- The bartender slides the drink to Hops who catches it with mage hand
- Anael - enters the bar. You see a fairly tall woman with reddish goldish hair, adorned in white & gold armour
- The bartender mentions they're not surprised to see them "the wandering warrior" in the area with all the orc rebellions, especially after Minotaur got unexpectedly more power in the Ber government. Though he suspects it'll be put down pretty fast as most orcs oppose this
- Anael hears a slight sneeze from a Patreon. Who is a human girl leaned up against the bar support beam, tattered Dockers clothes repaired by someone with a druid upbringing, her pants are relatively clean to her shirt and green. Drinks and sneezes as you approach
- Hops puts out several gold to have the people have the next few drinks on him
- The mysterious figures leaves with dark raven hair, green eyes, and beret who leaves and return revealing themselves as a Tabaxi
- Tabaxi got basically massacred & enslaved by the dragons and other allies (dragonborn, kobolds, lizard folks, that snake race I'm too high to remember), to almost extinction
- The Tabaxi has graphite grey hair, green eyes, black beret, black leather jacket that is also his armour, 3 quarter length trousers dark blue
- Anael knows Kelik is a bounty hunter and Kelik has heard about the bounty hunter known as the wandering warrior
- Kelik is sent her by assistance chief inspector Stover to do evaluations of new potential RHC recruits and his own ability at leadership, something Kelik was reluctant to do until his handler Triana Rodrigue recommended that he does. The RHC who has a connection with Finethir Shinebright wants him and his wand back
- After this introduction they hear the frantic belting of a sheep as one charges through the front room with a scroll in it's mask, sensing the magical ability of Ferrous it runs to him dropping the scroll and trying to communicate desperately that it needs help
- Isabelle responds with "with what?"
- Seeing through the window you see people being thrown around and pushed aside, the reason being a half orc
- Guz, a large half orc enters the bar, as well as two wolves and a large figure scrounged down in a hood
- Guz with one hand on his great sword introduced himself as "Guz the brother of the warlord Gutz and that he is here for Master Nokes sheep's"
- Is distantly related to Kelik's half orc husband Sebastian
- Ferrous instantly betrays the sheep saying they're over there
- Anael knowing Gutz & Guz reputation draws her sword and shield at Guz
- The stocky half-orc Guz gets tricked by hops to check his shoes before realizing Guz doesn't wear any shoes, made you look
- Anael says "bartender I hope you have insurance" and meanwhile Ferrous is trying to hear the orc out about trading him the sheep
- The sheep is pleading to Isabelle to tell them that he is Finethir Shinebright, an ally of the RHC that they've been sent to find him & his wand of true polymorph, explaining his apprentice turned him into a sheep for no good reason
- Hops casts charm person, which Guz fails, and is convinced by Hops that he an friend
- Anael not knowing this bashes Guz in his head with her shield beginning to drive him out of the bar, he tries pushing back
- Rolling opposing athletics check, which he rolls a nat 1, and he trembles at her superior intimidating presence falling down but still managing to grab Anael down with him (failed an acrobatics check)
- Ferrous takes out a camera to photograph this (apparently portable cameras are a thing)
- The wolves flank around to capture the sheep
- Hops asks Guz to call off his sheep, who responded with "why should I?"
- Ferrous has invar pick up the sheep before running through the wall "we're having mutton tonight" getting chased by the wolves
- Ferrous "don't worry I can repair this at any point, I'm an engineer"
- Guz is enraged seeing his master's precious sheep get stolen and screams out for an attack, saying that fighting is the only possibility now. He chooses violence
- The figure in the cloak stands on its hind legs revealing itself to be a black bear, roaring loudly
- I tried asking for agility check, because of playing a lot of Fallout New Vegas (stereotypes right)
- Hops goes first and uses mind silver on the orc. The half-orc takes 10 damage
- Hops "can we please try to resolve this peacefully?"
- Guz "violence is the only option"
- Hops attempts to grapple the orc by tying him up, although the job isn't well done (9 on slight of hand)
- Kelik writes something down in his notebook, takes out a cigarette and smokes
- The bear goes after Anael with advantage (prone) for attacking Guz with her shield and massively misses with his teeth, going with his claw on the rebound he manages to hit but it isn't enough to cause damage through Anael's armour (just missed the AC)
- Ferrous gets on top of this platform of Ivar's back, takes out a crossbow, and aims it at the first wolf. Who instantly launches the bolt perfectly into the forehead of the first wolf killing it instantly. It keeps running on instincts alone for a few feet but it's already dead and falls over
- "Headshot!"
- The other wolf begins crying for it's lost packmate but is left in the dust by Ivar's dash ability
- Isabelle fires a eldritch blast shot at the bear, causing a massive lingering damage charing up and ripping a large chunk of flesh and fur (should've been system shock) resulting in the bear losing any feeling in its arm. Thus resulting in disadvantage on attack rolls
- The bear makes a bloodied opportunity attack against Anael
- Anael screams "bring it" at the bear & in it's rage misses her again
- Anael stands back up. Attacks the bear with her longsword with a searing smite, killing it
- The bear roars in pain, it's singed by fire as it lumps over dead as it body begins wasting away
- Guz screams "Lamar my Bear, Noooooooo" and breaks through the terribly constructed ropes
- Guz enters into reckless rage mode. Bulging eyes, necks, and veins are demonstrations of this. He stomps his foot and swings his mighty greatsword in an sweeping motion hitting Anael and isabelle
- Guz deals massive damage but Anael being in a more direct position with better armour taking the blunt of the blow (which could've been really bad for Isabelle)
- Hops tried using silvery barbs, but it is unsuccessful
- Anael chuckles at Guz who gets even angrier who begins losing concentration from this
- Hops goes up to both Guz and Anael tapping them "once again you should stop fighting", Anael "what?", Before saying that he'll return the bear to life
- Using his Eschatologist feat he revives the bear before asking that Guz stops fighting
- Guz begins to cry recalling the joy he has had with his bear Lamar. "funny bunny man, I knew i liked you. You have ways. We talk now" before sitting down
- Ferrous is still being chased by the other wolf taunting it
- Ferrous aims his crossbow (meets it beats it) and headshots the wolf instantly killing it, it's body rolling down a hill and being carried down a river
- Ferrous "damn that means only one pelt to collect"
- Hops casts a healing spell on it (using a healing surge)
- Isabelle also heals herself with a healing surge
- Isabelle compliments Anael for taking that great sword attack handing her over a drink
- Hops asks Guz why he wants the sheep
- "Master Noke wants his sheep back"
- Ferrous returns back with the sheep and begins fixing the wall with mending
- The sheep now back and communicates to Isabelle who he is and that he was completely innocent before his apprentice who he treated like his own child just for no reason attacked him turning him into sheep with his wand of true polymorph. Which is perfect and has no problems. That he has direct line of communication with Harkover Lee
- Ferrous picks up the scroll of speak to plants and animals
- Kelik putting 10 gold on the Bar table tells the bartender that they will be taking everyone to another room to discuss this
- "You should have seen last Tuesday's party I had to replace three walls"
- The bartender mentions knowing both Kelik and Anael reputation in the area
- Ferrous begins teasing the sheep
- Shinebright says he'll give a good word with his friend Harkover Lee to get favours with the RHC but all the party wants is gold
- Kelik "does anyone know dispel magic" and turns out no one does
- Hops "how much are you willing to pay for the sheep Orc"
- "30 gold"
- Hops "and you?" (Turning back to the sheep)
- "40, 50, whichever is good, 60?"
- Half Orc "I'm going to go back to my master"
- Kelik communicates to the half orc that he needs to forget everything that has happened
- Ferrous suggests starting a new profession, which they successfully persuade him to start a circus with his bear
- His bear walks away while juggling with him riding on his back
- Isabelle asks the sheep what he thinks about squirrels and nearly kills him when he says he hates them
- The sheep explains that master Noke is likely ready for them in his tower, but he's observed people transforming people helping him into apes
- Hops asks if he is hiring right now
- Kelik calls Shinebright "shiny" which was coincidentally his childhood bully nickname and he begins to cry about being polymorphed, being attacked, and now this
- Hops "pity gets you nowhere"
- Anael and Ferrous both agree to storm the tower to beat him up, before she uses lay on hands/healing surge
- Kelik "I want to explore all our options"
- Ferrous "I want to build a trebuchet & siege his house"
- Hops "I can get transformed into an ape and you could send me through a window"
- Ferrous "sounds like the slow boring route, the faster we go back to flint the better"
- Kelik "how powerful is your apprentice, I suspect less than you?"
- "Of course, barely anyone is better than the great wizard of transmutation magic, Shinebright"
- Kelik "we could put the sheep on the trebuchet"
- Shinebright is asked in how the polymorph wand is broken, who tries deflecting by putting the blame on his apprentice, Hops responds that he should get to the point
- He explains it can cause you or the user to be exploded or turned into a gibbering mouther
- Anael, Isabelle, and Ferrous all agree to storming the tower
- They all head to the tower, with Kelik reforming as an ape by taking off a gold ring saying that he could go in
- Ferrous "that changes things"
- Kalik "yeah I don't like being an ape"
- Hops "yeah but without being recruited they'll know, maybe they'll be able to see that with some sort of magic"
- Anael "let's just kill the apprentice and take the wand off his corpse "
- Isabelle tries to high 5 Anael who doesn't understand high 5s, so she has to be taught so both Isabelle and Ferrous teach her
- Ferrous doesn't like being up at night despite being very able to see
- I describe the tower
- "You see two apes throwing D20 dice, one of which throws one into the eye of the other (was supposed to cause disadvantage), another sleeping against a tree, and a final one howling and making loud screaming from an outhouse. Next to each ape is a large great sword
- Hops "I'm going to go lock the door of the one inside the out house" (he does)
- Eventually they decided that Kelik as an ape and hops will approach directly while the others flank fron the side, first asking to be taken to master Noke but prepared for a fight
- Anael suggests using the RHC influence but they're out of the jurisdiction of Risur. Eventually agreed to wait to see how things go with more polite negations
- Ferrous starts taking out the parts to his trebuchet from his bag of holding
- Kelik "we're from the Royal Homeland Constabulary, take us to your master Noke, we would like to speak to him"
- "You have no jurisdiction here"
- Anael "take me there now" (she rolls for intimidation and the ape with the hurt eye agree to let them talk to master Noke, who brings him outside)
- Noke is in misfitting purple robes who is puzzled by the arrival of the RHC (he does not know about the connections shiney had to the RHC)
- Kelik "you are in possession of property of the RHC, we will take what is rightfully ours and you'll be let along your business"
- Noke explains how master shiney mistreated him, showing him abuse scars, and basically enslaved him so he'll never go back
- Kelik convinced Noke that the RHC is only interested in returning the wand and the sheep back, which noke agrees to this request after some rolls
- Hops begins smoking fey pepper and passing it along, before convincing noke that his shoes are untied
- Shinebright is screaming that he wants his tower back but everyone is hearing bahhh or pretending that they are hearing that
- Ferrous "you are going to make the best lamb"
- Shinebright "I want my tower back"
- Ferrous "and I want lunch in a tower"
- Noke hands over the really messed up true polymorph wand that has been further abused
- Hops looks over the wand with arcana concluding that this wand is beyond messed up but still decides to attempt to un polymorph the apes who want it. Which is two, one of whom stays at the tower and the other one runs off to the circus because he's gone insane being allergic to his own skin for so long
- The sheep keeps crying out that it needs to be first before it's too late
- Ferrous "dinner shouldn't speak"
- Sheep keeps pleading each time that he transforms him next instead of an ape
- Before they leave the castle, Master Noke pleads that they get rid of shiney
- Hops*was it that baaaaaaaaad"
- Noke begins showing that he has been abused by shiney
- Hops in a saddened voice "I guess it was that baaaaaaaaad"
- Kelik agrees to report Shinebright yo the RHC and everyone else starts discussing if they're going to eat the sheep
- Anael suggests using searing smite to cook him up and eat him
- Shinebright screams that he'll pull any favour of the RHC
- Isabelle translates this as "he is saying that he would make the best mutton"
Anyways that's the recap wondering what everyone's thoughts are. We have to take a quick break for scheduling but looking forward to being back
Thank you and have a wonderful day