Current Conversion Requests

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I've looked for but haven't found conversions for:

Broken One
Tome Guardian

Can anyone point me to existing 3.5 conversions, or else add them to the appropriate request lists? :)


Deepspawn were in Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun and were updated to 3.5 in Lost Empires of Faerun. Broken ones were in Denizens of Dread, which was by Sword and Sorcery Studios. I think Wizards took back the license to Ravenloft, so it may not be official.


First Post
GrayLinnorm said:
Deepspawn were in Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun and were updated to 3.5 in Lost Empires of Faerun. Broken ones were in Denizens of Dread, which was by Sword and Sorcery Studios. I think Wizards took back the license to Ravenloft, so it may not be official.

Thanks, I'll check my FLGS and see if they have any of either remaining... sometimes I get lucky and the older books are on sale.


Thanks, Shade. I won't be needing it immediately, but I quit getting Dragon Mag around #300. I might have to keep my eye out for that one when it's released.

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