The pandemic has already delayed WotC's Mythic Odysseys of Theros for D&D, and closed several conventions for the year. Now two more game companies have announced that their big releases will be delayed.
R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk Red was slated for a June release, and has been pushed back to the end of summer.
Stargate, from Wyvern Gaming, was going to launch at Gen Con in August. The Kickstarter has been pushed to Winter 2020, with a release in 2021.
R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk Red was slated for a June release, and has been pushed back to the end of summer.
We’ll just come right out and say it. The TRPG industry got punched in the gut by the pandemic and there’s just no way we can release in June without compromising quality. We’re currently looking at summer’s end for a release but until the world calms down and things stop fluctuating, our crystal ball is full of fog.
Stargate, from Wyvern Gaming, was going to launch at Gen Con in August. The Kickstarter has been pushed to Winter 2020, with a release in 2021.
The main reason we decided to delay was that we felt that a lot of people are feeling a financial crunch at the moment and would only spending money on necessities for their families ... Also because we had planned to launch at Gen Con 2020, but believe it is likely to be canceled or at the very least greatly diminished in attendance. We felt it would be prudent to delay the physical launch.