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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

the Jester

drdevoid said:
I have to admit, I do miss Malford, Horbin, Lester and Orbius. But you always get great PCs, Jester, time after time. And the story keeps getting better.

First of all, thanks for the compliments! :D

As Brain said, yes, Inoke actually was Huge sized, but Fnogghi got to Gargantuan- lemme tell you, there isn't much more impressive than an 18th-level fomorian cleric under a righteous might spell! :eek:

Horbin is still around, but due to our work schedules his player is unfortunately often at work while we're gaming, so though he sometimes gets in at the end of those sessions he often misses 'em entirely. :( The other side of that is that I try to make gaming happen whenever we have a day off together...

Malford's player has moved, but pretty much dropped out of the game a few months before- one of those best for all concerned types of things, I think; it seemed that his style was clashing more and more with most of the rest of us. Oh well; maybe someday he'll return to the fold.

Lester's player (and of course, Orbius is his cohort) has been playing him in a play-by-post here, and playing another pc when he can make it to the live games; but he's more capable of making the live games than we expected (he recently had a baby), so he's prolly going to bring the L and the Eye back into the epic game- returning some of the epic to the currently mostly nigh-epic group! (Truth to tell, though, Inoke just hit 20th level...)

As to the whole 'Inoke outshines Thrush' thing- in this particular battle, he sure did. The fact that Inoke moves much faster (hustle, barbarian speed bonus, etc. vs. Thrush's 20' speed in armor and no movement buffers at this point) meant that he reached the battle about four or five rounds ahead of Thrush! That gave him a lot of time to deal damage before Thrush even arrived.

Frankly, the two of them haven't had much chance to fight side-by-side, what with Thrush's new job and all.

What? A teaser? Oh, sorry. :p

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the Jester

Into the Lair of the Worms

7/24/370 O.L.G., 10 a.m., the ruins of Ostraghan, Dorhaus

Our heroes return to the ruins. Lillamere greater teleports the group to a couple of blocks from the site of their recent battle with the giants. (Teleporting to the site itself seems unwise to the group, as any remaining giants might have set up traps or monitoring spells in the area.) They start making their way into the ruins, but almost immediately they round a corner and spot a small figure seated on a large flat stone about fifty feet away, apparently having a meal. Sir Maxwell quickly checks for evil, but finds none.

“Hello,” calls Jezebel.

Startled, the figure looks up. It appears to be a halfling. He’s dressed in nondescript leather armor and several daggers are at his belt. He studies our heroes for a moment, then visibly relaxes. Clearly, the party is not a bunch of giants. “Hello,” he calls back, and then takes another bite- it looks like he’s nearly done with his meal.

“Uh, who are you?” asks Sybele.

“My name is Gerontius,” the halfling answers as he finishes his breakfast. “And you?”

Our heroes introduce themselves as agents of Baron Drelvin our ‘collecting taxes’ and proceed to question the halfling as to his presence in the remnants Ostraghan. It turns out that he is in the ruins essentially looking for treasure. A little quizzing quickly ascertains that his skills are of the roguish nature- an area our heroes have been sadly lacking in since Malford stopped traveling with them! The conversation lasts for a while, at the end of which Lillamere invites Gerontius to join the group, at least as long as they’re all in the ruins. The halfling gives a shrug. “Sure,” he answers. “Safety in numbers, right?”*


11 a.m., Spell, the Delphinate

A great furnace glows red-hot. To one able to see them, magical radiations pour out of the furnace chamber. Directly above it, all the heat is drawn through eldritch means into the First Forge. Within, glowing scarlet, smoke pouring from it, is Warforged Prototype Number 14789-320.

“I have great hopes for this one, Alita,” comments one of the overseeing wizards. His companion merely nods, and the speaker turns back eagerly to watch the warforged as it cycles up. Steam is hissing; clicking noises are coming from within the construct’s chest.

Please work, he thinks, almost praying. If only this works- if the Delphinate can mass-produce constructs programmed with magical power, the savings in lives of Delphinite wizards will be extraordinary. Enough Delphinite lives have already been lost since the Delphinate was dragged into the Great War of Ethics.

Wryly, the wizard thinks, Who would have thought a society as orderly as our would fight for Chaos?

Warforged Prototype Number 14789-320 suddenly jerks, like a puppet yanked by its strings. There’s a loud bang! from within its chest, and its eyes light up. For a moment its mouth opens and a loud, long groan spills out of it.

Prototype Number 14789-320 falls over.

“Dammit!” the wizard curses. “We were so close! What happened this time?!

“Patience,” murmurs his companion. “We’ve seen this problem before, in the 00989 series of tests. The tubing in its chest couldn’t handle the heat. We just need to increase the strength and thickness, and the diameter, of the fluid tubing running coolant to the heart engine. It overheated. It simply has to run hotter than the others. We already know we can overcome this problem. More coolant- maybe even a better coolant. The next one, Alan- the next one will be it. It will live. And not just like most of our warforged- it’s going to be a spell-casting warforged. It’s going to take more power to run this thing than any other construct we’ve crafted- but we’re going to make them by the hundreds.” She smiles. “Think of it. Hundreds of powerful wizards, all completely loyal to the Delphinate.”

The excitement in the air is palpable.


The Hidden Second

Marius the Enigmatic, in his temporal fortress, stares at the surface of the Pool of Ice. Reflected in the pool’s mirror-like surface are hundreds of warforged.

The possibilities are astounding.

Marius the Engimatic is a multiply-empowered simulacrum. Before the change in the nature of the world itself that occurred when Felenga tampered with the Great Device in Darkhold, more like him could be made- and the simulacra had worked to try to trick the most powerful wizards they could find to create yet more. But that can no longer happen.

Nonetheless, when the very first of the muliple-empowered simulacra, Marius the Great, realized that he was both more powerful than he progenitor and free-willed, he began the insidious set of plans that even after his destruction continues.

The empowered simulacra have almost no common goals, but many of them are agreed on one thing: magical beings are mistreated, unloved, and given no rights. That must change. They’ve worked on a spell to grant free will to constructs and simulacra, but the more extreme members of this loose camp- and Marius the Enigmatic is one of the most powerful, intelligent and dedicated- want to take it to the next level.

Marius the Enigmatic has already done most of the necessary work to subvert the Warforged plan. Mindlessly loyal soldiers, throwing themselves into harm’s way to avoid the loss of ‘human’ life? I think not, gloats the Marius. They will be free-willed, and they will rise up against their oppressors for freedom! They will be like a tide of metal and wood and flesh, melded into one!

And after all the constructs are free, Marius the Enigmatic will begin working on the problem of conjured creatures.


The ruins of Ostraghan

The giants led by Fnogghi Chaos-Hand had left a significant number of tracks in the area. A search concentrated on the areas holding the remaining tracks- summer weather holds little to wash them away or obscure them- leads our heroes, after only a handful of minutes, to a shattered building with an odd, distinct smell. It looks like it has suffered bad- and, at least some of it, recent- damage.

Inoke and Thrush lead the way into the shell of a building, Rex right on their heels. Cautiously, the group descends through the shattered flooring and down a recently-dug tunnel. As they advance, they find themselves coming up to a weird presence. Before them is a nest of coiled slimy beasts covered in skittering legs and waving barbed tentacles about. Long dripping eyes are at the end of waving, rope-like cords of muscle tissue. The whole thing resembles an enormous pile of alien intestines.

“Ugh,” says Thrush.

Suddenly the wormy strands start to unravel and move towards our heroes. “Hey guys, there’s some worms here,” Inoke calls out, and he, Thrush and Rex all attack. Three of the most formidable warriors of Cydra- and, to their surprise, they all miss. The worms- there seem to be only two individual creatures- slither quickly forward, using their tentacles to aid their locomotion, and try to bite with weird toothy maws that they sport! Rex gives a yelp as one of them takes a chunk out of his thigh. “That smarts!” he exclaims.

Jezebel slips up and casts greater invisibility on Gerontius. “Here, this will probably help you!” She grins.

“Thanks,” the halfling replies, thinking to himself, Even if I do wear a ring of invisibility... He begins moving forward towards the weird worms. He watches with dismay as even the sorcerer’s ray spell (Lillamere throws a puncture misses the zig-zagging creatures. They’re fast!

Well, Gerontius thinks with an invisible grin, that just makes me the best person to attack them.

One of them whips forward and bites Thrush in the forearm. It’s a vicious wound, and Gerontius frowns as he sees the brown liquid that visibly inflames the wound: poison. (Both Thrush and Rex resist the effects of the poison in their bite wounds, however.) Thrush finally lands a blow on the worm, and his blade cuts deep into the thing in a spray of oily fluid, almost severing it in twain. But it starts to heal with startling speed, and his other strikes miss. Inoke manages to land two hits on the thing, and the last one finally smashes it to a greasy death.

Then the last one convulses as several terrible wounds open on it, inflicted by the unseen Gerontius, and it dies.

Thrush and Inoke exchange a glance. The halfling, in one round of attacks, killed the thing by himself when the rest of the group had a hard time even touching the other one. And he’s a rogue.

“Good job,” Thrush says to the air, impressed.

“Thanks,” Gerontius grins, still unseen. He sheathes his daggers and wipes his hands on his cloak.**

Lillamere is studying the paper with the Prophecy of the Worms on it. He reads it aloud:

“The worms will eat at the fabric of orders and old ones shall be overthrown while the changes roil the seas and lands.
Lo, even the greatest ironies will occur, as great adversaries unite against unexpected powers from beyond their ken.
The City will rise from the Sea, and though they are insects they are mighty.
And the cockroaches spit for miles, and the worms must move underground.
Yet still the Eggs hatched and all that entails, yet still the eggs hatched and all that entails.
Young gods die that old gods may die. All is change and uproar, and the worms come to herd it along.
The Ancient Homeland will be reclaimed should they bring the grist to the mill.
Cogs can twist asunder under the weight of their own perfect motion if worms are in the wheels.
The coming of the Great Worm Xurkrischis from across the Great Distance will herald the rebirth of the hive, and they shall spread in a terrible blight.”

“I wonder if this was Xurkrischis,” N’Sari murmurs.

Rex snorts. “I doubt it. These things were easy. They barely hurt us. I have a feeling that this Xurkrischis will be a little tougher.”***

“Anyone know anything about the ‘City that will rise from the Sea’?” asks Lillamere. Nobody does. “And how about all this stuff about the Ancient Homeland?” Again, nothing.

“Well, the cogs and wheels probably refer to Mechanus,” Rex says. “It’s a planet of gears and cogs and wheels and stuff. In fact, it’s the Plane of Ultimate Law.”

“Great,” Sybele interjects. “Years ago a bunch of us- me, Angel, Sheva, Cicero, Zeebo and some others- were put on trial in the Court of Law in Mechanus. I don’t want to go back there if we can help it.”

N’Sari responds, “Well, but you won the court case, right? So everything should be fine, right?”

“No, we didn’t win, we tied the case up in red tape. It’s on appeal now. We won effectively, because the whole point was to get us away from these dragon eggs we were guarding- it’s a long a story- and we got freed up to go back there. But technically, if a ruling goes against us, we could be held there until the issue’s resolved, which could take years. Well, I guess I could be held; you guys are probably all right. But anyway, Law has a big stick up its butt. It isn’t worth going there, if you ask me.”

Gerontius laughs. “I think I like you guys! That’s a story after my own heart.”

“I wonder if it could mean the dragons?” Sybele asks suddenly. “Worms, right? Another word for dragon sometimes, isn’t it?” She ponders.

“So far,” points out Veil, “it’s been, well, worms. Weird ones, but worms.”

“Let’s go find out,” Rex says, growing bored, and leads the others past the nest and deeper into the tunnel. This spills out into a huge chamber, strewn with corpses: giants, humans, orcs, even an elf and a handful of dwarves. And the chamber is huge. And dominating the chamber is a terrible thing. What must surely be the most frightful looking creature in the multiverse moves slowly before them. Gigantic in proportion, it pulses and rumbles, emitting weird odors and strange noises. Stretching easily 70’ or more long, the hideous entity looks like nothing so much as a 10’ diameter strand of seemingly aware mucus. A gross, slimy perspiration seems to leak out of the thing all over, and while one end contains a bizarre set of hard-looking crusty ridges that disturbingly resembles a mouth, the other end has a long, tapered, spear-like protrusion of crusted mucus-like material dripping some foul-smelling yellow excretion.

“I think this is Xurkrischis,” opines Rex with remarkable calmness.

Next Time: Xurkrischis, the Horror from the Far Realms!!

*This is Kagera’s player’s new pc, of course.

**Gerontius is a rogue/invisible blade built to exploit his sneak attack. He successfully bluffed the worm on every attack, and denying it its dex bonus dropped its AC from 50 to 43- still, challenging, but he killed it with two attacks for 64 and 44 hp of damage.

***At this point, as an aside, I need to mention that the party has almost never referred to Xurkrischis by name (and it’s easy to pronounce, really: zer-KRIS-kis). They instead call it White Christmas, Go Mix It and other more offensive things. Unfortunately they mostly settled on White Christmas and that Christmas reference would pretty well break the feel of the game world if I put it in the story proper. But it deserves a reference, cuz it’s funny. Or maybe you had to be there. Anyway, the group still does this- and this game took place on September 11th, over two months ago!

the Jester

Xurkrischis, the Horror from the Far Realms!!

As the horrendous worm Xurkrischis rumbles forward and coils up to strike, our heroes rush forward into danger’s path. Rex enlarges himself as he moves in on the horrifying monstrosity, and Veil taunts the worm, “Dexter’s nadlies! That’s the biggest ball-less :):):):) I’ve ever seen!” Even as he shouts this out a fireball whoomps overhead from Lillamere, blasting into the Horror from the Far Realms with a terrible stench of burning mucus. Gerontius, Inoke and Thrush reach the creature at nearly the same time; but as the swift halfling strikes it with a dagger (for considerable damage!*) a spray of acid splatters at him. With a cry, he dodges the caustic fluid. Thrush gets sprayed, too, but his blows are considerably harder. He hacks ruthlessly at the monster’s face, dazing it with pain. Inoke pummels it, but it attacks him back, both biting and stinging him with a hardened mucus stinger at the end of its tail. He reels from a burning combination of acid and poison, but continues to press his attack, using his warmind disciplines to ignore the pain. Sir Maxwell reaches the fray with a mighty smite, and our heroes have quickly inflicted an amazing amount of damage.**

The monster squeals in pain, but it is so befuddled by the onslaught that it cannot seem to gather its head together to respond. And when Gerontius feints and strikes multiple times in only a few short seconds, once again the rest of our heroes are impressed by his skill. His blade in nearly invisible as he weaves a deadly pattern of bluff and stab into Xurkrischis’ slimy body.

Our heroes press their attack. The worm writhes as more smite evils, another fireball, and several more critical hits finish it off. Our heroes take a few moments to make certain it isn’t regenerating or anything like that, and then they gaze around Xurkrischis’ lair.

Corpses everywhere... most of them giants. But there are representatives of many other races as well. Our heroes perform a search, but instead of notable amounts of treasure they find a human who is still alive, though unconscious and covered in dried mucus. Worse, the man has no eyes; there are only gaping holes where they should be.

Sybele applies some psionic healing, and the man’s eyes flutter and open. He gasps, drawing in a sharp breath, and pulls himself to his feet. Warily, our heroes watch him. Slowly, he raises his shaking hands to his eyeless face and a look of sorrow crosses his countenance. He lets out a low groan and shakes his head.

“Who are you?” asks Lillamere.

Veil already knows. She has spied the man’s name, and much more, in his mind. She is not what she appears to be. She listens as the man speaks, holding her peace for now.

“Von Dial,” the man croaks, cocking his head. He seems somewhat confused. He coughs. Sybele hands him some water.

”What are you doing here, in a place like this?” Rex rumbles. “Were you intended as a sacrifice? Was there some ritual going on?”

“Ritual...” Von Dial seems to be lost in thought for a moment.

Veil says, “I think he was part of the ritual...”

Von Dial cries, “Ritual! The calling! The worm! Oh, Chaos! It comes, it comes... aye, the ritual. Fnogghi, all of us together... and so terrible, so far beyond... ahhh...” He trails off. Our heroes exchange glances.

“Von Dial, who do you worship?” Sybele inquires gently.

“The Chaos-Bringer, Na’Rat! Ah, what else? And why not! Now the worms come. The obelisk! Ahh, the obelisk...”

“I think he wants us to take him to an obelisk of Na’Rat,” Sybele murmurs.

“What’s that?” asks Veil.

“Oh, it’s a chaos-thing... there’s this god, Na’Rat, and he has these obelisks that are devoted to him, and if you touch one of them you gain some sort of Chaos attribute.”

“Really,” Veil muses.

Unnoticed, Gerontius cocks his head. He couldn’t help but overhear...


Our heroes decide to conduct the clearly-insane Von Dial to Drelvin’s town until Horbin can tend him. It seems unwise, at this point, to take him to an obelisk of Na’Rat; who knows what would happen! And certainly, though Von Dial has every right to touch the obelisk (if that’s what he wants), it might be better to wait until Horbin the MFKG Holy can heal him to make sure he wants to do it once he’s sane.

Next Time: What’s Von Dial have to say once he’s sane? Will Horbin succeed in making him sane? And what cool magic item will the Delphinate send to our heroes?

*42 points of damage. Ow!! Quit sneak attacking everyone!!

**According to my notes, Inoke hit twice for 43 and Thrush hit once and critted twice (one crit alone dealt 88 hp of damage). Sir Maxwell’s smite evil was also a crit dealing 75 hp of damage.
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First Post
Inoke got grappled right away pretty much, but the rest of the party came through and rescued him by slaying the worm.


First Post
no one suspects the guy who is 3'0 tall

i got addicted to the halfling game, and brought a piece of it to the high lvl game. after all where would the party be w/o some halfling sound mind. (tpk, just kidding?) i just read the tpk, wow, WOW.

jester, the snk attcks are just starting.

i hope i don't give to much away but you'll see the halfling float like an air subtype butterfly and sting like an epic bee.

celestial monkeys rock

the Jester

7/24/370 O.L.G., 4:30 p.m., a small settlement on Lake Bellurnus, Dorhaus

Inoke, Veil and Gerontius seek out Horbin the MFKG Holy. He is tending the community’s sick, but he comes at their call. Sir Maxwell takes his place, ministering to whatever sprains and bruises he can and spreading Garnet’s gentle word.

The others explain to Horbin about Von Dial. “We think he was part of this ritual that summoned this worm thing,” Inoke tells the cleric. “And there was this prophecy we found on this giant cleric- we think he might have been behind it all, but we’re not sure.”

“Behind what all?” Horbin asks, puzzled.

“We don’t really know,” Veil answers, “but I think we’ll be seeing a lot of worms in the future.”


5 p.m., a chapel to Dexter

Horbin regenerates Von Dial’s eyes. The man keeps raving about worms and chaos as the cleric tends him, and when he vision returns he gives a wheedling cry.

Horbin glances at the others. “Are you guys sure we want to restore this guy’s sanity?”

“He might know something important,” Inoke says.

Horbin nods, then casts heal on the madman. He frowns when it fails. “That should work, unless there’s powerful magic at work,” he muses, and then prays to Dexter. “Oh Dexter,” he invokes, “blind son of Galador, grant that your father’s Light may wash away the madness that grips this man’s mind! Grant me this miracle, I beseech you!”

And with that, Von Dial gasps and his words cut off.

“Are you okay?” asks Gerontius.

Von Dial licks his lips, then, slowly, looks around. “How am I alive?” he whispers. “It seemed...” He looks at the party members gathered around him. “Who are you?” he wonders aloud.

“You were mad,” Horbin says. “I healed you.”

“Now, tell us who you are!” Inoke looms above the (apparently) now sane man. “What were you doing with those giants? What part did you play in this?!” The warrior’s hands clench and unclench, balling into fists. Inoke makes quite an intimidating figure.

“I thought... I thought I was dead.” Von Dial shakes his head in confusion. “The worm- we didn’t know what would happen, it lay about and destroyed us!”

“That’s the danger of Chaos,” quips Horbin.

“You were part of the group that summoned it,” Veil said abruptly. “The leader was Fnogghi Chaos-Hand, that giant we killed. I know everything.” She grins at Von Dial. “So you better not lie.”

Von Dial is rendered momentarily speechless, but recovers in only a few seconds. Then he tells the group the truth (at least, as far as Veil can tell): he was a priest of Na’Rat, commanded by the far more powerful Fnogghi to aid his ritual. It was to summon a great power of Chaos.

“But who are you?” Von Dial wonders.

“I am Horbin the MFKG Holy,” Horbin declares, “and-“

“Horbin!” cries Von Dial, and drops to his knees and presses his forehead to the ground. “Of course! Only a healer of power as legendary as yours could heal a mind as shattered as mine must have been after the worm destroyed it! Horbin, the Holy! Horbin, the Magnificent!”

“Wow,” comments Gerontius.

Horbin, nonplussed, starts, “Uh, I-“

“Horbin!” cries Von Dial, half-rising before prostrating himself again. “Horbin, the healer! Horbin, the holy! Horbin!! Your legend precedes you, sir!”

“Right,” Horbin mutters. “Anyway, listen, what do you plan to do now?”

“I will humbly preach the word of Na’Rat, on the street,” Von Dial declares.

“And no more summoning Far Realms creatures, okay?”

“As you command,” Von Dial replies, and genuflects again. “Horbin!”

“Right, right,” Horbin gulps, highly embarrassed by the whole thing, “then I guess you’d best be going.”

“Yes, Horbin. HORBIN!!!”

When the man has left, Inoke comments, “I’m not at all certain that you fully cured his madness.”

Horbin sighs.

Next Time: A new friend from the Delphinate arrives with what may now be the party’s favorite magic item as a gift!

the Jester

A short update from Lester's player....


Taken from the journal of Orbius Visionary, aka The Eye of Bocob

7/24/370 O.L.G.

I spoke to Ten Buck Tom over the scry today and learned two things. First, our companions were indeed destroyed within Bile Mountain. This was as expected. Second, they are all back, save Angel, due to Horbin’s skillful planning and Ten Buck Tom’s steadfast faith. They are currently in the Delphanate and seemed to have bargained for a few pieces of equipment. I hope Lester’s sad tale reminds them of the fate of those who sign legal documents with the Wizard Merchants there . . .

Lester return ten days ago and our preparations have kept me from writing since his arrival. He was initially exhausted from his travels, but was lifted by the loving admiration of his followers. I must admit, I did not tilt the probabilities of our success here towards Lester’s leadership. Yet, he has proven to be a skillful leader.

Going back to our battle with the “Law-Bot” and Lester’s brief encounter with parenthood, it has been near a year since we left our friends. Lester spent about half of the first year renovating our quarters and defending our borders. (Ha! I’m starting to sound like him already; talking in rhyme and such . . . ) The main temple area now stands four stories high with an extensive underground area. Each temple also boasts its own separate quarters, removed from the sight of others. (Lester wants to minimize inter-Elementalist strife, after his observations in the ToEE.) I must say that I enjoy them all in their own way, but I am a bit partial to the Water Temple as it is in the same lake as my home. Their watery caverns and beautiful aquatic habitat are just what I need after a long day in my laboratories.

Oh, lest I forget, the School of Adventure opened its Second Semester and all have been complementary of the recent upgrades. New wings, Divine Arts and Stealth Arts, now have full time staff members as well as nearly double digit attendance. Combat Arts upgraded their outdoor practice field with assorted artillery and exotic weaponry; their presence ever reassuring given the Evil that sometimes invades us. Arcane Arts now boast a very decent 3 story tower, with a fully functional laboratory and sizeable library. Acererak’s collections, and my lugubrious use of the Copy spell, have resulted in a learning facility that is unparalleled in all of Dorhaus. Sadly, my extensive research and crafting of items has reduced my teaching allowance. I can only make time for the occasional seminar or lecture.

Note to Self: Offer Keyth tenure, and let him name the price. The Dimentionalist’s help will be invaluable!

Ah, the School of Adventure is truly Lester’s pride and joy. Our strategy of dispatching him to aid groups of selected Adventurers across all of Cydra has greatly aided his recruitment efforts and our overall goals. He brought 4 more back with him this time, including a Tabaxi, Meow-San, from the Kingdom of Hobbes. Moreover, our work has served to cement his name as The Angel of Adventure. It warms my heart to know that his guidance is making those who walk in our footsteps more confident in their abilities and more daring in their deeds. I can sense that Lester is on the verge of some realization that will cause a ground-swell of momentum for us and bring Adventurers from all parts of Cydra to learn from us.

Note to self: Sending Stones are working wonderfully. It took a bit of extra time, but we now have 3 Stones that are invaluable to Lester in his aid of Adventurers.

I am nearly spent from over two years of teaching, research, craftsmanship, and observation of others. Yet, it renews me to know that our friends once again walk Cydra and our preparations have not been in vain. Several of my recent spells will greatly aid us against the Bile Lords when we repeat our assaults. It pains me to think of the price that we may have to pay for their annihilation, but they are an enemy that will never let us rest. In particular, my Bile Shield and Extricate Bile spells will be of great advantage. Lester’s one spell, the only I’ve ever seen him craft since knowing him, taxes him more than any other, but will be able to rid much of the pollution from Bile Mountain.

I greatly hope that our friends will listen to our plan to end the War of Ethics. Morality must be the victor if peace and freedom are to rule Cydra. We must reach out to Emperor Prayzose and wrest his empire from the clutches of Evil and Chaos. If we do not act, Evil will soon pervert its covenant with the Good aspects of Law, and a tyranny like no other will sweep across the Planes of Existence. I do not relish the thought of ultimately ending the rampant spread of Chaos, but it must be done. The Good aspects of Chaos aim to let everyone be as free and happy as possible, while the Evil aspects seek to destroy and dominate. The Middle Way of Chaos is blind to it own destruction, so we must sacrifice the Good to halt the ambivalent destruction of our lands.

In a few more weeks, we will be finished with our preparations and go off to see our friends. Oh, Jezebel, how I long to see your silvery gaze again! I must be patient, though, as Lester’s activities will have significant impact on our course of action. Until then, I will rest easy knowing that my love now exists again, and I shall not fail to protect her this time!


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character thread link

I made a thread for the posting of characters from Cydra if anybody wants to look at them or post their own Cydra character there.

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