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[D&D 4e] IG's "The Witchlight Strand"


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Aridha plucks an acorn from her pouch and passes her hand over it, murmuring invocations to the sun, and to the height of summer. She then hurls it at one of the orcs but the throw is off target. The seed puffs into flame where it hits the ground and leaves nothing but a blackened spot to commemorate its existence.

She growls a curse. The battle was off to a bad start.

(Flame Seed on Orc D6! Roll Lookup )

(OOC - I need to respec Aridha in a bad way. I had no idea how to build a druid in 4e when I designed her all those eons ago. :))

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(OOC: Just waiting to see if [MENTION=85926]Midgardsormr[/MENTION] is still with us before we move on. Otherwise we'll have to open a new recruitment thread; I'm not looking to give up this game any time soon, especially since Shayuri is contemplating working some magic with it!)


OOC: [MENTION=40793]Redrobes[/MENTION]: Shifting back 1 square is a move action. Opening the door is a minor action. That still leaves you one standard action, so you can still get a shot off if you want.

[MENTION=85988]Korash[/MENTION]: Vatan still has a full set of actions after his attempt to spot any casters (which he doesn't. Yet.)

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]: After a closer look, Aridha's Flame Seed attack does indeed hit D6's reflex defense. Not only does it hit, but since it is a minion, it also kills it in a grandiose fashion!

We'll go ahead and move on with this encounter while we're waiting for [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2710]jkason[/MENTION] to finish their builds. If they finish before the encounter is over, I'll just add more enemies accordingly. It won't be a far stretch since there is more of the battle occurring off-board anyway.


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Remembering their last battle, and not wanting to repeat the loss of Jude, Vatan will take a cautious step forward (to D6). Vatan will bellow the following as soon as he sees any of the orcs turn towards them, all the while brandishing both sword and handaxe. "Come on, ye misbegoten pox ridden curs o' tha Sea Bitch. 'Tis time ta return to yer Hag wit' yer tails between yer legs, if ye be able."

...And it is that "Yet" that worries Vatan....he just KNOWS they are out there.....
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You spot in the melee up ahead, standing close to Deeson, a female, small in stature, but carrying herself with a fluidity and grace that draws your eyes to her.

She is carrying a wickedly curved dagger, her face stone as she twists and dodges the orcish assault. The woman knocks aside an orc's blade and prepares to strike when a seed of flame sprouts at the creature's feet and leaves little but a charred corpse.

"What the deuce! Deeson, who in the Nine Hells is that?" she exclaims, pointing to the adventurers.

Without waiting for a response, the woman hurls her dagger at closest enemy, another orc sees her unarmed and looks to take advantage of her unarmed when the weapon reappears in the blink of an eye in her hands, a wry smile breaking the cold mask.

"Won't be that easy" she hisses.

*Start at J8

Minor: Draw dagger
Move: n/a
Standard: RBA at I or 1 vs. ac on I or 1 (1d20+12=20, 1d4+5+1=8, 2d6+2=13) Incl. +2 for CA from First Strike. Hits AC 20 for 21 damage. [/sblock]


As you join the fight, a large orc steps from around the corner and tosses some sort of explosive into your group. The attack doesn't go as planned, however, and nobody gets hurts as the fire fizzles away.

Several other orcs advance upon the group, but are far enough away to give you time to react.

Gwendolynn's target roars as her dagger pierces its thick hide. It sets its tusk-filled jaw and marches toward the nimble rogue, right through the remnants of Aridha's Flame Seed! Impressive as it is, the pain of the fire proves too much, and its attack goes wide of the smaller female.


Minor: none
Move: none
Standard: Flame Seed
-vs. D6; hits REF 12 for 3 damage, kills minion

Move: Shift to B8
Minor: Open door
Standard: RBA
-vs. D1; hits AC 19 for 14 damage, kills minion

Move: Shift to D6
Minor: none
Standard: none

Move: none
Minor: draw dagger
Standard: RBA
-vs. T; hits AC 20 for 21 damage

Orc Terrorblade
Move: 3 squares to K8
-Takes 4 damage from Aridha's Fiery Zone
Standard: MBA
-vs. Gwendolynn; miss

Orc Bombardier
Move: 3 squares to G6
Standard: Cinderbombs at square C6
-vs. Aridha; miss
-vs. Druthruss; miss
-vs. Vatan; miss

Move: 6 squares to F5

Move: 6 squares to G7

Move: 3 squares to E7
Standard: MBA
-vs. Vatan; hits for 4 damage

Double Move: 8 squares to I6

[sblock=Status & Initiative]
25 Aridha (26/26):
19 Druthruss (25/25):
17 Pier (20/20):
15 Vatan (25/29):
15 Gwendolynn (25/25)
14 Bad Guys

Enemy Status:
D1: dead
D6: dead


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The druid brightens as her initial attack takes an unexpected toll, like a ray of sunlight shining through a thunderhead. And when the other orcs converge together she realizes there's a chance after all.

She closes her eyes and communes with the Green; the grass under her feet, the trees nearby at the edges of the town, even the fading memory of the wooden planks and logs used to make the buildings. Life was everywhere. Sometimes it just needed help to...


Her almond eyes opened and she waved an outstretched hand, as she gave voice to the imperative that had driven life for as long as there had BEEN life.


Grass and roots exploded from the earth all around the spot where the orcs had gathered the most thickly, twining and wrapping around the creatures, and then squeezing with unbelievable strength!

(Twisting Vines centered on F6! Attack rolls are: 11, 18, 10, 15 all vs Reflex, for 5 damage. Roll Lookup and Roll Lookup , also all squares adjacent to a target that was hit become difficult terrain until the end of Ari's next turn.)


OOC: My first inclination is to start in the upper left corner of the attack zone and apply your attack rolls to the targets in a clockwise order (D4, D3, B, D2). That cool with you, or did you have another order in mind?

Voidrunner's Codex

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