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Another question I had was whether there was an equator; is this a globe?

Given the name "the Tragic Jungle" it might actually make sense if the equatorial area ran on the (marked) nw-se axis (i.e. through the Tragic Jungle, just below the small continent-isle of silver port, with the only "arctic" area being the top right of the map.

But of course alternatives exist in a D&D universe. Perhaps the sea is (supposed to be) endless, and these three continents happen to be close to each other, and no other lands are known. In that case, there'd be no circumnavigation (and celestial navigation would have to be re-thought completely) but there'd be foolhardy explorers setting off in different directions every year, never returning*. That would also allow climactic variations to be driven by different forces (elementals, the type of giant living underground, etc.). which would also be cool.

*edit: Consequently, the Grieving Sea is named after the tears of the wives and mothers of those navigators, with the result that there is a sequence of lighthouses along that "eastern" coast.

(note also moving the equator would not need to mean re-orienting the map -- it would be enough to say that the magnetic pole (used for navigation) is just considerably askew of the axis, and the maps use the magnetic pole)

Honestly, I haven't put that much thought into it. My intent was for the to be the world. I wasn't concerned with making it a globe per se, as then you'd run into a whole mess of technicalities that I'd rather not get into.

Re-orienting the map is as easy as rotating the compass rose; putting the north line on what is now the northeast line should be sufficient enough for that. I might have to rename the Ice Barbarian of the North on the Romeda map, but that's not a huge issue. Of course we could call it high-ground and leave it as it is. I like the Grieving Sea mythos.. nice touch.


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Alright, here's my thoughts on Things and Stuff. Apologies for the long silence. Not much time to post the last couple of days.

I envision a rift between the High elves and the Wood elves; a cultural divide that defines them from one another. Given the tumultuous history of elves on the island, I think a logical place for such a rift to develop is the catastrophe that nearly ended their civilization.

So! Let us postulate the following, and see if it works with everyone's conceptualization of elves in this world; past, present and future.

The Elves first came to this world from the Feywild (or whatever it's called here) on the continent of Lunarial, now known as New Lunarial, over two thousand years ago. At the time, depending on who you ask, they had either been exiled or had left by their own will...either way, they gradually lost their immortal nature and gained a greater ability to reproduce, though still by glacially slow pace compared to other natural beings. They were one civilization then, deeply magical and fascinated by the strange world of mortals that they had entered.

Slowly, as befit a people whose generations are measured in centuries, a faultline sprung up between elves who were more interested in pursuing magical power over the world, and elves who believed they should adapt to the world on its own terms. This was not a deep cultural division at the time, merely something intellectuals would gleefully debate over for weeks at a time. Most acknowledged that each paradigm had useful things to offer.

But when the cataclysm struck, and tore the elven citadels apart, scattering the people and putting them on the brink of extinction, what had been a philosophical difference suddenly became a stark black and white choice. The elves now known as 'high' isolated themselves out of sheer self-preservation, and feverishly studied magical protecions and defenses to guard what was left of their people and lore. Those elves who scattered into the island took up shelter in the forests on the east and stayed in small, mobile groups...their nomadicism eventually faded but their preference for arboreal life never did. They learned to hunt and to stalk, to watch and to hide, and to use the natural world to their own advantage.

The two elf 'races' are not enemies by any stretch, but the wood elves still nurse dark suspicions that it was high elf magic that invoked the great cataclysm, and they have not forgotten being turned away from the mythals that warded them in the chaotic aftermath. The high elves, in contrast, tend to see their wood elf kin as simpleminded louts who have turned their back on their traditions and heritage to muck about in matters that ought to be beneath them. In matters of importance they cooperate, but elven pride never letting each other forget the old grudges.

Other races came to Lunarial after the destruction, and in their weakened condition the elves were powerless to prevent it. The continent became known as 'New' Lunarial, and the influx of people wound up helping the elves far more than hurting them. The high elves maintain their warded enclaves, within the city and without...special sanctuaries that no one but they are allowed to tread, to shield and maintain the old lore that they believe defines who they are and who they will become. The wood elves live in their suspended villages deep in the heartwoods of the eastern forests of New Lunarial, and while there is no wall or magic barrier shielding them...there is a line. The people living at the forests edge can tell you of it. A line no hunter, or logger, or trapper should ever tresspass over. Sometimes an arrow finds them, along with a terse, vaguely accusing apology for the family. Sometimes they return with muddled eyes and missing memories. And sometimes they just vanish and are not heard from again. The wood elves will barter for rights to the spoils of their domain, but only up to a point. Inside that invisible line, the forests grow wild and untamed, and there is more to fear in them than just the paranoia of the elves.

Wood elves often venture beyond the forest to explore, trade, and see the world and its people...but they do not speak of their settlements. Not to name them, and certainly not to reveal their location. As such, no map shows more of their presence than simply a forest circled and noted 'Wood elves here.'

In the years following the cataclysm, both sects of elves sent pioneers across to the Central Marches, and other places. There can be elf enclaves nearly anywhere given their adaptability and magical prowess...but New Lunarial is still unquestionably the center of their civilization.


I like it a lot. The only thing I might change is the timeline. I think it was the cataclysm itself that happened about two thousand years ago, so I think I'd put the elves on the island for two or three thousand before that--long enough for the story of their departure from the feywild to be debated as myth or fact.

I started the New Lunarial map earlier this evening. I'll be sure to include the flavor...



First Post
That works. That gives plenty of time for their immortality to dwindle, and all that too.

But I still like the catalcysm as the date of their schism. If there's Dark Elves, that works too...they can be the elves who fled underground.


It's funny that I kind of expected to end up using the Romeda map just because it was the most complete of the bunch, but instead we've created an entirely new continent complete with a rich history and some intriguing plot-points.

I'll be honest, I have only the vaguest ideas of what I want to do adventure-wise, but I'm tempted to stop planning and forging ahead to start a game thread to see where it takes us. I may be just as surprised at the story as you... How is everyone looking on character creation?



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Just about ready to post here. Quick summary of story; Maighan is a wood elf who believes that her people are overly isolated and that this is not just slowing their progress but could actually be outright dangerous. Her long term goal is to try to build bridges between the reclusive wood elves and other races, humans in particular as she sees them as most likely to be dangerous to the elves in the long run. She hopes to remove the conditions that allow hostility to grow while it's still a relatively small problem.

So she probably won't be providing much in the way of short-term goals, outside of opportunistic 'feel good' quests to try to build goodwill. I'll try to think of some more immediate, concrete hooks and goals too.


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My character is pretty much ready. I'd say we can move ahead.

I'd suggest my new want to explore and bringing Nissa along is a good start. We could then meet the others.

Since Aedon doesn't really KNOW where to go or what to do it gives some DM leeway.

You could give visions that might help push us in directions needed where it might help his cause but push us where you need

Like "you have the feeling you must go east" and then suddenly we meet up with one of the others.


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In the interests of actually getting this character DONE, I'm going to go with the simpler of the two concepts- I'll try to get something posted later today.

Capsule form: Johanna the Lioness; Human Fighter (Battlemaster), MC Ranger; Folk Hero. Her father served 20 years in the elven Sultan's elite Lion Guard and was rewarded with a small farm in the country- because of his background he also helped train the local noble's small militia (and his own children were trained and disciplined like soldiers as well). Johanna grew up big and strong, with strong morals and a positive outlook. Over the last few years the crops and orchards on the estate have started to grow sickly, and many of the local villagers banded together to keep things going. Johanna got a good reputation when she donned her father's old armor and fought a pair of hyenas that had been plaguing the village's livestock- and when the village elders sent envoys to the Sultan's court for help, Johanna was sent along as an escort; when the court functionaries sent the village envoys to Kingsport to consult with the Academy, Johanna got to go on a ship for the first time. (Sword and shield fighter, tank.)


First Post
Here's the stats I have worked up, just to make sure it passes muster before I post to the RG.

I chose the 'scimitar' option from the equipment list for the class, but substituted a shortbow instead. It's the same GP cost as a scimitar. Hope that's okay, cuz this is a ranged-focused build. :)

Wood Elf Druid 1
Background: Outlander

Str 10 2
Dex 16 7
Con 12 4
Int 10 2
Wis 16 9
Cha 11 3

HP 9
AC 13 (10 + 3)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Wood Elf
+2 dex, +1 wis
Weapon Training (long/shortsword, long/shortbow)
Keen senses (trained in Perception)
Adv vs Charm, immune to magic sleep
Trance (4 hrs rest)
Fleet of Foot: base speed 35'
Mask of the Wild: Can hide with only light obscurement in natural environment

Druidic Language

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, jevelins, maces, staves, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom

Skills: Athletics and Survival
Tools: Any one musical instrument (Panflute)
Bonus Language
Origin: Forester
Feature: Wanderer (excellent memory for maps and geography, can find food and water for group)

Athletics +2
Nature +5
Medicine +5
Survival +5
Perception +5

Common, Elven, Druidic, Sylvan

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 2
- Guidence
- Shillelagh
1 - Cure Wounds, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Thunderwave

Cash: 10gp

Staff with cougar skull mounted on top (spellcasting focus)
Dagger, +5 atk, 1d4+3dmg, 2gp
Shortbow, +5 atk, 1d6+3 dmg, 25gp

Leather armor

Explorer's pack
Hunting Trap


Looks good to me. I'm not with weapons choices, so you're good there.
[MENTION=12183]sithramir[/MENTION] - how are you coming on the history of your ancestors and the naming of the mountains? Funny thing--it's been a couple of years since I made the Romeda map, and I was looking at it in a little more detail today. Did you know that there was an Everwood forest there as well? I had completely forgotten about it. I had considered renaming on of them (probably the one of the Romeda map), but now that I am typing this there are some ideas slapping at me that suggest I leave it alone. Something to think on, anyway.

Whichever case, the name will Everwood, not The Everwoods, I just think it sounds better.

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