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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] It's a Brand New World [FULL]


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Here is the first draft for J'hanna's background- needs to be cleaned up a bit, but the basics are there. Specifically, how she is from New Lunarial, but returning there from Kingsport, and her connections to the island and her home village (and through her father, to the local emir and the Sultan's guards). Folk Hero is still a better background fit than Soldier, but she has elements of both, having served in the village militia. Game stats should be up shortly (first draft for those as well)

History: J’hanna’s father Karim was born in a small farming village on the island of New Lunarial, but he was drafted at an early age. He served in the armies of the elven Sultan for twenty years, including 10 years in the elite Lion Guard. When he retired he was given a small farm on the estate of a prosperous noble, the emir Kazarian. Many of the elven nobles of New Lunarial paid little attention to their estates, as long as the crops and the taxes kept producing, but Kazarian seemed to genuinely care for his land and his tenants; this was quite important to the village folk since the estate was perilously close to the border of the badlands. While the soil and the water were good, the farmsteads had to deal with occasional wild beasts and even raids by the few orcs or goblins that lived in the unsettled territory. Karim was quickly deputized to lead the local militia, and he married a local woman, Tazri, whose first husband had died. Tazri had a bit of a reputation as a fine cook, and she was young enough to bear two children with Karim, their daughters J’hanna and Salima. Karim trained the local militia in his spare time, and he trained (and disciplined) his children like soldiers as well. While Salima took after her mother and trained as a cook and an herbalist, J’hanna was much more like her father- she grew up big and strong, and inclined to athletic physical pursuits; by the age of fourteen she was a member of the militia like most of the village boys of the same age.
About five years ago, the frequency of raids and animal attacks out of the badlands began to increase, and then some of the crops and livestock began to sicken. When a neighboring village was nearly wiped out by a flood, most of the healthy adults from J’hanna’s village pitched in to help- and so they were at least a full day’s walk away when a pair of vicious hyenas came out of the badlands. The beasts were hungry and brutal- then killed a pair of goats, and attacked an old man who tried to fend them off. While one of the villagers went to the neighboring farm to retrieve the rest of the adults from the militia, J’hanna strapped on her father’s old armor- somehow she managed to kill one of the beasts and injured the other so badly that it ran off; by the time the rest of the adults got back, the problem was over. For a brief time, J’hanna was something of a local hero- the local emir even discussed the idea of enrolling her in his guard in Silverport. But the chores still needed to be done and the blight kept getting worse- and J’hanna’s strong back was needed in the village. She kept her place in the village militia, but it looked as if she would stay in the village…
Last winter, several of the village folk began to sicken, and some of the livestock died; even some of the crops withered before they could be harvested. The village decided to send some of their respected elders to Silverport to petition their emir (or even the Sultan himself) for help- J’hanna was sent along to help protect the group on the roads, and to help with the chores of traveling. Her father would have gone as well, but by then he had started to sicken as well- he had a harsh hacking cough that could not be eased; he did give J’hanna the names of some of his old friends in the Sultan’s guards, just in case. When the group reached Silverport, they were well received- as noted, emir Kazarian did care for his people, and the Sultan had heard similar reports from other districts. But after careful thought, the scholars of the court had few real answers- after some debate, the emir and the sultan provided the resources for the delegation to go to the famous academy in Kingsport, in hopes of finding the answers there. The journey was long, and the answers they sought were not easy to find- days in Kingsport stretched to weeks, and the envoys seemed no closer to the help that they needed. J'hanna, away from home far longer than she had ever been before, grew bored and restless- she managed to train a bit with the local guard, just to stay in practice, but the dreary city of Kingsport was no substitute for the comforts of home. She haunted the docks as well, greeting each ship from Silverport in hopes of news from home. Had the blight begun to recede? Was her father on the mend? Were her mother and her sister, both skilled herbalists and physickers, helping the villagers in their time of trial?
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Justice is done mechanically. Just the prettifying of his story which I just haven't had time to type out as quickly as I'd hoped.You've got the basics already though, so if we're gonna get going you've got enough to work with him already I'm sure.

In case there's any question, his primary goal in life is to avenge himself on Count Umbra by killing him in the end, but he'd love to be able to show the world how corrupt the man is and expose him as a pirate and Thieves Guild member and THEN kill him. By extension, he's very interested in taking down any organized crime (like the pirates and thieves guild) and working his way up the food chain. If you feed him some thieves and pirates as recurring enemies from time to time, he'll be happy! Take down some low level criminal scum and interrogate one or two of them (Intimidation +5!) to find out who their bosses are, then work his way up the food chain from there. Of course, this is what he would plan to do HIMSELF after he gets rescued. I don't know what might get in the way of that adventure wise that would distract or redirect him once he's with the group. These would be his goals and inclinations. Not being an authorized guardsman or military man, if he's killing criminals in the streets, its going to by vigilante killing and he could be in trouble with the law himself. He's totally willing to take that risk, though not planning on being brazen about it. He's just barely smart enough to realize that he can't complete his mission if he's locked up in jail for murder for the rest of his life. So he'll try and be a little careful.
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], I love the fluff for New Lunarial. Also, is your name based on the Stargate character (wife of Dr. Daniel Jackson)?


[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION] - A question I've been meaning to ask, but keep forgetting: In your backstory you mention this:
Kobold Stew said:
It was on one of those trips when her eye was caught by a dwarf owned by another travelling noble, whose contract she purchased in exchange for Garrison, leaving him in an unknown city, far from home, technically a slave but with no owner to claim him, ready to meet the world on his own terms.
I understand that as Caerella trading Garrison for a dwarf. But if that were the case then the dwarf's owner would now own Garrison, and that's not right because you said he doesn't have an owner anymore. Maybe I'm being dense.. it's been known to happen, but would you mind clearing that up for me?

After that, we need to figure out how to get him on the ship from Kingsport to Silverport. I don't know why, but for some reason I was envisioning Garrison as being stranded in Silverport initially, but I see now that is not necessarily correct; it's only a "strange land" that is not Conybere (which I will get on the map soon, assuming I can find the right spot for it). I was thinking that if he was abandoned in Silverport, then he could have taken up a job on the ship, loading and unloading and whatever else a job like that would entail. That would give him good reason to be on a boat, in Kingport, and on his way to Silverport. Alas, that choice is yours... I just need to know so I can fold it into the story.
[MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION] - Let's stop your story just before you find out that you'll be returning to Silverport. You've been in Kingport for two months as a guest of Blackthorn. Now that the emissary is safe within the walls of Blackthorn Academy, you'll find that your might is no longer required, and you've plenty of time to explore the wonders of Kingport. You might even find time to train with the local guard.
[MENTION=211]Phoenix8008[/MENTION] - There is a small island to the south of the map between New Lunarial and Continent #1 (still un-named). Does that look like a sufficient place to start for you? It's a long way to float on a raft, but Justice seems like he's up to the task.
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] - I'm thinking that some of your elders may think you naive, but support you in your quest. Maybe they suggest to you to visit the elven city of Silverport so that you may witness first hand what intermingling with humans can accomplish (sarcasm intended--obviously they're none to pleased with the high elves of Silverport or the way they allow their city to operate). Just some thoughts... we're almost there!
[MENTION=12183]sithramir[/MENTION] - Along with the things I asked you a couple of posts ago, I'd like to run this by you: You're an herbalist, so you've naturally experimented with cross-pollination of certain plants. In your research you've discovered by combining a certain rare plant with certain other no-so-rare plants, it could possibly result in a curative salve or potion. Caveat: With the exception of the most dedicated researchers, no one has ever seen or even heard of this plant in decades, if not a century or more.
[MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION] - I think you're good to go. Assume that Nissa is carrying on business-as-usual at Blackthorn, maybe enjoying the occasional company of their guests from Silverport, until you hear otherwise. I am aware of your current professional issues, and I understand that it may affect your posting from time to time. Worry not, there's always a spot for you here.



First Post
1. Edited background to match suggestion above (Stuck in dreary Kingsport, far from home).

2. First draft and working copy for J'hanna's character sheet (will edit/update when I can but again, the basics are in place; will s-block in RG when done):

J’hanna bint Tazri, the Lioness

>Race/Gender: Human; female
Class/Level: Fighter 1/Ranger 0
Background: Folk hero (farmer)
Alignment: NG (tending Lawful)
Type (subtype): Humanoid (human)
Size: Medium
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 feet
Senses: N/A
Passive Perception: 11

>Hit points: 12 (10 +2 CON)
>AC: 18 (16/Chainmail; +2 Shield)
>Saves: STR, CON
>Heavy armor mastery: While wearing heavy armor bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons is reduced by 3.

>Melee: Longsword +5, 1d8+3 slashing
>Melee: Whip +5, 1d4+3 slashing (reach)
>Ranged: Thrown Hand ax +5, 1d6+3 slashing (range 20/60)

STR 17 (+3)/Save +5
CON 14 (+2)/Save +4
DEX 10 (+0)/Save +0
INT 10 (+0)/Save +0
WIS 13 (+1)/Save +1
CHA 12 (+1)/Save +1

Personality (Folk hero):
>Defining event: I stood alone against a terrible monster (two hyenas that attacked my farmstead when most of the militia were helping another village).
>Trait: I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.
>Trait: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what- and my word is ALWAYS good.
>Ideal: (Sincerity) There is no good in pretending to be something I’m not, or in saying something I know isn’t true.
>Bond: My family and the people of my village are the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
>Flaw: Once someone questions my courage, I never back down- no matter how dangerous the situation.

Feats/Stat increases:
>Level 1 (racial bonus): Heavy Armor mastery (+1 STR; while wearing heavy armor bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons is reduced by 3)
>Fighter 4: +1 STR (18)/+1 WIS (14)
>Fighter 6: Shield mastery
>Ranger 4: +2 STR (20)

Skills and Languages:
Acrobatics +0
*Animal handling +3
Arcana +0
*Athletics +5
Deception +1
History +0
*Insight +3
Intimidation +1
Investigation +0
Medicine +1
*Nature +2
Perception +1
Performance +1
Persuasion +1
Religion +0
Sleight of hand +0
Stealth +0 (Disadvantage- armor)
*Survival +3

Languages: Common, Elvish

Tools: vehicles (land); artisan’s tool (carpenter’s tools)

Racial features (Human- variant):
>Size: Medium; Base speed 30 feet
>Languages: common, +1 bonus (elvish)
>Ability score increase: +1 bonus to any two stats (STR, CON)
>Skill: gain 1 bonus skill (Insight)
>Feat: gain one feat of choice (Heavy Armor Mastery)

Class features (Fighter):
>Proficiencies: All armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons; STR and CON saves; two skills from class list (Athletics, Survival)
>Fighting style (Protection)
>Second wind: use bonus action to heal 1d10+1 HP (resets on short or long rest)

>Background features (Folk hero):
>Feature: Rustic hospitality
>Skill proficiencies: Animal handling, Nature (replaces Survival)
>Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (land), artisan’s tools (carpenter’s tools)

>Chainmail armor
>Martial weapon (longsword)
>2 Handaxes
>Explorer’s pack

>Small knife (tool, not weapon)
>Artisan’s tools (carpenter’s tools)
>Common clothes (1 set)
>Slightly less than 10 gp

Description: (NOT DONE YET)


First Post
On everwood and the mountains.

Aedons ancestor was a great wizard. A dragon was razing the forests and planned on taking the mountain as his new home.

Olandor Everwood helped to drive off the dragon and helped the settlements located in that area. The battle was epic and he fought as a dragon tooth and claw against the beast using his great magic. The scene in the mountains could be seen from all around and became the stuff of legend song from bards until this day.

Olander was a prideful man. Once the dragon was defeated he lived a spoiled life enjoying the benefits of his reputation.

Eventually he sired children and became a noble of good standing in the larger city of Kingsport. His pride was his downfall. Something happened that disgraced the family name which they have since spent generations attempting to fix. Few know what truly happened as the family has succeeded in reversing history and keeping the name in good standing.

That is why Aedon is now a hermit. His family takes their families name as the only thing worth maintaining. Nothing is more important than maintaining their status. His visions at a young age were a threat to that standing and he is now estranged from his family thus living at the Blackthorn academy.

*Trying to work more into it but having a block on how to make it better so far.
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First Post

[MENTION=12183]sithramir[/MENTION] - Along with the things I asked you a couple of posts ago, I'd like to run this by you: You're an herbalist, so you've naturally experimented with cross-pollination of certain plants. In your research you've discovered by combining a certain rare plant with certain other no-so-rare plants, it could possibly result in a curative salve or potion. Caveat: With the exception of the most dedicated researchers, no one has ever seen or even heard of this plant in decades, if not a century or more.

Ok great. Is that what i'm leaving to find then?


Just thought I'd let you all know that I've just started working on the intro post this evening. I am going to take my time and work on it only here and there so that I can get it as right as I can. I'd like to hear from the rest of you concerning my few questions about your characters in my previous post before I post before I set anything in stone in a game thread, just to make sure everyone is on the same page. I'm hoping by Friday at the latest.




First Post
I think Maighan has a direct mentor, who is sympathetic to her goal, and perhaps set her on this path...but yes it's definitely viewed by most wood elves as a quixotic venture at best. Some might view it as a possible risk to security as well; the harder line ones...

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Also, [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], I LOVE the pic for Garrison on the Rouge's Gallery page! Hulk FTW! Now we can claim "We've got a Hulk." when our enemies threaten us!


[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], outside of what you already have, which I like very much, I'd have to say the freed slave background looks good to me. Doesn't seem unbalanced, best I can see.

Thanks -- incorporated.

[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION] - A question I've been meaning to ask, but keep forgetting: In your backstory you mention this:

I understand that as Caerella trading Garrison for a dwarf. But if that were the case then the dwarf's owner would now own Garrison, and that's not right because you said he doesn't have an owner anymore. Maybe I'm being dense.. it's been known to happen, but would you mind clearing that up for me?

No -- there was an inconsistency in the story, and I think it's fixed now (with an elaboration of how emancipation might be able to work).

After that, we need to figure out how to get him on the ship from Kingsport to Silverport. I don't know why, but for some reason I was envisioning Garrison as being stranded in Silverport initially, but I see now that is not necessarily correct; it's only a "strange land" that is not Conybere (which I will get on the map soon, assuming I can find the right spot for it). I was thinking that if he was abandoned in Silverport, then he could have taken up a job on the ship, loading and unloading and whatever else a job like that would entail. That would give him good reason to be on a boat, in Kingport, and on his way to Silverport. Alas, that choice is yours... I just need to know so I can fold it into the story.

No worries. I'll just re-write it to be Silverport.

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