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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


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[sblock=Rusty]The man's shirt. Something about it... You've never seen things like those on the shirt he wears, certainly none in the past few hours you've been conscious, here in this dead, gray city.

Yet something stirs at the back of your mind. Beyond that the endless golden gears of that shadowless, ever-turning void you remember, through the maze of cogs and wheels. Past them...

...to a green place. The whispers of wind and water. Shifting muscle under tawny hide. Rustling green fronds. Darting, trilling shapes in the air. A golden light in the sky that never sinks below the horizon.


Flowers. All shapes and sizes, a riot of colour and scent, almost overwhelming. How can you remember colours you never saw before...?[/sblock]

Joe's handshake is lackadaisical-- strong fingers, bad grip-- but that seems in keeping with what Picayune's seen of the man so far. However, as he shakes Picayune by the glove (the fabric of which still squirms fitfully every once in a while, as if trying to escape), he closes his eyes a moment. The lids flicker briefly, and his lips move, barely audible.

[sblock=Picayune]The air around the man seems to cloud for a moment. The light and colour of the room seems to dwindle around him. His forehead, tan for these foggy streets and already shiny with sweat, seems to gleam. For a moment, a light appears so bright as to be hard to look at. It fades, leaving only a brief, familiar afterimage.


Just before it fades away to nothing, the eye blinks, once.

When the man opens his eyes, you can tell he's looking right at you, seeing you...and when you look past him, to the woman, Shard, you realize she can see you too...[/sblock]

[sblock=Shard]Seeing the man from this odd angle, you nevertheless can see the glow on his forehead, as his third eye opens. The thought occurs to you that you, too, were once attuned to such matters, and that rather than blocking your view, the shard may have actually wedged open your Sight.

You are under the effects of the spell see invisibility for 1 hour. You may add this spell to your cleric spell list, and may cast it without expending components. Your third eye is forced open; when this happens, until your next long rest, you may cast see invisibility as if you prepared it, in addition to any other spells you prepared that day.

While the ethereal plane should be far from this place, this nevertheless allows you to see Picayune.

The man lets go the glove. "Joe, huh? That works. Or you can just call me Mr Wizard, recently of Oz."

He nods slowly, and turns around the table. "So I see me some Scarecrows, couple of Tin Men, maybe some Dorothies over here. Any volunteers for Cowardly Lion? No?" He grabs Picayune by the wrist, and holds the gloved hand up in the air. "Because it seems to me you're already off to a good start when it comes to pissing off the Wicked Witch."

[sblock=Liliana]The Wicked Witch? Oh, he must mean one of the Gray Ladies, the hateful hags. Awful creatures, who give all fey a bad name. Creatures with hearts of gray and souls of sorrow, served by shriveled gray men whose souls they have withered, and the terrible will o'wisps, the corpselights of the marshes that lure mortals to their doom. Those they abduct and trick, they make into their servants, and what is worse, those taken are so accursed that they forget their names, and come to serve willingly. Oh, hateful, hateful creatures, the Gray Ladies...![/sblock]

[sblock=Eurid]Oh, damn all.

The gloves. Free-floating, crisp white silk, no business being in the Hive. Of course you've seen them, once or twice every few months, around about the tenements. Everyone has. You're not sure where they come from, but they generally come bearing bad news: little white cards etched in gilt, with messages written in a shaky but learned hand. You've seen men and women run screaming from their homes, leaving the cards behind. You've seen a Xaositect march fixedly into the nearest portal with a card in their hands. A young recruit to your own faction even received one once. He left the Mortuary a day later, bought a suit of the finest clothes he could afford, and you haven't seen him since.

You've never been able to puzzle out the meaning of the messages yourself, but Hive dwellers have come to dread them. You've seen a musclebound Starved Dog Barking go out of his way to tear the gloves out of the air with a long pike. Rumour has it he was carried off by a swarm of the things a day later.[/sblock]

[sblock=Shandrizar]...Of course. A pit seems to open up in your phantom stomach, or the absent book of anatomy where your stomach might be. The white gloves. The disembodied silk gloves, the servants of that fop, that huckster, that conjurer of cheap tricks, that...entertainer.

Arthoer Crimsonson. With a certain irascible lich, a named partner of the Old Firm of Crimsonson & Crawley.

Jointly, the pair of them, two of the Golden Lords of Sigil...[/sblock]
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[sblock=Oz]Adal draws you by the hand, down the hall, around the corner, past the silent kitchen and the larder into a small room. The cat watches you, with a knowing expression.

A bunch of dried flowers is nailed to the door, which she closes softly behind you...[/sblock]


Rusty stands, slowly, its unfolding process taking longer than before, as if it were stretching muscles rather than unfolding hinges. It steps slowly and deliberately toward the man in the flowery shirt.

Its voice takes on a quality the others haven't heard yet, a deeper resonance as if it were truly alive and not just a mish-mash of parts. It asks the man, "Who...are...you?"


First Post
Barstle cracks a slightly apologetic-looking grin. "Not that kind of place, lad, not necessary. I'll tell you whatever I can, but-- tell you the truth, I don't know anyone who went *to* there, to be fair. Not with any certainty. All the ones I've met came *from* this, er, Mystara of yours. Don't know for sure about any of the ones that got back, do I, since they're back, and not among my regulars any more."

He scratches his chin and looks up into the rafters. "There was a dwarf once. I think his name was...Karameikos. No, tell a lie, that was the place where he came through from, actually. Didn't end up in Sigil at first, though. Got stuck in Limbo a while, 'fore an anarch fished him out and nursed him back to a measure of health and stability. Didn't do much for his temperament, or so I would have to suppose."

At some point during the half-elf's ramblings, the hand drifts over-- a white glove, floating in midair. It seems to have slipped in through the door, with a few more of the evening's drinkers. "Haven't seen him in a few years. Think he took work in a forge someplace in the Guildhall Ward," Barstle muses, and turns back to his casks with a pair of tankards for the new arrivals. The empty glove seems to be trying to attract the barman's attention, without much luck.
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Joe looks at the 'drone with some sympathy. "Me, Tin Man? Ha, I'm a nobody, kid. Just another washed up flower child who went too far in search of enlightenment. Took a wrong turn at Alberquerque while walking the Eightfold Path, and wound up here."
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Joe looks at the 'drone with some sympathy. "Me, Tin Man? Ha, I'm a nobody, kid. Just another washed up flower child who went too far in search of enlightenment. Took a wrong turn at Alberquerque while walking the Eightfold Path, and wound up here."

Rusty leans in close, "Tin Man?"

It points at the man's shirt, "Flower Child?"

[section]Picayune blinked when the Eye revealed itself on Hawaii Joe's forehead. Right about then, the effigy realized Joe was mumbling words, like a Voo Doo witch doctor he'd seen at Marie Laveau's. That man had been three-quarters charlatan and a quarter scary real. Joe was like him. Picayune tried to listen to the words the man mumbled, tried to figure what the deuce Joe was doing. He gave it up as a bad job when the Eye appeared, though. And when Joe grabbed his wrist and held up his white-gloved hand, Picayune yanked back. "What the f-uck, honky?!" We cain't be friends no mo' if you grabbin' me like dat!" The effigy spit on the floor in front of Joe for good measure. True, the glove squirmed. It wanted off his hand, he could tell. But damnit, it was his glove. He'd won it, fair and square. He backed away from Joe, no longer sure of the man's intentions.[/section]

Intelligence (Arcana) or (Religion) [roll0] to determine whether Hawaii Joe just cast a spell ("Voo Doo"). And Wisdom (Insight) [roll1] to determine whether Hawaii Joe is friendly or if he's, oh, I don't know, an agent of the WICKED WITCH.


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Hawaiian Joe lets go easily, pursing his lips. "No offense meant, man. Sorry," he says, and shrugs.

[sblock=Picayune][Arcana] He did indeed cast a spell. Some manner of divination, if the all-seeing eye wasn't any indication.

[Insight] Going by his tone, he doesn't seem to be overly fond of this whoever-it-is he's referring to as a Wicked Witch-- though you might detect a note of irony, too. Not fear, not quite hate, but maybe more than the usual irreverence you can tell by this point must be characteristic of him. There's a warning rather than threat in his tone.[/sblock]

He nods at Rusty.

"Tin Man, yeah. Looking for love, in all the wrong places. And sure, Flower Child, sure, that's me-- once upon a time, anyway."

Voidrunner's Codex

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