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[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)

Forged Fury

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OOC: I'm not going to bother with PMs, this is logisitically easier

Brue, Corilo, and Boddynock settled in for the night. The earth genasi offered healing to all takers, while Corilo remained quietly contemplative in one corner of the room. Boddynock lit a fire with magical efficiency and the three tried to dry off. They were fortunate that Tethyr was a generally arid region, even here by the coast, promoting a quick air drying of their clothing. As Brue arranged her armor pieces in a semi-circle around the fire, the sorcerer spread out a small trove of gears, springs, wheels, and other metal tidbits, selecting a few here and there and placing them in a separate pile. Nodding in satisfaction, he returned the remainder of the doodads to his backpack and pulled out some tools. Resting a small fixed wrench against his chin, he thought for a moment before raising a finger in inspiration. Getting to work, the gnome started to assemble the pieces he had piled together. After about an hour, the thingamajig had finally taken shape. It appeared to be some kind of arm and mirror contraption. Setting it up carefully in the window, the gnome dashed over to the bed he had staked claim on and sited down a small tube to check his bearings. "That should do it!"

OOC: [MENTION=6800672]Egon[/MENTION] I'm totally down for new ideas for the rock gnome's tinker ability. Pretty much whatever you can think of within reason that can be accomplished in a clockwork or spring-enabled manner, I'm probably down for it. Time-delayed noise-makers, wind-up toy distractions, clocks, small traps, etc. Just ask.

Lorenzo and Gnorth, in the other room, were not quite ready to call it a night. One grabbed a flask, the other a handful of coins; the two made their way out into the city. It seemed that Devlin had taken the liberty of tying down Lorenzo's cart and providing Andel with a feedbag full of oats and a trough of water. Wandering through town, the men were drawn to an area further down the dock that seemed well lit. With most of the inns and taverns having been destroyed, it looked like some of the tavern-keepers had gotten together to set-up an open air tavern in the middle of the harbor boardwalk. A number of temporary bars had been set up, little more than a plank across two barrels with a keg or two behind each. Tables stood around the area wherever they could be placed. Even though the city had been attacked, most of the ships bound for Port Kir had been en route when the attacks had occurred and the captains of the vessels had little choice about whether to stop or not. They were in need of fresh supplies. Of course, the sailors needed their recreation and the tavern-keepers were not going to let the small matter of an ogre attack keep them from providing it.

Gnorth struck up conversations as best he could, although his not-quite-there grasp of Common didn't help the situation. Once he started to tell his stories and beat his drum, however, several of the sailors and city-dwellers warmed to the half-orc. He gleaned a few tidbits about the attack, although most of it focused on what the attacks meant for the elf wizard, Haedirn. One of the men tending bar said, "Sad, thing, really, that old elf. Been comin round here since me pa was me boy’s age now. Never could afford what he sold, but he was kind and the kids liked him when he came about." Another bar tender offered, "Haedirn was gentle, but he was powerful. Even in numbers, I don’t think these wretched ogres would be a match for him. It’s a sad day if he is slain by their ilk.”

Lorenzo, for his part, knew if there were sailors, there would be games of chance. Quickly finding one, he sat down and was dealt into a hand of black knave. The game moved quickly and the faithful of Tymora did his best to manipulate it to bolster the other player's faith in Lady Luck. He also overhead talk of the attacks. "Never trusted wizards as far as I could throw them," a rough looking man at the table next to his said, "but Haedirn was more than that. He used to be an adventurer back when I was just a tyke, and they say he’s got gold and magic trinkets out in that house of his in the cliffs." One of the sailors at his table, a man working a fishing ship based out of Port Kir, asked, "Anyone see Gertz lately? Did he get took in the attacks? From what I heard, it was mostly visitors to town that got took. I know he usually travels once a month for a few days, but he had just gotten back before the attack happened. Bastard owes me money."

Completing their revelry, the men returned to the remains of the Triton's Tankard and found their room. They heard only silence next door, along with the occasional creaking of strained wood from somewhere far below. Stumbling a bit to their beds, they fell asleep quickly.

OOC: Morning comes with no surprises. You all gain the benefits of a Long Rest. Boddynock is the first to awaken given his sundial alarm clock.
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The light from the rising sun hits Boddynock directly in the eyes, which is right where he wanted it to be. The red rays bouncing off the water have a somewhat calming effect on the Gnome as he wakes, sitting up in bed and stretching a bit. His muscles are still a bit sore and tired from the fall he took yesterday...

...not meant to swim...

...but for the most part, he's feeling pretty good. He looks over at the improvised alarm clock and smiles; he's rather happy with the way that turned out. And he thinks to himself that there may be a business in creating similar devices for other people.

Might have to tweak one or two things. Especially for those who live underground. Maybe a candle that self-lights in the morning? I'll have to draw up some plans...

He gets out of bed and walks to the window, dismantling the small device with but a simple push of a button at the base. He collects up all the pieces of the device carefully, inventorying them mentally as he puts them back in their proper place in his pack. He then checks on the rest of his gear - not that anybody would want to steal from him, but more out of habit than anything else - before quietly donning his clothes. He says a small prayer, thanking the gods for their allowing him to rise for another day, and asking them to protect him and his companions, before he grabs up his gear and makes his way back downstairs.

Once downstairs he makes his way to the bar, hoping to find someone around to either fix breakfast or point him in the direction of where one might find someone to fix breakfast. He could really do with a bowl of stew and a quarter-pint of ale.

And some goat cheese. A bit of bread too. And some fruit might not hurt either...

OOC: Boddynock is back to full hit points thanks to the long rest.

And I figured the clock wouldn't be a big deal. Not a stretch to go from "clockwork" to "clock". :)


Lorenzo wakes early in the morning despite his late night, woken both by the sounds of Boddynock in the next room, and by an internal trigger put in place by years of avoiding overenthusiastic officers. Always better to wake yourself rather than risk a trumpet call or boot to the side. He scratches idly at his ribs and then stretches, all too aware of the pops and creaks that come with age.

He stands and makes a quick inventory, ready to go within a few minutes.

Brue woke early, but laid still on her pallet on the floor and prayed to Ilmater for his blessing. She spent a quiet hour in the grey light of pre-dawn reflecting and praying. The soft scratch of gears and padding of feet alerted the genasi to Schepp's having woken. She feigned sleep until both Corilo and the gnome exited the room, then rose from her pallet. Brue had spent an uncomfortable night in damp clothing, and her bones protested; joints creaked and tendons felt achy. She silently donned her armor, folded the quilt and placed it on the chair, then picked up her pack and went downstairs to find the others. She pointedly did not knock on or enter Lorenzo and Gnorth's room, feeling entirely uncertain what sights she might be forced to behold were the door to their chamber to open.

When she got downstairs, Brue yawned and rumbled to Schepp, "I'm hungry, but I think the innkeeper said he hasn't much from his kitchen at the moment. We'll have to hunt out our breakfast elsewhere, I'm afraid. Care for a jaunt around the corner to see what we can find?"


Corilo heard Boddynock and the racket caused by his contraption. He really would've liked to sleep a bit more, but at this point it was clearly impossible. Besides, he felt a bit hungry. "Time to wake up, huh?" he yawned, and got out of bed "If we're going after ogres today, then I'll need an ogre-sized breakfast"

Gnorth blinks his eyes wearily to the sound of breakfast being mentioned. He was hungry, a feeling he usually felt. The lack of constant feasts south of the Spine was one of the things the half orc had been forced to get used to early on.

Well, I suppose if you aren't constantly raiding and huntin for food, there probably isn't much to celebrate. Maybe we northerners celebrate too much? Gnorth laughed at the thought. Too much celebrating? Not likely.

The half orc hopped out of bed, dressed up armor and all, strapped on his weapon and drum, and headed towards the common room (or what was left of it), humming a tune his mother use to hum when she woke him up to start the day.

Forged Fury

First Post
The party gathered in what remained of the main room of the Triton's Tankard. Devlin exited the back room behind the bar, apparently having recently awoken. "Well met, I hope your sleep was peaceful," he said. "I apologize for not being able to offer something to eat; there should be a few vendors setup at the harbor and town gates if you're hungry."


Lorenzo joins the others downstairs, greeting everyone with a friendly mien, not quite noticing how Brue is unwilling to meet his eyes. He waves off Devlin's apologies as the innkeeper emerges.

"We understand these are unusual circumstances. Thank you for accommodating us as much as you have."

Turning to the others he nods.

"Breakfast seems like a good plan, but then we should be off, seeing as we know our path from here. Unless anyone else has business here in town?"


First Post
At the suggestion of finding breakfast, Boddynock smiled slightly. A spot of breakfast was already on his mind; to know that his companions were also thinking the same thing meant he had definitely fell in with the right crowd. He stood up and was ready to walk out when Lorenzo started asking about other business in town. He scratched his chin thoughtfully for a few moments.

"I don't have any business yet, but that could change. I can always use more materials and tools. But I guess my pressing question would be: Which direction are we actually headed, once our stomachs are filled? Do we know where the Ogres went? Is that our path?"

"I should think a food truck vendor ought to quash two of our birds with one stone. We get sommat to eat, plus a spot of news about which way the ogres went. If it's news we want, our best bet's likely to be a vendor closer to the gate." Brue's stomach rumbled loudly. She turned to Devlin. "You've been kind, letting us bunk here. Please, if you can help it, don't say too much about our visit to the Tankard where listening ears can hear. If we can give you some custom on our way back through town, we will." She inclined her head at the innkeeper, then made for the door.

Voidrunner's Codex

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