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[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)

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The group angled for a food vendor near the gate to Port Kir. Brue found a chuck wagon with an obscenely yellow awning and a large clay figure of a painted chicken "roosting" beside a small table. "That looks promising. C'mon." The genasi started to lead the way toward the food truck, then hung back. She looked at Lorenzo, then Gnorth. "My skin makes people uncomfortable. Maybe one of you better do the talking." She eyed Gnorth, certain the half-orc would understand her. "I want chicken on a stick. And a heel of bread." She put some coins in Gnorth's hands. "And change." She grinned.

Gnorth was wondering why the woman needed iron links to go along with her chicken. Perhaps this had something to do with her mineral like skin. He shrugged, wasn't his place to judge, and headed over to the chuck wagon. The woman manning it, a heavier set woman with a stained apron and what Gnorth could only assume was what others he had met referred to as a "winning smile", nodded to him politely, seeing the coin in his hand. Gnorth was feeling pretty hungry at this point, so when he asked for the meal, he didn't seem to notice that his wording for chicken on a stick was apparently worded in the exact wrong way.

Unable to produce the iron links he also asked for afterwards (did she seem flustered? why was her face so red?), Gnorth returned with some food for himself and Brue, and gave her back the excess coins.
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Lorenzo follows Gnorth to the wagon and orders his own breakfast, trying (but not very hard) to keep a straight face following the bard's non sequitur. He is, however, able to resist the temptation to order coq au vin, barely.

He smiles charmingly at the woman and nods to the devastation around the gates.

"Terrible business about recently. Did you happen to be around when it happened?"

Forged Fury

First Post
The heavy-set woman frowned, "The ogres, ya mean? Yes, a terrible bit o' business. But I weren't here for it. I live on a farm out west of the port and they struck at night. I'm just glad they decided not to raid any of the farms between here and Haedirn's."

The woman handed over several skewers of chicken, although her frowned deepened momentarily over her confusion over Gnorth's order.

Brue wolfed down her chicken on a stick in twenty seconds flat, then eyed Gnorth's. Thinking better of trying to finesse Gnorth out of his breakfast, Brue started tearing at her heel of bread. She listened to Lorenzo and the vendor discuss the ogres, then looked up and had a good look around the immediate vicinity. If Lorenzo couldn't muster more from anyone in this quarter other than the ogres hadn't gone west, the group would be stuck asking around or relying on visual cues, neither of which was overly appealing.

OOC: Does it appear to Brue that ogres were here by the gate? Anything obviously smashed up or being rebuilt? Did we observe anything outside the gate as we approached the port that would lead us to believe things outside the town had been smashed up? If we can't get an exact bead on where the ogres went, maybe we can eliminate vectors where we think they didn't go.


"Finally, something to eat!" Corilo politely thanked the lady for the meal and, less politely, started talking while chewing "I was really starving here. Hey, this chicken is great". He then remembered the mission at hand, and started looking around for signs of ogre activity.

OOC: While Lorenzo asks around and Brue checks things in the town, Corilo will focus his efforts on the town's outskirts, possibly using his survival and/or perception skills to find tracks, especially those belonging to a group of large sized humanoids!

Forged Fury

First Post
OOC: Just FYI, there's nothing definitive to say that the ogres did not head west. All you know is that they didn't attack any farmsteads between Port Kir and Haedirn's manor.

Brue examined the area around her. The front gates were smashed up a bit, with some repair work having been done since the attack nearly a week ago. Based on what she had seen of the town so far, it would seem that the ogres probably entered through the main gate and the carnage radiated from there.

Corilo did his best to locate tracks near the front gate, but the passage of many feet and about a week's time conspired to prevent him from picking up their trail that way.
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Boddynock was almost too involved in eating his breakfast to pay much attention to what was going on around him. Most Gnomes really do enjoy a good meal, and Boddynock took this to the extreme some times. He was led by his stomach most days, and this morning was certainly no exception. Food vendors all around, and the smells of roasted eggs and warm bread and other varietals just made his mouth water with anticipation. And so it was merely coincidence that he actually heard and understood that someone mentioned Haedrin.

"Hmmm? Haedrin, did you say? He used to do some business with my family...if I remember it right. Had a manor somewhere on the coast, I think. So, whichever direction that is, I guess that is where we should head, yes?"


Lorenzo nods at Boddynock's statement.

"It does seem most people are mentioning the manor in association with the ogres. I suggest we start that direction, and away from the roads, Corilo may have more luck tracking them."

He looks around for a likely fellow and picks out one of the newly elevated town guard.

"I say, could you point us in the direction of Haedirn's manor?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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