D&D (2024) D&D Background and Origin Feat Article


Victoria Rules
So you are saying? Crafting. Buy an item at full price. Or. Make it yourself at a 20% discount.

That makes sense.
It does, though the make-it-yourself discount should probably be more than 20%; more like 50%. This is why I suspect the 20% discount applies to purchases.

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Victoria Rules

"Gain a 20 percent discount on nonmagical items"?

Doesn't say if that's crafting or purchasing.
That it doesn't say either way very strongly implies that it includes both.

If they wanted it to only cover the items you make yourself, all it would take would be the addition of the two words "you make" to that line, after the word "items". And yet, those two words are, quite tellingly, not there.


Victoria Rules
I’m not gonna lose much sleep over it because it’s a bad feat and no one will take it.
You sure about that?

Being able to knock 20% off the cost of medium-to-big ticket non-magical gear* e.g. heavy armour, weapons, etc. could make a big difference - particularly for martials - in the early game, assuming low-level treasure hauls remain sparse.

* - even more so if "masterwork" or equivalent is a thing.

You sure about that?

Being able to knock 20% off the cost of medium-to-big ticket non-magical gear* e.g. heavy armour, weapons, etc. could make a big difference - particularly for martials - in the early game, assuming low-level treasure hauls remain sparse.

* - even more so if "masterwork" or equivalent is a thing.
The blacksmith -> fighter is a trope. And given half of games end by level 5 being able to afford full plate more easily might be worth a point of AC in games at the right level.


Victoria Rules
Feels great to me! That is my favorite part of D&D for me. In fact, it is the essence of D&D to me. I love "crafting" my own Frankenstein's monster version of D&D. My group house rules and homebrews almost immediately with every edition.

PS - sorry it doesn't feel good to you. The joy of finding things to modify, remove, or replace is one I wish everyone could understand. It make RPGs much more enjoyable IMO.
While I completely agree with you, it helps to have players willing to go along with the changes. Not all are, particularly if-when the changes are not in their favour.

Never mind there's a fair-sized community (namely, AL) for whom such changes are forbidden.


The blacksmith -> fighter is a trope. And given half of games end by level 5 being able to afford full plate more easily might be worth a point of AC in games at the right level.
+1 AC for a single level, is not better than +2 HP every level.

We'll have to see what else Crafter brings to the table. Specifically the quick craft table.


And if they just want the rules widget, they can just get with roleplaying or indeed providing any explanation at all, and the DM just has to go with it.

Just like the DM "just has to go with" every feat. It is only annoying if you don't come up with an explanation, which is easy enough to do. It isn't like you won't know it is coming when they pick the feat.


Book-Friend, he/him
Just thinking...

A Dwarf Farmer gets +3 HP per Level, essentially a 3 Hit Die equivalent upgrade on average.

So a Dwarf Farmer Barbarian would taking the average be working three Hit Die levels over a d12...

Voidrunner's Codex

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