D&D 5E D&D Basic PDF - 3 MB (They're released!)

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Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Man, even this place is starting to shudder under the weight of a million nerds hit F5 at once...

Hold me, I'm scared. :(

"Dad, tell us the story again."

"Which story?"

"About the time they released a new version of Dungeons & Dragons and brought down the Internet."



First Post
"Dad, tell us the story again.""Which story?""About the time they released a new version of Dungeons & Dragons and brought down the Internet."Thaumaturge.

I felt a great disturbance in the internet, as if millions of dorks kept refreshing the Wizards of the Coast site crying out in disappointment and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

sigh..waiting patiently...and stores don't open here for at least a few hours...the only reliable one that would have it is closed for renovations this week
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Man, when they said they were releasing during business hours on July 3, I didn't know that translated to, "Considering how we're going to do this, during business hours on July 3" :D

I know it's the West Coast and all, but even 9:30 is pretty late to wake up... ;)


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
I feel like I've got a rhythm going:

  • Refresh WotC Site
  • Open unread threads on EnWorld in different tabs.
  • Check Twitter
  • Refresh WotC site
  • Reload 502 pages on EnWorld.
  • Read unread threads.
  • Post snarky or silly comment.
  • Close tabs.
  • Repeat.



First Post
Man, when they said they were releasing during business hours on July 3, I didn't know that translated to, "Considering how we're going to do this, during business hours on July 3" :D

I know it's the West Coast and all, but even 9:30 is pretty late to wake up... ;)

I don't know about anyone else..but at my office..people mill about the coffee machine or make back and forth runs to Starbucks until about 11am

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