D&D Beyond Cancellations Changed WotCs Plans


Gizmodo has revealed that the partial OGL v1.1 walkback yesterday was in response to the fan campaign to cancel D&D Beyond subscriptions, with "five digits" worth of cancellations. However, the site also reveals that management at the company believed that fans were overreating and that it would all be forgotten in a few months.

In order to delete a D&D Beyond account entirely, users are funneled into a support system that asks them to submit tickets to be handled by customer service: Sources from inside Wizards of the Coast confirm that earlier this week there were “five digits” worth of complaining tickets in the system. Both moderation and internal management of the issues have been “a mess,” they said, partially due to the fact that WotC has recently downsized the D&D Beyond support team.

Yesterday's walkback removed the royalties from the license, but still 'de-authorized' the OGL v1.0a, something which may or may not be legally possible, depending on who you ask.


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I say this in all seriousness, are you a native English speaker? It seems like a lot of obvious, self-evident things are zooming right over your head, but language barriers would be a logical explanation.
This again seems to be a personal attack again.

I was born and raised in New England of the United States (that is the north east of the states) and have lived in 3 states over the years each in different parts of this country.

I don't know what "obcious, self-evident things" are zooming over me... I think you just disagree but instead of disagreeing you are insulting.

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You mean the leaks which have universally alleged that WotC has acted in bad faith, is acting in bad faith, and will continue to act in bad faith if they can get away with it? Those leaks?
yeah, including the 'new' 2.0 ogl that has some but not all of the things changed. I think I referenced it many times now.

yeah, including the 'new' 2.0 ogl that has some but not all of the things changed. I think I referenced it many times now.
Is that the one that came out before they skipped the livestream and put out their weaksauce nonapology?

YOU WON BUT WE WON TOO UwU! is going to live in infamy for bloody decades lol. Has there ever been more of a not-crying-mask Wojak situation in D&D history?

View attachment 272935

Not that I can recall at the moment. :LOL:

They'll raise the prices of print books too, in keeping with their lifestyle/brand focus.
I assume a hybrid approach is the plan:
a) keep $50 books while increasing font sizes, reducing page count, and reducing the amount of actual content within them (a trend that already began with Tasha's).
b) Boxed sets like Spelljammer that allow them to sell even less content at a premium price.

It's completely possible both strands will just get more expensive on top of that, of course.

This again seems to be a personal attack again. I was born and raised in New England of the United States (that is the north east of the states) and have lived in 3 states over the years each in different parts of this country. I don't know what "obcious, self-evident things" are zooming over me... I think you just disagree but instead of disagreeing you are insulting.
In that case I'm going back to my previous assumption of ignorance (willful or otherwise) and/or falsehood. I see no further reason to attempt to engage you in rational debate. I hope you're successful in relying upon Wizbro to shield you from any & all forms of NFTs, blockchains, racism, homophobia & any other -isms or -phobias...
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Once an edition is dead? Yes. It's free money, essentially.
I agree it's possible we'll see 5E PDFs once 1D&D is out, but it's also just as likely (if not more so) that we'll never see another PDF release again, and they'll just expect you to pick up a top-tier DDB subscription if you want out of print 5E material. Note that content that once would have been a PDF on Wizards' site or on DM Guild, like the Dragonlance monster compendium, is now fully online DDB content...

In that case I'm going back to my previous assumption ignorance (willful or otherwise)
and/or falsehood.
more insults.. got it
I seen no further reason to attempt to engage you in rational debate.
what debate? We disagree on something, you are trying to get me to support an argument that isn't my own, and then changed to insults.

There is no facts to argue or dispute, you either want the rider or don't... we are not even sure they CAN change it in any meaningful way.

What is there to debate?
I hope you're successful in relying upon Wizbro to shield you from any & all forms of NFTs, blockchains, racism, homophobia & and any other -isms or -phobias...
and I hope you learn to talk to people without being insulting

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