Finally honesty! To me it sounds like GMforPowergamers wants those they consider racists to deplatformed & silenced in the TTRPG space no matter what the cost.
I don't know if I would say 'no matter what the cost' but yeah... that is pretty good in my mind.
If Wizbro de-authorizes OGL 1.0a in the name of effecting this & therefore everyone else is inconvenienced & suffers as a result, too bad!
nope... I have many many times said IF THEY CAN change it... aka we can't stop them, piazo can't stop them... This isn't in any way an endorsement of them putting people out of business (unless they are useing said hate speech)
THis seems to be the part you are not understanding... You and I can't make a legal ruling. We can't say they can or can't. What we CAN say is if they are going to change it what changes we do and don't want...
Working 22½ year old, open licenses sacrificed in the name of supposedly combating racism are an acceptable loss.
nope that's you making up some argument I didn't make... this is you inserting a boogy man that nobody here has called upon.
Now if you want to talk the pros and cons of the OGL, and if it SHOULD be revoked that is a very different conversation... this one is IF THEY CAN...
DO you understand that I am looking at the changes, and saying IF THIS HAPPENS, THIS IS GOOD and THIS IS BAD.
Obviously there no chance in the future that Wizbro would use the potential further consolidation of the TTRPG market that the de-authorization OGL 1.0a affords them to engage in any practices that GMforPowergamers might find racist.
Nope, Wizbro never published Strahd or Spelljammer material that had even the least bit of racism, no siree Bob!
hey look at that... I didn't catch the Hadozi until it was pointed out... once it was I was a voice on here and Tic Tok about it (once you see it you can't unsee it)
THe curse of strahd stuff some of it was REALLY bad. Some of it was a little bad, and I was happy they redid it, my only argument was what that they seemed to be more interested in a 'directors' cut.
As far as the Vistani go, they still need some reworking (I think the 4e they take in people from all heritages, so there are halfling vistani and dragonborn vistani would be a start).
So again, I never claimed WotC was great or perfect, I just know that given pressure (like most big companies) they will bend toward the way we want... as long as we keep up the pressure.
It's like an old Sci Fi show (I can't remember the show it wasn't star trek) the first officer was a selfish jerk and in general evil... so the captain explained he didn't need to trust him except to do what was in his own best interest.