D&D 5E D&D Beyond Giving Away Acquisitions Inc and Phandelver For Free!

The ownership of D&D Beyond formally switches over to Wizards of the Coast this week, following WotC's recent acquisition of the platform for $146M. To mark this occasion, they're giving away two D&D books in digital format -- 2019's comedic Aquisitions Incorporated (because DDB was 'acquired', presumably?) and the D&D Starter Kit adventure Lost Mines of Phandelver. The switchover to WotC...

The ownership of D&D Beyond formally switches over to Wizards of the Coast this week, following WotC's recent acquisition of the platform for $146M. To mark this occasion, they're giving away two D&D books in digital format -- 2019's comedic Aquisitions Incorporated (because DDB was 'acquired', presumably?) and the D&D Starter Kit adventure Lost Mines of Phandelver.

The switchover to WotC happens tomorrow, Tuesday 18th. As of today, D&D Beyond is also retiring Volo’s Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, while a new Starter Set is coming later this year.

You can claim Acquisitions Incorporated one week, from May 19th through to May 26th; Phandelver will be available for free to everybody from now on.


Acquisitions Incorporated -- When you’re just starting out in the adventuring business, it might be nice to have a leg up. It can be a big help to have access to the powerful artifacts, expertise, and jobs that Acquisitions Incorporated (Acq Inc) has to offer a new franchise. Join Omin Dran, Jim Darkmagic, and Viari like never before with the new Acquisitions Incorporated campaign book for Dungeons & Dragons! Set yourself up for success when pursuing your own fantasy-business endeavors, using all the ingredients you need to include Acquisitions Incorporated in your D&D campaign, to establish your own franchise, and take on specialized roles therein. Plus, there are always openings coming available… Just try not to think about why.

Lost Mine of Phandelver -- One of the first D&D 5E adventures, this is part of the D&D Starter Set. It is used to introduce new players to the game.

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Any registered user can claim a copy of Acquisitions Incorporated between 5/19/2022 and 5/26/2022.

Additionally, Lost Mines of Phandelver will be available, for free, to all users - 5/19/22 forward.

I'm not very familiar with Acquisitions Inc. but Lost Mines of Phandelver is an excellent starter adventure, and really one of the best 5e adventures overall.



is Acquisitions Incorporated an adventure a setting or a rules supplement?
It's a rules supplement with a short adventure (levels 1-7) set on the Sword Coast (including Phandalin). The rules supplement part is setting agnostic, and there's even a sidebar about how Acq Inc has expanded beyond FR to have branches in places as far-flung as Ravnica.


While lots of people are put off by the cartoony style and corporate humor, the book's rules for running a franchise are pretty solid. File off the serial numbers, and you can use them to flesh out the "running a business" aspect of D&D nicely.

The accompanying adventure, "Orrery of the Wanderer", is pretty good too.
Seconded. I knew almost nothing of Acq Inc before the book, and still have zero interest in watching live plays for it and all that, but the book is solid, the rules are fun, the writing's amusing, and the adventure's pretty neat. I've used parts of the adventure in a few different sessions now, with very little work.


Seconded. I knew almost nothing of Acq Inc before the book, and still have zero interest in watching live plays for it and all that, but the book is solid, the rules are fun, the writing's amusing, and the adventure's pretty neat. I've used parts of the adventure in a few different sessions now, with very little work.
Same! I turned my second run-through of Tomb of Annihilation into an Acq Inc game and it's been lots of fun.

Lucas Yew

I'm genuinely curious on what those 2 other books getting retired for. If I can guess, is it the insensitivity problems they got called on for some time ago?

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