D&D 5E D&D Beyond Shares Free 'Phandalin Post' Player Handout

In-game newspaper to help prepare your players!

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Krampus ate my d20s
I thought newspapers were an Eberron thing for flavour. We got printing presses in every little town in Faerûn now too??
Summoned Scribes from Mechanus. Plus the population is so small you only need to run under 20 copies. How many miners can read anyways?
I like how they have a photo of the goblin ambush, Jimmy Olsen the NPC newsboy is on the case.
I believe this is an artists recreation of the scene. Starving artists need work too. Jimmy Olsen the court sketch artist maybe?

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I thought newspapers were an Eberron thing for flavour. We got printing presses in every little town in Faerûn now too??
Printing Presses first appeared in Faerûn all the way back in real world year 1993, realms year 1362. It's been over a century since then in game terms.



Reeks of Jedi
Printing Presses first appeared in Faerûn all the way back in real world year 1993, realms year 1362. It's been over a century since then in game terms.

Which increased the need for paper. Which increased the need for logging. Which increased the amount of forests being cut down. Which increases the absolute RAGE of the elves and druids. Which increase the need for WAR! Emerald Enclave rally to me! We will feed the earth the blood of these so call civilized humans and their need for printed on paper! Rraaaaaa!

Voidrunner's Codex

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