D&D Campaign Case: Creatures Review

The D&D Campaign Case: Creatures is out, and it's better than I expected. This case provides an alternative to minis for anyone who uses a grid or battle map when they run combat. Minis are great but not everyone has the space to store, let alone the time to paint 3D minis.

The D&D Campaign Case: Creatures is out, and it's better than I expected. This case provides an alternative to minis for anyone who uses a grid or battle map when they run combat. Minis are great but not everyone has the space to store, let alone the time to paint 3D minis.

Creatures Cover Box.jpg

The actual campaign case is enclosed in a decorative box that's glued shut instead of being the typcal tuck flap boxes WotC has used on Dice & Miscellany sets. Why? Because the case inside is weighty. It's not as heavy as the Invisible Sun Black Cube (what is?), but it's a solid 3.8 pounds.

The actual case inside is brown with metallic gold ink in a design that makes the metallic parts seem to glow when the light hits them. This is a carrying case with a thick, twisted satin rope handle. The case's cardboard is thick so it'll tolerate being carried back and forth to games. I wouldn't leave outside in the rain, but it should take normal wear and tear.

Creature Trio Shot.PNG

One trick though: How to open the actual case isn't obvious at first. The top flap where the rope handle is has a strong magnetic closure so if you just lightly touch the various sides you might not realize where it opens.

When that top flap lifts, the front panel folds out, displaying the original artwork shown on the outer packaging and providing access to the storage box. On top is a folder designed to match the carrying case. Inside are five sheets of vinyl creature clings. Instead of stickers that would stay once placed the clings will attach to the plastic disks with static cling. Then they can be pulled off, put away, and reused in the future. As someone who has had some vinyl cling window decorations for more than 10 years, I think this is a good choice and should wear well.

I also like that one sheet has all of the creatures typically faced by low-level players like kobolds, zombies, goblins, and skeletons. You can literally grab that sheet and go.

I have mixed feelings about the fact that the creatures don't have names on them. The downside is that a DM, especially a new one, will have to match the art to the Monster Manual. On the plus side, players won't know exactly what they're facing if they're new or don't recognize a piece of art.

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WotC put some thought into the carrying case's design. For example, a black storage tray is next in the box, but the designers included a a red ribbon that adds style while also being a practical way to pull the tray out. The plastic trays below that also have finger holes to make it easy to carry them around since the discs within the trays are a bit heavy and could be tippy otherwise.

Those two plastic trays are set inside black cardboard inserts so everything can easily fit snugly when repacked for transport. The upper cardboard tray with the red pull ribbon is about an inch deep so there's plenty of room for additional vinyl clings sold in the future.

In terms of those plastic discs, WotC didn't skimp. They're all roughly as thick as two nickels so they won't blow away if you're playing outside. The set contains 40 one-inch diameter discs, 20 two-inch diameter discs, and 4 three-inch diameter discs in a mix of white, black, blue, and red. For context, a one-inch disc is basically the size of a quarter.

Because I don't have space to store minis, I've previously used the Pathfinder Pawns sets because they store flat and are easy to transport without worrying that they'll get crushed in my backpack or game bag. The D&D Campaign Case: Creatures give those a run for their money. Because these creature discs are heavy plastic and vinyl clings they're versatile and easy to transport. You don't even have to bring the whole case. Just bring the folder and a handful or two of discs, or prep your discs with the clings in advance and put them in a Ziploc bag or a pencil case.


I fully expect WotC to sell more vinyl cling sheets down the road. Or maybe Spelljammer could get its own creature case. Just selling the clings seems easier, though and could easily be done for each adventure book release. I'll be disappointed if they don't. I also expect third-party D&D content providers, like Kobold Press, to eventually release vinyl clings to match their monster books, like Tome of Beasts.

I really like the D&D Campaign Case: Creatures set, much more than I expected. I'd rank it somewhere between a B+ and an A-. As pretty and well crafted as the actual case is, it's just cardboard so that keeps it from being an A or A+. The cardboard is thick, but how cool would it have been if the set had a metal lunchbox-type case?

Everything else about the D&D Campaign Case: Creatures set is well designed and crafted to be useful, versatile, and easy to transport. It's a great alternative to 3D models and takes a lot less time to prep for a game. Good job, WotC. Keep it up.

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels


Wonderful review!

I'm a hardcore miniatures and terrain guy, from way back. About 2k hand painted minis, enough Dwarven Forge and other terrain to build most settings you can imagine, etc. And I love this product. Miniatures and terrain are a thing you do over years and years in this hobby, if you are that way inclined. They cost a fortune in times and money. This offers a fantastic alternative at a price where a brand new DM can grab a case and be good to go. I might buy one for our D&D Club at school to use!

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