D&D Movie/TV D&D: Honor Among Thieves Director/Cast Interviews begin as marketing ramps up!


that was ever, not currently I believe
Yeah, that was widely misreported, like a game of telephone. In fact, the original claim was that 50 million people had "interacted" with D&D over the game's lifespan. Also, no methodology was given for that statement so...take it for what it is worth.

The game is very popular, but no one has anything like an exact number for how many current players there are.

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I think the comment about emasculating and not being woke was stupid, too.
But for me it's more from the left. Why are those directors scrambling ro tell anybody that they are not woke? Why trying to distance themselves from that?

I mean, I know why they are doing it but that only means this guys try to appease the tucker carlson/fox news crowd, which I find stupid, because that is also the satanic panic crowd, just 20/30 years later.

At the moment I think the Movie will make somewhere between 100 to 150 million domestic.l if othing will change anymore.

But, if the Festival premiere on the 10th of March will be very good and the reception will be good, it can go over 200 million.

But it all depends of the quality of the movie and if it strikes a chord with movie goers.

And I think it could. It is a light hearted fantasy adventure, in stark contrast to Game of Thrones or even Ring of Powers who takes themselves way to seriously. While at the same time, what I saw from the trailers so far, the movie is not silly. It is light hearted but not one of those stupid comedies. So I think that it could resonate with the movie goers, who want something lighthearted but also something different.
I mean, if you want light hearted action, there is only the marvel movies at the moment. And people get tired of them.

So it has the right timing to be a hit. Now it just needs the quality to become one. And we'll se after the 10th if it has that quality.

I'm assuming they actually payed attention to last years box office, what bombed and what succeeded.

There is a hunger for macho male leads again like Tom Cruise, not so much for stuff like Strange World right now, maybe later trends will shift again, but there is no appetite for male emasculation, especially of leads.

That is not to bash Strange World, I'd have gone to see it if it wasn't Pixar (hate Pixar animation,give me old school 2d any day).


There is enough to make Top Gun over a billion and half dollars, while movies like Strange World and Ant Man are bombing.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Overstatement, most folks wen't happy they didn't recast T'Challa because the character was such an important male role model in the black community what I was hearing.
Not an overstatement, you're talking about an entirely different movie.

There were folks who said that Black Panther was going to be too woke/too black to be a success and were triumphantly predicting a flop. It was all over social media and reddit until the moment that it was clear it was hilariously inaccurate.

Not an overstatement, you're talking about an entirely different movie.

There were folks who said that Black Panther was going to be too woke/too black to be a success and were triumphantly predicting a flop. It was all over social media and reddit until the moment that it was clear it was hilariously inaccurate.

Didn't know that. I personally loved the first Black Panther, it's was so much fun.

Voidrunner's Codex

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