D&D Movie/TV D&D: Honor Among Thieves Director/Cast Interviews begin as marketing ramps up!

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
My read of the HSX number is $218M over first four weeks domestic, which translates to $109M opening weekend domestic. It's the buy cost x 2.7, in millions. Buy cost was I think around $81 last I checked.
Ok, this is wild. I searched for HSX and then was taken to not-HSX.

With HSX I'm not seeing expected earnings. I am seeing that they have the writer wrong.


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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Maybe we will see. Think people are over estimating the number of D&D players an how many will go to the movie.

We still see things like 40 million players only need to go once and pay $10.

Thats 40 million ever who played not current players. And a lot of D&D players are indifferent to the movie.

I've seen how trajectory predictions come up short how often do they underestimate a movies take?
There's 12 million registered at D&D Beyond. WotC and Hasbro are currently reporting 50 million players worldwide, not ever, currently.

And the price of a movie ticket hasn't been $10 in a decade


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Ok, this is wild. I searched for HSX and then was taken to not-HSX.

With HSX I'm not seeing expected earnings

Yes to find expected earnings you have to back out the formula. The price of the stock is what buyers are predicting box office will be in total after the first four weekends based on a formula. To back out the formula, you take the buy price, multiple that by 2.7, and you get the predicted total over four weekends (which would, at this moment, be $217,800,000). To get opening weekend for that number, you divide it by 2, as opening weekend in the formula is 50% of the four weeks typically. So that would be $108,900,000. At least, that is my recollection for how it works. I admit it's been a while since I actually played a lot of HSX so I could be misremembering.

You know that does seem like a high number to me. Maybe I am doing that wrong.


There's 12 million registered at D&D Beyond. WotC and Hasbro are currently reporting 50 million players worldwide, not ever, currently.

And the price of a movie ticket hasn't been $10 in a decade

It's numbers people were throwing around in the forums not my numbers. I don't tend to throw numbers around although I do react to others.

Every D&D beyond player could buy a ticket movie still flops.

It's also not clear if these are active accounts there's always a difference between accounts and active accounts.


Most of whom probably weren't going to the movie anyway. Since most people won't regardless.
Well most people won't regardless.

Its not a good comment to make is main point. They probably should have said something like "we think she's a badass hope you like her" vs what they did say.

We've seen plenty of movies tank and the director has said something stupid in the lead up to it.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Well as I said before due to comments the directors made they've potentially alienated 30-40% of the domestic market.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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