D&D Movie/TV D&D: Honor Among Thieves Director/Cast Interviews begin as marketing ramps up!

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To the 0.5% of the population that ever hears about the comment?

Generally what happens is comments like that go around reddit/YouTube then get picked up by mainstream sources.

See OGL drama few weeks back.

Google function already tens of thousands of views on YouTube.

Quick look it's on reddit as well. I only found out an hour or so ago due to time zone differences, gaming, Star Wars RPG and generally being busy.
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The basic format of semi-bumbling comedic hero that the Chris Pine character seems to be built in the mold of goes back to ancient times. The innovation of more recent media is being more willing to put such a character as the lead of something which is not entirely a comedy, rather than making them be a supporting character to some manner of pointless bland everyman to bore us and probably have a boring, implausibly-quick romance with the least interesting female character, an element which, historically, was seen as dramatically obligatory, but which has bored authors and their audiences for centuries.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Generally what happens is comments like that go around reddit/YouTube then get picked up by mainstream sources.

See OGL drama few weeks back.

Google function already tens of thousands of views on YouTube.

Quick look it's on reddit as well. I only found out an hour or so ago due to time zone differences, gaming, Star Wars RPG and generally being busy.
It's not that important a comment. Almost nobody is going to even hear the comment, much less care that much about it. It sure isn't going to impact how many people see or don't see the movie in a meaningful way. I mean, people are not going to reddit or youtube to look up interview comments about a movie they have not seen. This is nothing like the OGL issue.


It's not that important a comment. Almost nobody is going to even hear the comment, much less care that much about it. It sure isn't going to impact how many people see or don't see the movie in a meaningful way. I mean, people are not going to reddit or youtube to look up interview comments about a movie they have not seen. This is nothing like the OGL issue.

Don't underestimate social media it's a thing ATM it seems. No idea about Twitter as I would rather put my love spuds in a vice than use Twitter.

Don't underestimate social media it's a thing ATM it seems. No idea about Twitter as I would rather put my love spuds in a vice than use Twitter.
While I can imagine toxic social media commentary on this sort of thing sinking a low budget film trying to rely on word of mouth, or taking over discussion of a movie that people also hated for other reasons, as long as the expensive marketing machine keeps rolling and the movie is actually any good I don't see how this particular storm-in-a-teacup has a real impact.


While I can imagine toxic social media commentary on this sort of thing sinking a low budget film trying to rely on word of mouth, or taking over discussion of a movie that people also hated for other reasons, as long as the expensive marketing machine keeps rolling and the movie is actually any good I don't see how this particular storm-in-a-teacup has a real impact.

Well I don't think it well be a major issue. I have doubts about the movies box office since they announced it.

But it's out there is the main point was very easy for me to Google it up. Context I found out here as I don't really use social media that much. Reddit for certain topics, couple of Facebook groups for food, TV shows and D&D.

If it does blow up though comments like thst will alienate about 30-40% of the domestic market which is the most important one for movie box office returns.

Voidrunner's Codex

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