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D&D Insider Character Builder Open Beta live


I crit!
What I am saying is they should have tested the core game full levels version. Then with it working they only need to add new data to it and not need to alter major portions of the UI or such and the data should work just like any previous data.

What makes the data for levels 4-30 NOT just like extra data added to an application? To me it makes sense to have developed that way. It seems they've said as much.

You don't test each new data line as you add it when it is only say a +2 version of a +1 item, just to make sure you are now adding 2 rather than 1 to an amount.

And the same could be said for the DATA that comprises the higher levels. Much and maybe even all of it could be boiled down to data added to a base of a tested piece of software.

You are just not paying attention to what is being said and trying to combine everything said into one post, and it doesn't work that way. You are stuck in a rut in thinking.

I've been paying WAY TO MUCH attention to your posts. I'm getting very tired of your belittling and condescending attitude as well. It is rude, unneeded and unproductive.

You following now?

All to clearly, however, not anymore.

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Here is something new for those that care. While looking in the folder that CB forces itself into I noticed a program called character tracker.

Here you can load a character sheet without having to load the rest of the program. It is the same thing that runs when you open your character sheet, and that is all you have to do is go to open and load a ".dnd4e" file and your character sheet will open right up quicker than the full program if you don't need to see everything running but just want your character sheet open.

So use the CharTracker.exe without needing to open the builder software.

Why didn't they just give a link for that so people can use it?
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This board really needs a negative xp button. Like level draining or something.
No, that just leads to negativity and hatred. Instead of giving negative XP, give everyone XP, except those you don't want to give any!
Rewarding good behavior is better then trying to punish bad behavior. Think about how it works for trolls - if you answer them and call them on their :):):):):):):):), they feel their work is done. If you ignore them, they will feel their efforts have been pointless.

The same would apply to negative XP. Rather give positive XP to people you share an opinion with.


This board really needs a negative xp button. Like level draining or something.
You know, I love the idea of neg rep, or negative XP. I think it would be outstanding.

I am unsure, however, if the hilarity that ensued would be outweighed by the incessant annoyance and nerd-rage slapfights.



First Post
For all the griping about how bad this system is, I found it to be very useful, easy to install and use, and while buggy, fairly functional for my needs. Comparing that to some of the nice form filling character sheets that don't catch bugs, or the complex Excel spreadsheet one that is out there, I prefer this one much more.

I look forward to the full version, but am unsure if this is something that will be available to non-subscribers. I thought it was going to be (the offline version) but if they are limiting it to levels 1-3 it loses some of it's function for me... I don't think I can afford a subscription to DDI right now.


I do think the plans changed for the core offline version to nons to just the 3 level demo version that is out now. It may lose it's BETA stamp, but I think levels 1-3 are all non's get to try the program.


Keep up the good work!

I've been very impressed with the CB program. It's the most impressive bit of software I've seen from Wizards (or subcontractors thereof?) to date.

I don't understand the sense of entitlement that some people have about the development lifecycle that they feel the need to belittle the efforts and intentions of others that are pouring themselves into creating this tool. It's not simple form management software. It is (will be) an engine that allows for exception-based elements to be added going forward; this is definitely no small programming feat.

Again, loving the work, and look forward to its full release.

Voidrunner's Codex

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