D&D 5E D&D-ish novels?


If you are willing to indulge a sci-fi variant, check out the "Rouge Squadron" novels by Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston.

PC-esque behavior includes things like:
-Kludging a boarding pod using a smuggling compartment, an ejector seat, an R2 unit, and a laser cannon off an x-wing
-Choosing between romancing the rich, hot heiress, and the down-to-earth smuggler
-Pretending to be mercenary pirates so as to get close to the BBEG, including disguising one person as an ewok piloting a TIE-Interceptor

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N.K. Jemisin's Hundred Thousand Kingdoms series is a little too Epic in its scope to be a D&D book — many of the characters are straight-up gods — but something about her world building just screams "great D&D world" to me, and I love reading her novels while planning a campaign. Good stuff. I was happy to see her in the Appendix N for 5e.

SPOILERS for The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms!!!!

I also really like how it ends with what can be considered a really rad superhero origin story in which a god is all but stripped of his power and can only use it to help others in need.

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