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D&D minis & accessories for Savage Tide Adventure Path [Spoilers]

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Picking minis for premade adventures is simultaneously fun and time-consuming. For the benefit of DMs who will run the STAP, I'd like to compile a list of potential figures to use for each installment. While some are extremely obvious, others can be trickier to nail down.

Ideally I'd like to use D&D minis, since that's what I've got. In the interest of keeping things economical, bonus points for more recent releases and non-rares. If you know of something that's absolutely perfect but not DDM, please give detailed enough information that we can find it.

Notes on number of figures:
1) If there's no number given, it's just one.
2) If it says x3 max, it's the most they'll likely encounter (ie number of minis you'll need). In some circumstances, there's a chance that they'll summon a second one and I try to account for that.
3) If it says x3 max (x13 total), it means there are 13 in the adventure, but the most you should ever encounter is 3. The extras are there in case your players routinely attract unwanted attention. :)

I'll compile everything into this original post with sblocks for each issue. The entries in this post will have the most recent edits & information, so feel free to ignore the entries in posts below. Here's what we've got so far:

[sblock=Dungeon 139: There Is No Honor]Dungeon 139: There Is No Honor
Part 2 - Trouble on the Blue Nixie
Vark's Thugs male x4 (p.19): Tavern Brawler (War of the Dragon Queen 17/60, Common, CG 4)
Vark's Thugs female x3 (p.19): Doomguard (Blood War 47/60, Common, CE 26)
Soller Vark (p.19): Cloudreaver (War of the Dragon Queen 44/60, Common, CE 6)
Rhagodessa x3 (p.20): Spider of Lolth (Underdark 57/60, Common, CE 9)

Part 3 - The Vanderboren Vault
Iron Cobra (p.22): Iron Cobra (Aberrations 36/60, Uncommon, LE 14)

Part 4 - Peril Under Parrot Island
Ravenous Zombie Pirate x3 max (x9 total) (p.28): Terror Wight (War Drums 41/60, Common, LE 20)
Veldimar Krund (p.28): Dread Warrior (War of the Dragon Queen 33/60, Common, LE 10)
Small Monstrous Crabs x5 (p.28): Mad Slasher (Aberrations 54/60, Uncommon, CE 9)

Part 5 - The Lotus and the Dragon
Lotus Dragon Thieves x7 max (x22 total) (p.31): Vampire Hunter (Unhallowed 11/60, Uncommon, Any G 18)
Nemien Roblach (p.32): Wizard Tactician (Underdark 24/60, Uncommon, CG 27)
Cruncher, worg (p.34): Hunting Hyena (War of the Dragon Queen 47/60, Common, CE 5)
Kersh Reftun (p.35): Prisoner (Night Below 40/60, Common, LE 5)
... OR Torturer (Unhallowed 45/60, Uncommon, LE 27)
Crocodile (p.35): Monitor Lizard (Underdark 29/60, Common, Any 6)
Ixitxachitls x6 (p.39): Darkmantle (Night Below 15/60, Common, Any 6)
Churtle (p.40): Kobold Sorcerer (Aberrations 38/60, Uncommon, LE 20)
Bugbear Zombie (p.41): Blood Ghost Berserker (War Drums 44/60, Uncommon, CE 37)
Rowyn Kellani (p.42): Cleric of Sune (Unhallowed 15/60, Uncommon, CG 34)
Gut Tugger (p.43): Crested Felldrake (Harbinger 19/80, Common, CG 5)[/sblock]
[sblock=Dungeon 140: The Bullywug Gambit]Dungeon 140: The Bullywug Gambit
Part 2 - Kraken's Cove
Savage monkeys x4 (p.16): Imp (Angelfire 43/60, Uncommon, LE 17)
Savage pirates x8 max (x16 total) (p.18): Gravetouched Ghoul (Unhallowed 53/60, Common, CE 23)
Kadmos the cook (p.19): Torturer (Unhallowed 45/60, Uncommon, LE 27)
Navesh Wyvernsting (p.20): Dragonwrought Kobold (War of the Dragon Queen 32/60, Uncommon, LE 11)
Ripclaw (p.23): Digester (Night Below 16/60, Uncommon, CG 39)
Violet Fungus (p.23): Myconid Guard (Aberrations 41/60, Common, LE 9)
Savage prisoners x11 (p.24): Prisoner (Night Below 40/60, Common, LE 5)
Savage krenshars x2 (p.24): Krenshar (Night Below 43/60, Uncommon, Any E 7)
Brissa Santos (p.26): Strahd Zombie (Unhallowed 44/60, Common, LE 20)
Captain Harliss Javell (p.27): Voice of Battle (Deathknell 25/60, Uncommon, CG 29)

Part 3 - The Wormfall Festival
Jilanth Turtoso (p.30): Halfling Brawler (Unhallowed 17/60, Common, CG 15)
Kurgol (p.30): Half-Orc Monk (Harbinger 33/80, Uncommon, Any L 17)
... OR Half-Orc Spy (Blood War 6/60, Uncommon, LG 26)
Worm's Revenge wagon (p.30): Nightwalker (Giants of Legend 72/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 393)
Diamondback (p.31): Dragonblade Ninja (Deathknell 17/60, Uncommon, CG 26)
Stiltwalkers x6 (p.32): Wand Expert (Angelfire 27/60, Uncommon, CG 33)

Part 4 - Frogs in the House
Trub Glorp Hunter x3 max (x13 total) (p.33): Bullywug Thug (Deathknell 48/60, Common, CE 4)
... OR Kuo-Toa Hunter (Night Below 54/60, Common, CE 9)
Mastiffs x3 (p.36): Timber Wolf (Deathknell 27/60, Common, Any 5)
Huntress Lorb-Lorb Tub (p.38): Bugbear Gang Leader (Unhallowed 48/60, Common, CE 23)
Kaskus Kiel (p.40): Dwarf Artificer (Deathknell 3/60, Uncommon, LG 21)
Chief Lorpth (p.41): Dark Talon Champion (Unhallowed 51/60, Common, CE 7)
Liamae Teslikaria (p.41): Wild Mage (Night Below 24/60, Uncommon, CG 29)
Chunkus, rust monster (p.41): Canoloth (Unhallowed 50/60, Uncommon, CE 24)
Drevoraz Kabran (p.44): Orc Raider (Archfiends 56/60, Common, CE 12)
... OR Orc Sergeant (Aberrations 57/60, Uncommon, CE 24)
Bua Gorg (p.44): Witchknife (War of the Dragon Queen 41/60, Uncommon, Any E 33)
Lavinia Vanderboren (p.44): Kalashtar Bodyguard (Night Below 9/60, Uncommon, LG 35)
... OR Elf Warmage (Blood War 5/60, Uncommon, LG 42)
Tolin Kientai (p.44): Assassin (Night Below 27/60, Uncommon, LE 29)
Zan Oldavin (p.45): Elf Stalker (Underdark 15/60, Uncommon, CG 15)[/sblock]
[sblock=Dungeon 141: The Sea Wyvern's Wake]Dungeon 141: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Part 2 - Life on the Ocean Waves
Amella Venkalie (p.20): Sharn Cutthroat (Aberrations 20/60, Uncommon, CG 9)
The Sea Wyvern (p.21): How to Build Pirate Ships (pre-printed construction card set)
Conrad Horst (p.22): Village Priest (Angelfire 12/60, Uncommon, LG 21)
Avner Meravanchi (p.24): Valorous Prince (Deathknell 10/60, Rare, LG 48)
... OR Free League Ranger (Blood War 16/60, Common, CG 25)
Water Mephit (p.25): Air Mephit (Unhallowed 12/60, Uncommon, CG 13)
... OR Ice Mephit (Night Below 34/60, Uncommon, LE 13)
Blue Slaad (p.25): Blue Slaad (Giants of Legend 41/72, Rare, CE 50)
... OR Chraal (Angelfire 37/60, Uncommon, LE 35)
Skald (p.26): Wild Elf Raider (Angelfire 29/60, Common, CG 6)
Rowyn Kellani (p.27): Cleric of Sune (Unhallowed 15/60, Uncommon, CG 34)

Part 3 - The Voyage South
Urol Forol (p.28): Gnome Trickster (Blood War 17/60, Uncommon, CG 27)
Flotsam Ooze (p.30): just grab a bunch of crud and stick it in a 3"x3" square...
Lirith Veldirose (p.30): Spirit Folk Fighter (Underdark 23/60, Common, CG 19)
Lars "No-Neck" Helvur (p.32): Hero of Valhalla (Blood War 18/60, Common, CG 11)
Pirate x9 (p.32): Cloudreaver (War of the Dragon Queen 44/60, Common, CE 6)
Brotherhood Blockade ships x4 max (p.32): Pirates Constructible Strategy Game (Best sets: Spanish Main, Davy Jones' Curse, Ocean's Edge)
Aquatic Seven-Headed Hydra (p.33): Aspect of Tiamat (War of the Dragon Queen 24/60, Huge Rare, LE 352)
... OR Displacer Beast Pack Lord (War of the Dragon Queen 29/60, Huge Uncommon, LE 169)
Masher x2 max (p.36 & 46): Purple Worm (War of the Dragon Queen 21/60, Huge Uncommon, Any C 189)

Part 4 - Tamoachan
Basilisk (p.37): Basilisk (Giants of Legend 13/72, Uncommon, CG 27)
... OR Monitor Lizard (Underdark 29/60, Common, Any 6)
Gibbering Mouther (p.37): Gibbering Mouther (Aberrations 50/60, Rare, CE 26)
... OR Lemure (Giants of Legend 34/72, Common, LE 5)
Will-o'-Wisp (p.39): Living Flaming Sphere (Blood War 27/60, Uncommon, Any C 26)
Sutolore (p.40): Earth Elemental Gargoyle (Blood War 48/60, Uncommon, CE 23)

Part 5 - Sargasso
Assassin Vines x3 max (1 per horror) (p.43): Stormrage Shambler (Unhallowed 24/60, Uncommon, CG 72)
Vine Horrors x6 max (x1000 total) (p.44): Bloodhulk Fighter (Deathknell 46/60, Common, CE 27)
Mother of All (p.46): Treant (Giants of Legend 64/72, Huge Uncommon, CG 44)[/sblock]
[sblock=Dungeon 142: Here There Be Monsters]Dungeon 142: Here There Be Monsters
Part 1 - Terror Bird Jungle
Tyrannosaurus (p.35): Fiendish Tyrannosaurus (Giants of Legend 68/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 122)
Terror Birds x6 (p.37): Achaierai aka Dire Chicken (Aberrations 26/60, Rare, LE 29)
... OR Celestial Giant Owl (Unhallowed 2/60, Uncommon, LG 30)
Young Diplodocus (p.38): Bulette (Giants of Legend 67/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 57)
Lithira, female arenea (p.39): Warden of the Wood (War of the Dragon Queen 18/60, Uncommon, CG 46)
Lithira, spider form (p.39): Spider of Lolth (Underdark 57/60, Common, CE 9)
Lithira, hybrid form (p.39): Ettercap (Giants of Legend 47/72, Common, CE 11)
Spider Swarm (p.39): Swarm of Spiders (Underdark 58/60, Uncommon, CE 15)
Small Monstrous Spiders x4 (p.39): Mad Slasher (Aberrations 54/60, Uncommon, CE 9)
Medium Monstrous Spiders x3 (p.39): Spider of Lolth (Underdark 57/60, Common, CE 9)
Large Monstrous Spiders x2 (p.39): Large Monstrous Spider (Dragoneye 54/60, Rare, CE 11)
... OR Celestial Giant Stag Beetle (Blood War 2/60, Uncommon, LG 26)
Nest Mother (p.40): same as Terror Birds

Part 2 - Dark Mountain Pass
Gargantuan Monstrous Centipedes x2 (p.41): Behir (Giants of Legend 66/72, Rare, Any C 75)
... OR Purple Worm (War of the Dragon Queen 21/60, Huge Uncommon, Any C 189)
Mummies x3 (p.42): Mummy (Harbinger 51/80, Rare, LE 36)
... OR Deathlock (Deathknell 50/60, Common, CE 12)
Black Pudding (x# of splits) (p.43): get a black candle and melt into a pool 3"x3"x1"
... OR use a few Chaos Beasts (Night Below 56/60, Uncommon, CE 26)
Large Monstrous Crabs x3 (p.43): Ankheg (Underdark 30/60, Uncommon, CE 22)
... OR Celestial Giant Stag Beetle (Blood War 2/60, Uncommon, LG 26)

Part 3 - Cliffs of Dread
Gargoyles x4 (p.45): Earth Elemental Gargoyle (Blood War 48/60, Uncommon, CE 23)
Quotoctoa, Gargoyle Barbarian (p.46): Gargoyle (Dragoneye 52/60, Uncommon, CE 21)

Part 4 - Fogmire
Olangru, Bar-Lgura (p.49): War Ape (WotDQ 22/60, Common, CE 14)
Olangru's Mates x3 (p.50): Carnage Demon (Night Below 47/60, Common, CE 10)
Mob of Fiendish Baboons (p.54): use 4 Rat Swarms (Unhallowed 23/60, Uncommon, CG 17)
Ilzytik, Spirit naga (p.55): Bright Naga (Dragoneye 45/60, Rare, CE 15)
... OR Dark Naga (Underdark 33/60, Uncommon, LE 41)
Lemorian Golem (p.57 & 60): Aspect of Demogorgon (Archfiends 45/60, Rare, CE 101)
... OR Stormrage Shambler (Unhallowed 24/60, Uncommon, CG 72)

Appendix 1 - Shipwreck Survivors
Amella Venkalie (p.58): Sharn Cutthroat (Aberrations 20/60, Uncommon, CG 9)
Avner Meravanchi (p.58): Valorous Prince (Deathknell 10/60, Rare, LG 48)
... OR Free League Ranger (Blood War 16/60, Common, CG 25)
Thunderstrike (p.58): Valiant Cavalry (Night Below 12/60, Rare, LG 32)
Urol Forol (p.59): Gnome Trickster (Blood War 17/60, Uncommon, CG 27)
Tavey Nesk (p.59): Delver Sergeant (Night Below 5/60, Common, LG 15)[/sblock]
[sblock=Dungeon 143: Tides of Dread]Dungeon 143: Tides of Dread
Part 1 - The Isle of Dread (Encounter Locations)
Very Old Green Dragon (p.32): Eternal Dragon (MacFarlane's Dragons Series 4)
... OR paint a spare Fiendish Tyrannosaurus green (Giants of Legend 68/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 122)
Brotherhood Scout x4? (p.35): Scarlet Brotherhood Monk (Giants of Legend 39/72, Common, LE 20)
Rakasta x0? (p.36): Catfolk Wilder (Deathknell 14/60, Uncommon, CG 28)
Emraag, Dragon Turtle (p.36): Bulette (Giants of Legend 67/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 57)

Part 2 - Raiders from Rat's End
Hilde Swenten (p.37): Greyhawk City Militia (Night Below 13/60, Common, Any G 13)
Hevrik Aldwattle (p.37): Sage (Archfiends 24/60, Common, Any 5)
Vesserin Catherly (p.38): Village Priest (Angelfire 12/60, Uncommon, LG 21)
Rat's End Pirates x6 max (x11 total) (p.38): Carrion Tribe Barbarian (Aberrations 48/60, Common, CE 12)
Ruby the Weaver (p.38): Cleric of Sune (Unhallowed 15/60, Uncommon, CG 34)
Anvil, Rat's End Pirate (p.38): Mercykiller (Blood War 40/60, Uncommon, LE 17)
Slipknot Peet (p.38): Blood of Vol Cultist (Blood War 29/60, Common, LE 18)

Part 3 - Zotzilaha's Wrath
Zotzilaha (p.43): Earth Elemental Gargoyle (Blood War 48/60, Uncommon, CE 23)
Fire Bats x7 (p.43): Fire Mephit (Unhallowed 52/60, Uncommon, CE 13)

Part 4 - A Trip to the Tar Pits
Temauhti-tecuani (p.46): Fiendish Tyrannosaurus (Giants of Legend 68/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 122)
Phanaton Tar-Gatherers x12 (p.47): Kobold Trapfinder (Night Below 35/60, Common, LE 10)
... OR Dark Creeper (Underdark 42/60, Common, CE 8)

Part 5 - Temple of the Jaguar
Emerald Anaconda (p.49): a rubber children's toy snake should do the trick
... OR Purple Worm (War of the Dragon Queen 21/60, Huge Uncommon, Any C 189)
Tonatiuh, Couatl (p.51): Couatl (Deathknell 2/60, Rare, LG 42)
... OR Giant Eagle (Night Below 18/60, Uncommon, CG 18)
... OR Lillend (Blood War 19/60, Rare, CG 44)

Part 6 - Reclaiming the Wyvern
Skephilipika (p.51): Half-Illithid Lizardfolk (Aberrations 34/60, Uncommon, LE 13)
... OR Cleric of Laogzed (WotDQ 43/60, Common, CE 30)
... OR Sahuagin Ranger (Aberrations 42/60, Uncommon, LE 15)
... OR Lizardfolk Rogue (Giants of Legend 35/72, Common, LE 16)
Bloodtooth, elasmosaurus (p.52): Purple Worm (War of the Dragon Queen 21/60, Huge Uncommon, Any C 189)
... OR Fiendish Tyrannosaurus (Giants of Legend 68/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 122)

Part 7 - Crimson Sunset
Crimson Fleet Pirates x7 max (x150 total) (p.53): ( /60, ommon, )
Flesh Golems x4 (p.54): Berserk Flesh Golem (Night Below 46/60, Rare, CE 47)
... OR Marid (Unhallowed 21/60, Uncommon, CG 46)
... OR Verdant Reaver (Night Below 22/60, Uncommon, CG 34)
V'sesslin (p.54): Yuan-ti Pureblood (Archfiends 60/60, Uncommon, CE 11)
... OR Yuan-ti Halfblood (Aberrations 60/60, Uncommon, CE 28)
Yuan-ti Halfbloods x3 (p.54): Yuan-ti Halfblood Sorcerer (WotDQ 60/60, Uncommon, CE 51)
Vrocks x3 (x6 max) (p.55): Vrock (Archfiends 58/60, Rare, CE 79)
... OR Giant Eagle (Night Below 18/60, Uncommon, CG 18)
Vanthus Vanderboren (dun dun dunnnn) (p.55): custom paint an Arcadian Avenger (Night Below 1/60, Uncommon, LG 31)
... OR Kapak Draconian (Dragoneye 34/60, Uncommon, LE 11)[/sblock]
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blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Dungeon 139: There Is No Honor
Part 2 - Trouble on the Blue Nixie
Vark's Thugs male x4 (p.19): Tavern Brawler (War of the Dragon Queen 17/60, Common, CG 4)
Vark's Thugs female x3 (p.19): Doomguard (Blood War 47/60, Common, CE 26)
Soller Vark (p.19): Cloudreaver (War of the Dragon Queen 44/60, Common, CE 6)
Rhagodessa x3 (p.20): Spider of Lolth (Underdark 57/60, Common, CE 9)

Part 3 - The Vanderboren Vault
Iron Cobra (p.22): Iron Cobra (Aberrations 36/60, Uncommon, LE 14)

Part 4 - Peril Under Parrot Island
Ravenous Zombie Pirate x3 max (x9) (p.28): Terror Wight (War Drums 41/60, Common, LE 20)
Veldimar Krund (p.28): Dread Warrior (War of the Dragon Queen 33/60, Common, LE 10)
Small Monstrous Crabs x5 (p.28): Mad Slasher (Aberrations 54/60, Uncommon, CE 9)

Part 5 - The Lotus and the Dragon
Lotus Dragon Thieves x7 max (x22) (p.31): Vampire Hunter (Unhallowed 11/60, Uncommon, Any G 18)
Nemien Roblach (p.32): Wizard Tactician (Underdark 24/60, Uncommon, CG 27)
Cruncher, worg (p.34): Hunting Hyena (War of the Dragon Queen 47/60, Common, CE 5)
Kersh Reftun (p.35): Prisoner (Night Below 40/60, Common, LE 5)
... OR Torturer (Unhallowed 45/60, Uncommon, LE 27)
Crocodile (p.35): Monitor Lizard (Underdark 29/60, Common, Any 6)
Ixitxachitls x6 (p.39): Darkmantle (Night Below 15/60, Common, Any 6)
Churtle (p.40): Kobold Sorcerer (Aberrations 38/60, Uncommon, LE 20)
Bugbear Zombie (p.41): Blood Ghost Berserker (War Drums 44/60, Uncommon, CE 37)
Rowyn Kellani (p.42): Cleric of Sune (Unhallowed 15/60, Uncommon, CG 34)
Gut Tugger (p.43): Crested Felldrake (Harbinger 19/80, Common, CG 5)
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blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Any comments on format before I get too far along on this thing? If you have alternate figure suggestions I'll add them on as well.

I'll start doing The Bullywug Gambit this afternoon.


First Post
My buddy just made me a Flotsam Ooze for SWW. It's awesome! Can't wait to spring it on my players, who ruthlessly scour my "recently painted" section of minis for spoilers... :mad:


Storminator said:
My buddy just made me a Flotsam Ooze for SWW. It's awesome! Can't wait to spring it on my players, who ruthlessly scour my "recently painted" section of minis for spoilers... :mad:


Your group does that also! LOL. I remember painting my Dragon Turtle when they were only level 3. They delayed game play for a while fearing they may see that beast at such an early level.

THis thread is intrigueing and I like it. Thank you for the idea and everyone working on it.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Dungeon 140: The Bullywug Gambit
Part 2 - Kraken's Cove
Savage monkeys x4 (p.16): Imp (Angelfire 43/60, Uncommon, LE 17)
Savage pirates x8 max (x16) (p.18): Gravetouched Ghoul (Unhallowed 53/60, Common, CE 23)
Kadmos the cook (p.19): Torturer (Unhallowed 45/60, Uncommon, LE 27)
Navesh Wyvernsting (p.20): Dragonwrought Kobold (War of the Dragon Queen 32/60, Uncommon, LE 11)
Ripclaw (p.23): Digester (Night Below 16/60, Uncommon, CG 39)
Violet Fungus (p.23): Myconid Guard (Aberrations 41/60, Common, LE 9)
Savage prisoners x11 (p.24): Prisoner (Night Below 40/60, Common, LE 5)
Savage krenshars x2 (p.24): Krenshar (Night Below 43/60, Uncommon, Any E 7)
Brissa Santos (p.26): Strahd Zombie (Unhallowed 44/60, Common, LE 20)
Captain Harliss Javell (p.27): Voice of Battle (Deathknell 25/60, Uncommon, CG 29)

Part 3 - The Wormfall Festival
Jilanth Turtoso (p.30): Halfling Brawler (Unhallowed 17/60, Common, CG 15)
Kurgol (p.30): Half-Orc Monk (Harbinger 33/80, Uncommon, Any L 17)
... OR Half-Orc Spy (Blood War 6/60, Uncommon, LG 26)
Worm's Revenge wagon (p.30): Nightwalker (Giants of Legend 72/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 393)
Diamondback (p.31): Dragonblade Ninja (Deathknell 17/60, Uncommon, CG 26)
Stiltwalkers x6 (p.32): Wand Expert (Angelfire 27/60, Uncommon, CG 33)

Part 4 - Frogs in the House
Trub Glorp Hunter x3 max (x13) (p.33): Bullywug Thug (Deathknell 48/60, Common, CE 4)
... OR Kuo-Toa Hunter (Night Below 54/60, Common, CE 9)
Mastiffs x3 (p.36): Timber Wolf (Deathknell 27/60, Common, Any 5)
Huntress Lorb-Lorb Tub (p.38): Bugbear Gang Leader (Unhallowed 48/60, Common, CE 23)
Kaskus Kiel (p.40): Dwarf Artificer (Deathknell 3/60, Uncommon, LG 21)
Chief Lorpth (p.41): Dark Talon Champion (Unhallowed 51/60, Common, CE 7)
Liamae Teslikaria (p.41): Wild Mage (Night Below 24/60, Uncommon, CG 29)
Chunkus, rust monster (p.41): Canoloth (Unhallowed 50/60, Uncommon, CE 24)
Drevoraz Kabran (p.44): Orc Raider (Archfiends 56/60, Common, CE 12)
... OR Orc Sergeant (Aberrations 57/60, Uncommon, CE 24)
Bua Gorg (p.44): Witchknife (War of the Dragon Queen 41/60, Uncommon, Any E 33)
Lavinia Vanderboren (p.44): Kalashtar Bodyguard (Night Below 9/60, Uncommon, LG 35)
... OR Elf Warmage (Blood War 5/60, Uncommon, LG 42)
Tolin Kientai (p.44): Assassin (Night Below 27/60, Uncommon, LE 29)
Zan Oldavin (p.45): Elf Stalker (Underdark 15/60, Uncommon, CG 15)
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blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Dungeon 141: The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Part 2 - Life on the Ocean Waves
Amella Venkalie (p.20): Sharn Cutthroat (Aberrations 20/60, Uncommon, CG 9)
The Sea Wyvern (p.21): How to Build Pirate Ships (pre-printed construction card set)
Conrad Horst (p.22): Village Priest (Angelfire 12/60, Uncommon, LG 21)
Avner Meravanchi (p.24): Valorous Prince (Deathknell 10/60, Rare, LG 48)
... OR Free League Ranger (Blood War 16/60, Common, CG 25)
Water Mephit (p.25): Air Mephit (Unhallowed 12/60, Uncommon, CG 13)
... OR Ice Mephit (Night Below 34/60, Uncommon, LE 13)
Blue Slaad (p.25): Blue Slaad (Giants of Legend 41/72, Rare, CE 50)
... OR Chraal (Angelfire 37/60, Uncommon, LE 35)
Skald (p.26): Wild Elf Raider (Angelfire 29/60, Common, CG 6)
Rowyn Kellani (p.27): Cleric of Sune (Unhallowed 15/60, Uncommon, CG 34)

Part 3 - The Voyage South
Urol Forol (p.28): Gnome Trickster (Blood War 17/60, Uncommon, CG 27)
Flotsam Ooze (p.30): just grab a bunch of crud and stick it in a 3"x3" square...
Lirith Veldirose (p.30): Spirit Folk Fighter (Underdark 23/60, Common, CG 19)
Lars "No-Neck" Helvur (p.32): Hero of Valhalla (Blood War 18/60, Common, CG 11)
Pirate x9 (p.32): Cloudreaver (War of the Dragon Queen 44/60, Common, CE 6)
Brotherhood Blockade ships x4 max (p.32): Pirates Constructible Strategy Game (Best sets: Spanish Main, Davy Jones' Curse, Ocean's Edge)
Aquatic Seven-Headed Hydra (p.33): Aspect of Tiamat (War of the Dragon Queen 24/60, Huge Rare, LE 352)
... OR Displacer Beast Pack Lord (War of the Dragon Queen 29/60, Huge Uncommon, LE 169)
Masher x2 max (p.36 & 46): Purple Worm (War of the Dragon Queen 21/60, Huge Uncommon, Any C 189)

Part 4 - Tamoachan
Basilisk (p.37): Basilisk (Giants of Legend 13/72, Uncommon, CG 27)
... OR Monitor Lizard (Underdark 29/60, Common, Any 6)
Gibbering Mouther (p.37): Gibbering Mouther (Aberrations 50/60, Rare, CE 26)
... OR Lemure (Giants of Legend 34/72, Common, LE 5)
Will-o'-Wisp (p.39): Living Flaming Sphere (Blood War 27/60, Uncommon, Any C 26)
Sutolore (p.40): Earth Elemental Gargoyle (Blood War 48/60, Uncommon, CE 23)

Part 5 - Sargasso
Assassin Vines x3 max (1 per horror) (p.43): Stormrage Shambler (Unhallowed 24/60, Uncommon, CG 72)
Vine Horrors x6 max (x1000) (p.44): Bloodhulk Fighter (Deathknell 46/60, Common, CE 27)
Mother of All (p.46): Treant (Giants of Legend 64/72, Huge Uncommon, CG 44)
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blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Dungeon 142: Here There Be Monsters
Part 1 - Terror Bird Jungle
Tyrannosaurus (p.35): Fiendish Tyrannosaurus (Giants of Legend 68/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 122)
Terror Birds x6 (p.37): Achaierai aka Dire Chicken (Aberrations 26/60, Rare, LE 29)
... OR Celestial Giant Owl (Unhallowed 2/60, Uncommon, LG 30)
Young Diplodocus (p.38): Bulette (Giants of Legend 67/72, Huge Uncommon, CE 57)
Lithira, female arenea (p.39): Warden of the Wood (War of the Dragon Queen 18/60, Uncommon, CG 46)
Lithira, spider form (p.39): Spider of Lolth (Underdark 57/60, Common, CE 9)
Lithira, hybrid form (p.39): Ettercap (Giants of Legend 47/72, Common, CE 11)
Spider Swarm (p.39): Swarm of Spiders (Underdark 58/60, Uncommon, CE 15)
Small Monstrous Spiders x4 (p.39): Mad Slasher (Aberrations 54/60, Uncommon, CE 9)
Medium Monstrous Spiders x3 (p.39): Spider of Lolth (Underdark 57/60, Common, CE 9)
Large Monstrous Spiders x2 (p.39): Large Monstrous Spider (Dragoneye 54/60, Rare, CE 11)
... OR Celestial Giant Stag Beetle (Blood War 2/60, Uncommon, LG 26)
Nest Mother (p.40): same as Terror Birds

Part 2 - Dark Mountain Pass
Gargantuan Monstrous Centipedes x2 (p.41): Behir (Giants of Legend 66/72, Rare, Any C 75)
... OR Purple Worm (War of the Dragon Queen 21/60, Huge Uncommon, Any C 189)
Mummies x3 (p.42): Mummy (Harbinger 51/80, Rare, LE 36)
... OR Deathlock (Deathknell 50/60, Common, CE 12)
Black Pudding (x# of splits) (p.43): get a black candle and melt into a pool 3"x3"x1"
... OR use a few Chaos Beasts (Night Below 56/60, Uncommon, CE 26)
Large Monstrous Crabs x3 (p.43): Ankheg (Underdark 30/60, Uncommon, CE 22)
... OR Celestial Giant Stag Beetle (Blood War 2/60, Uncommon, LG 26)

Part 3 - Cliffs of Dread
Gargoyles x4 (p.45): Earth Elemental Gargoyle (Blood War 48/60, Uncommon, CE 23)
Quotoctoa, Gargoyle Barbarian (p.46): Gargoyle (Dragoneye 52/60, Uncommon, CE 21)

Part 4 - Fogmire
Olangru, Bar-Lgura (p.49): War Ape (WotDQ 22/60, Common, CE 14)
Olangru's Mates x3 (p.50): Carnage Demon (Night Below 47/60, Common, CE 10)
Mob of Fiendish Baboons (p.54): use 4 Rat Swarms (Unhallowed 23/60, Uncommon, CG 17)
Ilzytik, Spirit naga (p.55): Bright Naga (Dragoneye 45/60, Rare, CE 15)
... OR Dark Naga (Underdark 33/60, Uncommon, LE 41)
Lemorian Golem (p.57 & 60): Aspect of Demogorgon (Archfiends 45/60, Rare, CE 101)
... OR Stormrage Shambler (Unhallowed 24/60, Uncommon, CG 72)

Appendix 1 - Shipwreck Survivors
Amella Venkalie (p.58): Sharn Cutthroat (Aberrations 20/60, Uncommon, CG 9)
Avner Meravanchi (p.58): Valorous Prince (Deathknell 10/60, Rare, LG 48)
... OR Free League Ranger (Blood War 16/60, Common, CG 25)
Thunderstrike (p.58): Valiant Cavalry (Night Below 12/60, Rare, LG 32)
Urol Forol (p.59): Gnome Trickster (Blood War 17/60, Uncommon, CG 27)
Tavey Nesk (p.59): Delver Sergeant (Night Below 5/60, Common, LG 15)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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