D&D (2024) "D&D Monster Manual 2025 is going to pack a serious punch thanks to a family of monsters descended from gods, and frankly I’m terrified"(Gamesradar)

We know at least some of the Titans in the book thanks to The Scroll of Titan Summoning.

Empyrean, Kraken, Tarrassque, Blob of Annihilation, Colessus, Animal Lords (Beast Lords or stuff like King Kong?).

One change to Empyreans I'd love to see, but doubt they did is make it like the Planar Incarnates in the sense of its creature type depends on Alignment, so Good Empyreans Celestials, Evil Fiends, and Neutral (on the Good vs Evil axis) would be Fey.

I think the Colessuses will be artifical Avatars that are build by worshippers, but possessed and powered by their Gods divinity, but I could be wrong.
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Just what we need, another aspect of MOAR POWER!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :devilish::cautious:o_O

So, D&D takes yet another turn for becoming Superheroes vs. God-like monsters. Wonderful... :rolleyes:

They should change the name for the next edition: Demi-gods and Destructors. ;)

It's a handful of stats for epic level PCs, there is still plenty of lower level creatures, including new ones.

They added these because there were so few monsters of very high level CR.

I'm A Banana

I want the new math SO bad!

I like that they're paying attention to higher CR monsters, too - higher level play needs some goosing.

And the new titans sound interesting. I was also a fan of 4e abominations, which are kind of in the same wheelhouse.

I do anticipate being a little disappointed in fighting skyscraper-sized creatures much like D&D tends to be disappointing in that I can stab it in the toes to death. But not sure phased fights against colossal beings is as convo the MM is ready to have yet. ;)


Just what we need, another aspect of MOAR POWER!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :devilish::cautious:o_O

So, D&D takes yet another turn for becoming Superheroes vs. God-like monsters. Wonderful... :rolleyes:

They should change the name for the next edition: Demi-gods and Destructors. ;)
If you have powerful high-level characters, those characters need powerful high-level monsters. The 2014 MM was fairly lacking in that regard – both in the number of theoretically high-CR monsters, and in the quality of those monsters. I looked up a list of monsters by CR in the 2014 MM, and about 25% of them have a CR below 1, another 25% CR 1-2, and then about 1/6 each of CR 3-5, 6-11, and 12+ (and the CR 12+ monsters are made up of about 1/3 dragons). So adding some variety to the high-level monsters is very welcome.


Just what we need, another aspect of MOAR POWER!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :devilish::cautious:o_O

So, D&D takes yet another turn for becoming Superheroes vs. God-like monsters. Wonderful... :rolleyes:

They should change the name for the next edition: Demi-gods and Destructors. ;)
People complain how there is a lack of high level challenges for PCs over 10th level.

WotC creates more epic monsters.

People: surprised Pikachu face.

Seriously, go play Middle Earth 5e and have fun slaughtering orcs for 20 levels.


Just what we need, another aspect of MOAR POWER!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :devilish::cautious:o_O

So, D&D takes yet another turn for becoming Superheroes vs. God-like monsters. Wonderful... :rolleyes:

They should change the name for the next edition: Demi-gods and Destructors. ;)
They aren't going to depower PCs and higher level monsters have never been as tough as they should have been.

Interesting that they aren't upping the power level much below 5 which is what we've seen with things like ogres.


Get off my lawn!
Seriously, go play Middle Earth 5e and have fun slaughtering orcs for 20 levels.
Why? I can keep doing that in 5E... 🤷‍♂️ I'm about to have our 8th-level party get its collective butts kicked by gnolls... why would I need "ubermonsters"?

(Psst... or you can go play Marvel Superheroes and be done with it...? Just cut out the middle-man and have your superhero from the get-go. ;) )

They aren't going to depower PCs and higher level monsters have never been as tough as they should have been.
More's the pity, on both points. :(

So adding some variety to the high-level monsters is very welcome.
Making a game world where common-folk would never live long enough to make create civilizations or such.

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