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D&D 5E D&D Retropective: 5e ends not with a bang, but a whimper

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Articles like this seem like mostly clickbait. I agree with some, disagree with others. As an example, AI art? Everyone that publishes anything with art is struggling with that and WOTC has taken a strong stance banning it after they realized they had purchased something that had been "enhanced" by AI art. They didn't knowingly include it in the first place but ... "Wizards missed the memo [on AI art being bad]". :rolleyes:

Everything else is just rehashing stuff that's been beaten to death.


The only interesting thing was them not including the DMG and MM in the 2024 lineup, because apparently WotC only specifically mentioned the PHB for 2024. I expected all three in 2024

Yeah, I know, that is a link from the article, but the original article itself is just a rehash with a negative slant.


The only interesting thing was them not including the DMG and MM in the 2024 lineup, because apparently WotC only specifically mentioned the PHB for 2024. I expected all three in 2024

Yeah, I know, that is a link from the article, but the original article itself is just a rehash with a negative slant.
That seems more likely to me than the silly mistake that made people believe that we'd get all three core books in May. Crawford & Perkins even said that the 50th Anniversary would stretch into 2025, but they didn't say in what way - one or two of the core books would explain it. Plus, that jives with what they said earlier about how difficult it was to line up the print runs of the core books at the printers (apparently the print runs will be VAST).

I suspect that their intentions are to release them all by the end of the year, but they're not sure if it will be possible, which is why they're not advertising release dates yet. They just don't know.


The amount of addspace on that site is what 80- 90%. I could not even focus on the article with the amount of popping up things and banners. I had to close it.

I'm holding out hope for 2024 to be something I want and am excited by. There has been a few products that I was excited by and then disappointed by, like Phandelvar obelisks book. The new schedule does not seem to excite me with Vecna likely be world spanning or Infinite Staircase being Planescape. Lost Caverns might be cool with a new scoring system for play and may be some one-shots. We will see when things get closer.


Good gods, that website is horrific with advertising! Hard to read the article, and I feel like should immediately empty my cache.

There we go.

Okay, so this is another clickbait article that buries the lead* in order to get at the writer's predictable opinion and uses a clickbait title to bring eyes to a website that is basically all advertising. Journalism this is not. (*yes, I know some folks prefer lede and I also know why that term was invented and it hasn't been relevant for decades).

I'm just tired of all the threads on this sub-forum that exist to yuck other people's yum. I like D&D, 5e. I'm excited for the upcoming changes, particularly as my current main is a monk. I'm not mad at WotC. I have a much worse opinion of a number of other companies in this industry, but I don't spam those sub-forums with negative threads. It's a drag. And yes, I use the ignore feature pretty liberally, and these types of thread are why.

I dunno. I just don't get the pleasure in rooting against other people having a good time. And we already have dozens of versions of this thread: "Some random person on the internets is repeating the same tired attacks on D&D5e."

I think online culture is largely doomer these days, and for no reason.

5E wasn't a bad game. It isn't dying. It's transforming after 10 years of play, as most itterative things will. Now we have 5E 2, Kobold 5E, like three other 5E's, EnWorld 5E, etc. And the new edition doesn't look bad. It looks like a straight upgrade on 5E, even if some core problems are sticking around.

I think in RPGs, people get in this mode of thinking that games aren't good because they aren't perfect. Or because a publisher doesn't fix the game in the """right way""" the game must be bad. This isn't to excuse mistakes by WotC, of which there are many, and their conservative design ethos is pretty bad IMO, but the game is good, D&D24 looks good, and there is no whimper of things ending.


I think online culture is largely doomer these days, and for no reason.

heh there is plenty of reason.

That said in regards to 5e? I see no real reason to be. If you like 5e now, you either have a plethora of options that are still playing in the 5e space (including bloody 5e itself) or you walk into the minor upgrade/sidegrade whatever, that is coming in 2024.

As for the rest of the online 'culture' yes, a doomer outlook is the only appropriate one. ;)

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