D&D (2024) What is your preferred naming for the 2014 and 2024 versions of D&D?

What is your preferred naming for the 2014 and 2024 versions of D&D?

  • 3e-like naming: 2014 version is 5.0(e), 2024 version is 5.5(e)

    Votes: 37 34.6%
  • SRD-based naming: 2014 version is 5.0, 2024 version is 5.2

    Votes: 14 13.1%
  • Year-based naming (with e): 2014 version is 5e14 (or 5e2014), 2024 version is 5e24 (or 5e2024)

    Votes: 17 15.9%
  • Year-based naming (with dot): 2014 version is 5.14, 2024 version is 5.24

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • PF2-like naming: 2014 version is 5e, 2024 version is 5e revised/5eR or Revised 5e/R5e

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • Anniversary naming: 2014 version is 5e, 2024 version is 5ae (anniversary ed.) or 50e (50 year ed.)

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Movie-like naming: 2014 version is D&D (2014), 2024 version is D&D (2024)

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • Old and new: 2014 version is old 5e, 2024 version is new 5e

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • Year prefix: 2014 version is 2014 D&D, 2024 version is 2024 D&D

    Votes: 6 5.6%

AE as in Advanced Edition? In what way is 2024 D&D a more advanced version of 2014 D&D? It's more like 3.5 in that it is a revision of what's already in 5e. It would need something more to earn the word advance in its' title.

Besides there already is a 5e-adjacent RPG that IMO has earned the use of that word. 😋
AE as in "Anniversary Edition." The harkening back is a soft allusion.

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They are making new books with information directly replacing the old ones. You always have to compare. Every time someone says "5e" you now need to ask which one they're talking about. And that assumes you're talking about one of the WotC ones...
I plan on going with the updates. So, normally "5e" means "2024", except "2014" might happen for retro.

You do you, but I refuse to put more important on one version of something just because it's the newest.
I tend to like most of the 2024 updates. Also, I appreciate products that have continuing support, which 2024 has. I anticipate 5e indy products will use 2024.

I tend to like most of the 2024 updates. Also, I appreciate products that have continuing support, which 2024 has. I anticipate 5e indy products will use 2024.
A lot of them, yes, unfortunately IMO. That's the number one reason I have been pushing for 5.5 to be considered a new edition, because most of the 3pp designers I love will jump on the bandwagon.

Thank goodness Level Up has its own community of designers that won't feel beholden to WotC's design whims for their livelihood.

A lot of them, yes, unfortunately IMO. That's the number one reason I have been pushing for 5.5 to be considered a new edition, because most of the 3pp designers I love will jump on the bandwagon.

Thank goodness Level Up has its own community of designers that won't feel beholden to WotC's design whims for their livelihood.
As far as you can tell, will Level Up update for 2024?

Consider me an outlier on ENWorld, I guess, because I'm fine with any of the options listed in the OP other than 5.5. I don't think 3.5 was a good name 20+ years ago, and I don't think it's a naming convention that ought to be repeated. Neither does WotC - because they've never used it again after that once. A large chunk of the community seems fixated on it, though. We had the same "x.5" argument when "4e Essentials" came out and tons of people wanted to call it 4.5.

For the life of me, I will never understand why so many people fixate on a late-90's/early oughts software naming convention.

WotC only named 3.5 that for two reasons: 1) The convention was buzzword in the software industry; AND 2) They had started working on what would have been 4e, but they were nowhere near finished. Hence, the idea that they were "halfway there". They rushed 3.5 out. As good and popular as that edition was, it was quite literally "half-baked".

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