D&D 5E Not upgrading? What version of D&D 5e are you sticking with?

Which version of D&D 5e are you playing (see post of explanation)

  • 5.0 (PHB - Tashas)

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • 5.1 (Post Tashas)

    Votes: 23 37.7%

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The poll results aren't surprising, but as always, keep in mind that folks on this board represent a tiny fraction of the player base.

The majority of people will be switching to 2024.
Correct in both. My theory was that the holdouts weren't going to say "nah, I got Tasha's, that is good enough." Most not going forward are going to reject the post Tasha changes altogether.

The poll results aren't surprising, but as always, keep in mind that folks on this board represent a tiny fraction of the player base.

The majority of people will be switching to 2024.
I'm still not convinced the majority of people are going to re-buy their core books for the 5.5 changes, even if they have no problem with them. $150 is not a small amount of money for a (relatively) small compatible update. What are you really getting for your money?

If I don't buy the 3 2024 core books, but I DO buy the next Xanathar's/Tasha's style crunch book, what category would I fall into?

(To be clear, if the new crunch book is just rehashing of previous subclasses, I won't buy it; if it has a large amount of new material, I will.)

I think this is most people 🤔
I voted pre-Tasha's, but I won't NOT use something that I like out of later books... There's just a lot less in later books that I like.

I'm sure there are some blanket ban people, and it's probably for simplicity- it's a bigger PITA to have a specific list of all the things allowed from amongst all the books, it's easier to say "you can use these three books for characters."
Still, I didn't see that many people saying "I won't allow stuff from pre/post books even if I like it."
Yeah. I don't bother to list things. Instead I just tell the player to ask me if there's something from a book that they want to use from Tasha's or later.

I'm still not convinced the majority of people are going to re-buy their core books for the 5.5 changes, even if they have no problem with them. $150 is not a small amount of money for a (relatively) small compatible update. What are you really getting for your money?
I have no idea if it will be a majority. But never underestimate FOMO as a reason for people to buy something. I have at least 3 players who have bought the 2024 PHB even though no one is using it.

I'm still not convinced the majority of people are going to re-buy their core books for the 5.5 changes, even if they have no problem with them. $150 is not a small amount of money for a (relatively) small compatible update. What are you really getting for your money?
$150 is a rather small amount compared to comparable hobbies. Especially for books that you will use for a decade. $150 won't buy you a competitive Magic deck, it barely starts you out in Warhammer, it won't buy you a decent music instrument, PC or video game console, or paint supplies. It is slightly more than a good dinner and a movie for a family of four!

I mean, I get times are hard and people struggle, but I don't think $150 is an undue hardship for a game that will entertain you for years. Especially if you do like the changes they made.

$150 is a rather small amount compared to comparable hobbies. Especially for books that you will use for a decade. $150 won't buy you a competitive Magic deck, it barely starts you out in Warhammer, it won't buy you a decent music instrument, PC or video game console, or paint supplies. It is slightly more than a good dinner and a movie for a family of four!

I mean, I get times are hard and people struggle, but I don't think $150 is an undue hardship for a game that will entertain you for years. Especially if you do like the changes they made.
I think about all the hobbies I’ve had over the years and $150 is really nothing compared to how much I’ve dropped in them, particularly starting out, and that’s before you get into the whole “how much value do I get out of each per unit thing I bought” which I still think is much, much higher for TTRPGs than it is for say, comic book collecting (as just a single example.)

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