D&D (2024) 2024 edition questions

*Excluding Critical Damage

Vengeance Paladin - Shortsword and Scimitar with vex and nick, 17 Str at level 1

Note: Divine Favor is a single bonus action and doesn't require concentration in 2024. Also for levels 1-3 you won't be using a bonus action due to nick. At level 4 you will pick up dual wielder and that gives you one more bonus action attack.

Level 1
Attack 1

Shortsword +3.5
Strength Mod +3
Divine Favor +2.5
Damage = 9

Attack 2
Scimitar +3.5
Divine Favor +2.5
Damage = 6

60% Attack 1
74.4% Attack 2

DPR without Divine Favor = 6.5
DPR with Divine Favor = 9.9

Level 3
Attack x2

Shortsword +3.5
Strength Mod +3
Divine Favor +2.5
Damage = 9

84% (Vow of Enmity - can move to other creatures now)

DPR without Divine Favor = 10.9
DPR with Divine Favor = 15.1

Level 5 (Dual Wielder Feat)
Attack x4

Shortsword +3.5
Strength Mod +4
Divine Favor +2.5
Damage = 10

84% (Vow of Enmity - can move to other creatures now)

DPR without Divine Favor = 25.2
DPR with Divine Favor = 33.6

Level 11 (Dual Wielder Feat)
Attack x4

Shortsword +3.5
Strength Mod +5
Divine Favor +2.5
Radiant Strikes +4.5
Damage = 15.5

84% (Vow of Enmity - can move to other creatures now)

DPR without Divine Favor = 43.7
DPR with Divine Favor = 52.1

Level 17 (Dual Wielder Feat)
Attack x4

Shortsword +3.5
Strength Mod +5
Divine Favor +2.5
Radiant Strikes +4.5
Damage = 15.5

Soul of Vengance (reaction attack when vow of enmity enemy attacks or misses with attack roll)
Shortsword +3.5
Strength Mod +5
Divine Favor +2.5
Radiant Strikes +4.5
Damage = 15.5

84% (Vow of Enmity - can move to other creatures now)

DPR without Divine Favor = 43.7
DPR with Divine Favor = 52.1
DPR with Divine Favor and Soul of Vengance = 65.1

*GWM paladin is also similar but relies more on smites
*Also of note is that for hard fights you can use hunters mark along with divine favor. Early on it probably eats too many slots, but when facing a big solo it can easily be worth doing.
*Also early on the Paladin may not be able to output this kind of damage more than 2-3 encounters per day. By level 5 he should be good to go 4+.

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Also of note, AOE damage has improved as well.

Moonbeam you can sweep over enemies now and they all take damage when it moves through them. (once on your turn). Then if an enemy is restrained you can also sit it on top of them so they take damage at the end of their turn as well.

Spirit Guardians you can move on your turn then reaction move and any enemy you move spirit guardians over twice this way will take damage twice since it's limit is per turn.

Druid has a similar level 4 spell (forget the name). Also Druid conjure animals makes a solid movable AOE zone as well.

Not to mention all the forced movement skills in the game now to manuever enemies back into damage zones.

Well, we hooked another one!!!

My friend found a Starter kit boxed set at Wally World, and gave it to his gf's 12 year old for Christmas. Boy was he excited! Can't wait to get a game going.


As for me, I spent the day poring over Volo's, researching gnolls, Orcs, and goblins- looking for a nasty surprise to pull on my players. I was hoping to find a way to add spellcaster levels to a Gnoll, but after reading the fluff, I had other ideas: just put together a Gnoll warband, and send them out on a rampage. Either as an unlucky encounter when wandering about, or as a mission given to deal with a threat to a town. in the process, they stumble upon the REAL adventure.

Loved the random tables to put together a warband, complete with friends. I rolled up a 48 member band, inc a war leader, 2 hunters, two fangs, 2 flesh gnawers, 24 gnolls, 16 hyenas, and a troll. A pretty stout challenge for anyone, lol.

Nasty, how they can cannibalize their own- and create undead from their bones. even nastier, how they can create new gnolls out of the corpses of their enemies, and a hyena.

My friend suggested a Tiefling Warlock, with gnoll heritage, instead of human, and a demon patron- like Demogorgon. Just in case I wanted a spellcasting BBEG.

I'm now kinda interested in getting the new Monster Manual- just to see how they upped the ante!

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