For those of you who have the new books, I have a couple of questions.
Was talking to my friend and long time DM yesterday. He just got the books, and is in the middle of planning and writing some adventures.
We got talking about classes, and Clerical Domains. I'm planning on DM'ing a 5E game (2014), myself and was ruminating on possibly adding a couple things from Tasha's- inc the domains. At the mention of domains, he about lost his marbles. Talking about nerfing the hell out of them, making the features 1 use/day, and that we would have to roll to see if our god allowed us to use that power. Along with ranting about how characters now were essentially LOLtoons... I'm looking in my Phb, and scratching my head wondering what the eff he was freaked out about. to say I was confused would be an understatement.
Then it dawned on me: he has the New edition. I have the old one. We aren't speaking the same language, lol. This should make game day fun... NOT.
So, my question is: Did they really buff the classes that much?? There's nothing I can find in any of the clerical domains I looked at that gives me pause as a DM- esp not at first level. Definitely not of a level that would make anyone a SUPERCHARACTERRRRRRR!!!!!!
FWIW, he also complained about how weak some monsters were, Dragons in particular. Giving him the impression that ROFLStomps were likely. I tried talking him down, but...
I mean, I understand that the target new audience has a very different relationship with "Fantasy" than old geezers like us. And that video games- esp multi-player online games- play a much bigger role in their lives than ours. So naturally they'd want to make a product that appealed to them, and had a playstyle they were used to. But his reaction seemed a bit extreme, lol.
It made it seem as if the difference between the 2 versions was more akin to 3e vs 4e, than a mid life upgrade/edit.
Just for "insurance" purposes, I went ahead and bought extra copies of the 2014 rules on EBay. 1 to give him as a gift (a boxed set!), and 2 extra Phb's for players to use at my table.
Was talking to my friend and long time DM yesterday. He just got the books, and is in the middle of planning and writing some adventures.
We got talking about classes, and Clerical Domains. I'm planning on DM'ing a 5E game (2014), myself and was ruminating on possibly adding a couple things from Tasha's- inc the domains. At the mention of domains, he about lost his marbles. Talking about nerfing the hell out of them, making the features 1 use/day, and that we would have to roll to see if our god allowed us to use that power. Along with ranting about how characters now were essentially LOLtoons... I'm looking in my Phb, and scratching my head wondering what the eff he was freaked out about. to say I was confused would be an understatement.
Then it dawned on me: he has the New edition. I have the old one. We aren't speaking the same language, lol. This should make game day fun... NOT.
So, my question is: Did they really buff the classes that much?? There's nothing I can find in any of the clerical domains I looked at that gives me pause as a DM- esp not at first level. Definitely not of a level that would make anyone a SUPERCHARACTERRRRRRR!!!!!!
FWIW, he also complained about how weak some monsters were, Dragons in particular. Giving him the impression that ROFLStomps were likely. I tried talking him down, but...
I mean, I understand that the target new audience has a very different relationship with "Fantasy" than old geezers like us. And that video games- esp multi-player online games- play a much bigger role in their lives than ours. So naturally they'd want to make a product that appealed to them, and had a playstyle they were used to. But his reaction seemed a bit extreme, lol.
It made it seem as if the difference between the 2 versions was more akin to 3e vs 4e, than a mid life upgrade/edit.
Just for "insurance" purposes, I went ahead and bought extra copies of the 2014 rules on EBay. 1 to give him as a gift (a boxed set!), and 2 extra Phb's for players to use at my table.