D&D 5E Not upgrading? What version of D&D 5e are you sticking with?

Which version of D&D 5e are you playing (see post of explanation)

  • 5.0 (PHB - Tashas)

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • 5.1 (Post Tashas)

    Votes: 23 37.7%

Assuming I resume running D&D (more likely to experiment with other systems for a while), 5.0 would be the default assumption. But I wouldn't deny players access to 5.1 material if they wanted it. (Though there may be modifications, depending on what sort of 5.0 game - for example, if feats are out, that affects late 5.1 backgrounds.)

Mind, our previous 5e campaign used a lot of 3P and homebrew options, so those would certainly be considerations as well.

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I see a lot of people saying they do or don't allow anything Tasha's and after, but I don't do that. If I like something, it gets allowed in. If I don't, it doesn't. Some Tasha's is cool. Some isn't. Some Fizban's is cool. Some isn't. It doesn't make sense to me to blanket ban books unless there's nothing at all that I like.

While the new stuff looks cool, I'll still be using 5.0. There are some parts that are promising in 5.1, but not enough to shell out money for the new editions. If anything is good enough to add in to the game/campaigns, it'll probably only be as house rules to benefit the players or to streamline turns.

If I like something, it gets allowed in. If I don't, it doesn't. Some Tasha's is cool. Some isn't. Some Fizban's is cool. Some isn't. It doesn't make sense to me to blanket ban books unless there's nothing at all that I like.
I think this is most people 🤔
I voted pre-Tasha's, but I won't NOT use something that I like out of later books... There's just a lot less in later books that I like.

I'm sure there are some blanket ban people, and it's probably for simplicity- it's a bigger PITA to have a specific list of all the things allowed from amongst all the books, it's easier to say "you can use these three books for characters."
Still, I didn't see that many people saying "I won't allow stuff from pre/post books even if I like it."

While the new stuff looks cool, I'll still be using 5.0. There are some parts that are promising in 5.1, but not enough to shell out money for the new editions. If anything is good enough to add in to the game/campaigns, it'll probably only be as house rules to benefit the players or to streamline turns.
I think you misunderstood the question. 5.0 means pre-Tashas, 5.1 is post-Tashas.

1. Damage to favored foes. This is based on the giant-class opponents from AD&D and all you have to do is add proficiency bonus to damage. Done.
I say take a page outta the 2024 ranger in that regard. You get the perks of Hunter's Mark applied automatically to your favoured foes. If you want that bonus against everyone else, then that's a Hunter's Mark spell following normal spellcasting/slot rules.

For my Spelljammer campaign we use Pre-Tasha and then all the spells from Level Up, some Supply and Travel and Fatigue rules, so we've already been playing a sort of "Advanced" version for a while and it works well (the Monster Menagerie is also exceptionally good). When this campaign is done I don't know what I will do. D&D 2024 looks fine...but it's still just D&D. It's not anything different than what we've been playing. I want to try some DCC or 13th Age or Pulp Cthulhu, not more of the same, at least not for a while, take a break from D&D and come back eventually.

Ok the votes are sufficient that it's time to reveal my hypothesis.

5.1 is a transition period. WotC was experimenting with new rules that would eventually become much of the 5.2 design changes. Thus it made sense to me that if you preferred the Type of changes Tasha and later made (custom ASI, level 1 feats) you'd be more inclined either keep going to 5.2 or to an adjacent system (like Tales of the Valiant) which made similar changes. Whereas if you did not like those design choices, you would return back to stock 5.0. Eventually, you won't see much 5.1 era games, people will either upgrade to the never things or curate them back.

Now obviously there will be exceptions. People will mix and match and build chimeras probably more often than not. But I think as time moves on both camps will become a bit more solidified and 5.1 will functionally cease to be played and 5.0 and 5.2 becoming the division line.

The poll results aren't surprising, but as always, keep in mind that folks on this board represent a tiny fraction of the player base.

The majority of people will be switching to 2024.

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