D&D General D&D Survivor: Forgotten Realms Nations

Achea 20
Aglarond 20
Akanul 20
Amn 20
Bawa 20
Bertan 20
Blade Kingdoms 20
Calimshan 20
Chessenta 20
Chondath 20
Cormyr 20
Damara 20
Dambrath 20
Deep Imaskar 20
Durpar 20
Estagund 20
Netheril 20
Var the Golden 20
Ezlkazar 20
Evereska 20
Evermeet 20
Halruaa 20
Hartsvale 20
Impiltur 20
Lantan 20
Lapaiiya & Tharsult 20
Lords Alliance (Swordcoast City States) 20
Luiren 20
Moonshae Isles 20
Mulhorand 20
Murghom 20
Semphar 20
Narfell 20
Nimbral 20
Rashemen 20
Samarach 20
Thindol 20
Tashlar 20
Sembia 20
Sespech 20
Sossal 20
Tethyr 20
Thay 20
Thesk 20
Turmish 20
Tymanther 20
Ulgarth 20
Parsanic 20
Doegan 20
Edenvale 20
Konigheim 20
Koung Kingdom 20
Koyro 20
Kozakura 20
Leothan 20
Purang 20
Underholme 20
Unther 20
Vesperin 20
Tabot 20
Threskel 20
Tu Lung 20
Shou Lung 20
Wa 20
Zakhara 20

There are more FR nations, but I thought this was more then enough.

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