D&D 5E D&D Website Redesign (And a Tyranny of Dragons Teaser Video)


Demon Lord
Guess I will try and with Firefox I use chrome.

It works in Chrome as well. IE too. All browsers will let ya right-click and Save As or Save Image As. You can also do it on the pic that was posted. Left-click it to open in its own tab, right-click it. Save.

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First Post
This is a nice page:


(yes, I am going to just keep posting links in the thread)

I'm glad you did. What a fantastic monster section that is. Really evocative.

And this female dwarf is the best



That kobold is the best of old and new

it evokes the oldschool AD&D kobolds and merges it with the 3rd edition take.

love it

dont know why the owlbear has a skull snout thou


Is the female Ranger displaying some bare midriff?
Not only that but the same art is used as an illustration for the female ranger Talon, whose background info says she is from Icewind Dale. Somehow I don't think she'd be dressing like that even in summertime in the dale.

Also, what's up with the owlbear/krenshar cross?


First Post
I am loving the artwork for 5ed but none of it more than the new Monster art.

I read an article on Wizards from a year or two ago about the progression of the design of the kobold where they looked at the changes over time from the original descriptions through the different editions artwork, minis etc and how they were going back to the some older descriptions and evolving the feel from there to suit the newer edition.
I love how it turned out.

Also absolutely LOVE every monster in the banner image.
The Orc, Gnoll, Ogre, Troll and the Illithid are flat out fantastic.

Interesting to note that only one of the three Owlbear images have that skeletal maw, the others have beaks as they "should".

Edit: It's also interesting that the Drow listing is in the Monsters section, the artwork in the Races banner image. Not meaningful, just interesting.


Interesting to note that only one of the three Owlbear images have that skeletal maw, the others have beaks as they "should".
I tweeted Mike about it and Greg replied: "Looks like just a piece of concept art that got picked up. Thanks for bringing it to our attention."


If people were worried about D&D art becoming too family friendly or "PC", there's a pic of a bosomy lich that's, like, five different kinds of wrong.



First Post
If people were worried about D&D art becoming too family friendly or "PC", there's a pic of a bosomy lich that's, like, five different kinds of wrong.

Except that that's Valindra Shadowmantle from the online game by ARC (or whoever), and came out before the new 5e art, so may not be representative of 5e art.
Still I guess like the Owlbear some art is going to be taken from outside of the pieces specifically commissioned for 5e?
Same would go for the Ranger named Talon from Ten Towns, it sounds VERY much like the character was developed for the latest expansion of the online game.

Edit: I mean to say that the artwork for Valindra is from the game, obviously the character came from the Salvatore books first.

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